Saving lives and protecting people on the move

Under objective one, IOM will focus on alleviating suffering, while upholding the dignity and rights of conflict and disaster affected populations in Myanmar, irrespective of their sex, gender, age, race, ethnicity or disability, while at the same time contributing to the reduction of vulnerabilities and threats through humanitarian protection activities. As such, IOM will provide multi-sectoral humanitarian assistance, including shelter and non-food items, camp coordination and camp management support, mental health and psychosocial support, emergency health, protection and data collection and analysis, to support the most vulnerable individuals and communities in conflict and disaster-affected areas in line with the Humanitarian Needs and Response Plan (HNRP) for Myanmar. IOM will rapidly respond to emergencies and sudden displacement situations through the provision of life-saving assistance and support to empower and build capacity for in- country partners. Assistance will be provided directly as well as through engagement with local implementing partners and with meaningful consultation, active participation and diverse representation of community members, including with youth and women. Using a conflict sensitive approach, IOM particularly aims to support those who have been recently displaced, those who have been displaced multiple times and those who have yet to receive assistance through partnerships with local and national partners and direct implementation wherever feasible.
Driving solutions to displacement

Under objective two, IOM will contribute to minimizing the adverse drivers and structural factors of displacement, fragility and conflict, promote recovery, self-reliance and resilience of affected communities, and support reintegration of returning populations, including through supporting the provision of essential services and the reestablishment of livelihoods. As such, IOM will support the social cohesion and resilience of crisis-affected mobile populations including IDPs, returnees, host communities and other vulnerable population groups, as well as migrants in vulnerable situations and the communities sending and/or receiving them, irrespective of their sex, gender, age, race, ethnicity or disability, including through the provision of disaster risk reduction, recovery and resilience programmes, supporting access to climate-resilient livelihoods, and providing MHPSS and protection services to those recovering from crises. In line with the UNTCF, IOM plans to provide multiple levels of support, at the structural, community and individual levels, applying IOM’s integrated approach to reintegration, to increase access to services, social cohesion and livelihoods. IOM plans to provide livelihoods assistance in various forms including vocational trainings and skills development, based on identified priorities and available value chains, particularly in locations with protracted displacement and/or where conflict dynamics are relatively stable.
Facilitating pathways for regular migration

IOM will support the management of migration flows and cross-border mobility with measures to ensure well-being, including health, security and safety throughout the mobility continuum, through continuous support to MRCs, civil society, community-based migration and development groups, private sector partners and cross-border coordination mechanisms to ensure services and information are provided without disruption, in the absence of functioning state institutions at the moment. Migrants and other populations have been significantly affected by conflict, natural hazards and worsening socioeconomic situation, which has increased pressure to resort to unsafe migration. Despite the challenging country context, and as the situation allows, IOM will seek opportunities for partnerships and implementation of labour migration as a solution and alternative to irregular migration. In parallel, IOM will undertake activities to ensure that migrants are accepted into society, both as individuals and as a group, and protected from violence, exploitation and abuse, by continuing to build the resilience of communities to respond to increasing risks of smuggling, trafficking and exploitation, while supporting vulnerable mobile populations, who are often returning to situations of conflict and crisis, with safe return and reintegration support. Further, IOM will facilitate inter-agency referrals and coordination to ensure international migrants stranded or trafficked in Myanmar, specifically those trafficked for forced criminality in the scam centres, which have flourished due to conflict and insecurity, are detected and assisted in a timely manner, with immediate protection and return and reintegration services as appropriate to their specific needs. Analyses and evidence-based advocacy materials will be developed based on IOM interventions, to promote better understanding of the specific situation and challenges of these migrants, and to help their reintegration in the societies of return.

The map used here is for illustration purposes only. Names and boundaries do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by IOM.
Figures are as of 31 December 2023. For more details of IOM's operational capacity in country, please see the IOM Capacity section.