IOM Vision
IOM Iraq strives to save lives, alleviate suffering and maintain human dignity in Iraq through supporting the safe and dignified living conditions for people in displacement, while supporting progress towards durable solutions tailored to local needs and priorities, based on robust data and analysis. IOM will continue to support the Government and civil society actors to create conditions for the revitalization, stabilization, peacebuilding and reform of social, economic and political life.
Saving lives and protecting people on the move
Within IOM’s purview, humanitarian support will be needed for three population groups: (1) populations who remain in displacement, including IDPs blocked from returning, unwilling or unable to return and unsuccessful returnees. The majority of IDPs in acute need will be out-of-camp, especially in the context of further camp consolidation and closure processes conducted and announced by the Government of Iraq; those remaining in camps will be those with severe barriers to return and still be in need of assistance; (2) vulnerable host communities in areas of displacement and communities of return where services are inadequate or overstretched; and (3) IDPs who have returned, but are facing severe conditions such as residual insecurity, damage to properties and public infrastructure, limited access to services and livelihood opportunities, and fractured social relations. With the evolving context in Syria, IOM will also support refugees in need of urgent assistance in Iraq. For more details, see IOM's Syria Regional Refugee & Resilience Plan 2021.
IOM will implement CCCM activities in close collaboration with the government in both camps and out-of-camp settings, and provide support to the Iraq CCCM Cluster with co-coordination responsibilities. IOM will:
- Provide camp management support to government camp management actors, facilitating coordination with service providers, partners, IDP community representatives and authorities;
- Ensure direct camp management of Jad’ah 5 camp;
- Set-up and strengthen governance and inclusive community participation structures in camps and out-of-camp settings;
- Collect, analyse and disseminate information, assess gaps, monitor protection risks and conduct service monitoring;
- Implement camp care and maintenance, and upgrade infrastructure;
- Implement Mobile Camp Management to informal sites, including assessment and evaluation of living conditions, risks, gaps and needs; monitoring service providers in the area, establishing governance structures and inclusive community consultations, and implementing protection risk reduction and upgrading infrastructure;
- Provide capacity-building and coaching to the government, committees and partners;
- Establish and run inclusive and accessible Accountability, Information, Feedback and Referral Mechanisms in and out of camp.
In addition, IOM will work with authorities and humanitarian and transition actors to advocate for planned and principled camps closure and consolidation processes, to ensure voluntary and informed decisions by IDPs. IOM will monitor and help coordinate assistance to IDPs in secondary displacement due to camp closure processes, and proper decommissioning of camps when required.
IOM will support the provision of comprehensive primary health care services to conflict-affected IDPs, returnees and host communities in camps, in informal displacement sites and in areas of return, including:
- Supporting PHC clinics in camps and out-of-camp settings, through provision of staff, medical supplies and equipment, and offering transportation services for non-emergency and emergency cases;
- Providing treatment of acute illnesses, immunization, reproductive and maternal and child health, and management of non-communicable diseases;
- Establishing referral system for individuals requiring specialized care, including survivors of GBV, those facing protection issues or in need of MHPSS assistance;
IOM will keep responding to the COVID-19 outbreak, through:
- Supporting the continuation of essential services at PHC facilities through COVID-19 screening and triage, referrals, capacity building on infection prevention and control, and the provision of essential medical commodities including personal protective equipment;
- Providing equipment for COVID-19 management to secondary health care facilities, support in the provision of COVID-19 vaccination, and increase COVID-19 testing capacity;
- Advocating for the inclusion of migrants, populations on the move, and other vulnerable populations in COVID-19 immunization plans and supporting vaccine deployment including cold-chain, administration, and vaccination campaigns;
- Implementing community-based surveillance activities in IDP camps in addition to contact tracing for COVID-19 cases;
- Conducting risk communication and community engagement activities to improve community awareness and buy-in of public health measures, including Risk Communication and Community Engagement related to vaccination against the virus.
In line with the IOM Manual on Community-Based Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) in Emergencies and Displacement, IOM will provide MHPSS to IDPs, returnees and impacted communities in camps, informal settings and return areas, with a focus on services which ensure a strengthened protection environment in the community.
Activities will focus on:
- Facilitating access to services and other measures to ensure social considerations and safety of beneficiaries are taken into account in service provision, mitigating negative outcomes from difficult living conditions;
- Strengthening family and community support for people who can maintain their mental health and psychosocial well-being if they receive help in accessing this level of assistance. Build rapport with communities, helping to reach out to vulnerable persons requiring further assistance, who would otherwise not have approached services;
- Providing focused MHPSS services (individual and group counselling) to support vulnerable IDPs, returnees, and host communities. Offering Psychological First Aid to displaced individuals and families in distress;
- Providing psychiatric and clinical psychological consultations to people with pre-existing and/or emerging forms of severe stress, behavioural and relational problems, and mental disorder conditions;
- Strengthening the capacity of civil society and government partners in the field of MHPSS.
IOM will assist IDPs currently in camps and in out-of-camp locations who intend to depart and require support to safely return to their area of origin, including due to camp closure and consolidation processes and voluntarily. IOM will:
- Provide transportation assistance through in-kind or cash-based modalities, including for transportation of belongings;
- Facilitate the coordination with authorities and the safe and secured transportation to areas of return;
- Provide all necessary services before and during transportation, including health screenings, monitoring of protection risks and referrals;
- Ensuring tracking and referral for other humanitarian assistance in areas of return.
Movement assistance will be voluntary, safe and dignified. Movement assistance will also be offered to Syrian refugees hosted in Iraq, and host communities, in response to the needs identified in the UNHCR led Regional Refugee and Resilience Plan (3RP), which include safe transportation from border crossing points to camps, school transportation and other services as needed.
IOM Iraq’s protection programme seeks to address the needs and uphold the rights of migrants, survivors of trafficking, displaced persons and populations affected by conflict and other disasters, like the COVID-19 pandemic, in both camp and out of camp locations, by:
- Providing specialized case management services at the individual and household levels, involving assessment and planning, referral to services, emergency cash or in-kind assistance, and follow up. This includes, but is not limited to, Gender-Based Violence (GBV) case management services;
- Undertaking protection risk assessments and protection monitoring; facilitating community-led discussions; and identifying and strengthening referral pathways in camp and out-of-camp settings;
- Identification of protection risks and concerns through protection monitoring and community consultation, in order to strengthen evidence-based programming;
- Raising awareness on trafficking in persons among at-risk communities and frontline service providers, such as humanitarian actors and health workers;
- Undertaking community engagement and sensitization in camp and out of camp locations;
- Ensuring a robust approach to preventing and responding to sexual exploitation and abuse (PSEA), including appropriate investigation and response mechanisms and community-feedback mechanisms, and ensuring that all staff and partners are trained on case intake, case management and referral mechanisms;
- Ensuring that protection is mainstreamed in all of IOM’s interventions through training of staff on protection’s principles, adapting interventions’ design to better include the needs of vulnerable groups (including people living with disabilities as outlined in the IOM Iraq Disability Inclusion Strategy), providing the tools to better address cases and align with data protection principles, and continuing effort in prevention of sexual exploitation and assault for staff, partners, authorities and beneficiaries;
- Addressing protection risks, including risks of GBV, through livelihood, capacity building, and other types of programming, and supporting safe and dignified access to services, including information.
IOM’s Shelter and Non-Food Items (SNFI) interventions will support recent returnees and vulnerable IDPs in camps and out-of-camp settings. Assistance will mostly target those who might be subjected to secondary displacement as a direct result of camp closure and consolidation processes, and vulnerable returnees living in severe conditions. IOM will focus on the following activities:
- Provision of Critical Shelter upgrades where IDPs are displaced in unfinished transitional locations or locations not intended to serve as shelters, such as public buildings, schools, mosques and other makeshift shelters. The shelter response will aim at significantly improving safety, security and privacy for improved and dignified living conditions for the families;
- Provision of Sealing Off Kits (SOKs), either through in-kind or cash/vouchers, to provide families with an essential package of items to seal their living space as quick relief, short term shelter solutions;
- Rehabilitation of War Damaged Shelters, to respond to the most basic lifesaving needs for protection from extremes of weather, basic personal safety and security for the households as well as requirements for basic WASH. Whenever possible, IOM will aim to directly involve the beneficiary households and communities in the rehabilitation of the shelters through an owner-driven, cash-based approach;
- Provision of Emergency Cash, especially for those having multiple needs and to cope with unforeseen shocks. IOM will provide cash support for the most vulnerable households in secondary displacement affected by camp consolidation and closures or other emergency situations, and potentially those newly displaced due to an emergency event.
- Provision of replacement items targeting the IDP households who have received NFI assistance in the past, but require additional support to replace used, damaged, lost items, or items that they were not able to bring with them during secondary displacement as the displacement continues. In addition, IOM will maintain the co-lead position of Sub-National Central/South Shelter Cluster and work with local and national partners on adequate coverage of governorates for emergency preparedness and response support in terms of shelter and NFI needs.
IOM will support 10,000 vulnerable IDP households in out-of-camp locations with cash assistance through:
- Multi-purpose cash assistance (MPCA) to the most vulnerable IDPs in informal sites and other out of camp locations;
- Emergency cash support to the vulnerable IDPs affected by camp consolidation and closure, natural disasters or other emergency situations leading to displacement.
Unrestricted and unconditional MPCA will also be used to assist the most vulnerable new and existing refugee households, in coordination with UNHCR and aligning with the vulnerability assessment targeting in urban areas. IOM may use the assessment results collected by UNHCR or conduct a joint or individual assessment if needed to ensure a consistent and coordinated approach towards assisting the most vulnerable households through a monthly MPCA assistance for a period of 12 months.
Driving solutions to displacement
Displacement dynamics are evolving in Iraq, and IOM will propose an adapted response to recent returnees; and populations in secondary or protracted displacement to better respond to their respective vulnerabilities. To address the main drivers of displacement, barriers to return and impact of the conflict, IOM will invest in durable solutions. IOM will: (1) assist IDPs still living in camps and out-of-camp settings to better assess their situation and support safe and sustainable voluntary returns when the environment is conducive; (2) support returnees and communities in areas of return to access basic services, livelihoods, safety and security; (3) provide assistance to survivors of human rights violations; (4) contribute to the capacity-building of government authorities, civil society organizations and NGOs to facilitate community stabilization and resume services; and (5) improve the availability of and access to quality health services in urban areas with large populations of IDPs; and in areas of return.
IOM will address the negative impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on socio-economic conditions of vulnerable populations in Iraq, reinforcing assistance in sectors for which the pandemic’s related measures have exacerbated pre-existing access gaps to public health services and vulnerabilities among IDPs, returnees and host communities. This will include, but not limited to:
- Increasing capacity-building efforts for health professionals, including how to refer and treat mental health cases resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic and prevention measures, to increase service delivery capacities and sustainable recovery;
- Increasing capacities of local actors for the provision of community-based psychosocial support, with a focus on building resilience to ongoing context and future shocks, and on the reduction of potential tensions between communities, resulting from loss of livelihood opportunities;
- Supporting the government and actors in the education system to operate remotely and to provide affected students with remedial lessons and other learning opportunities;
- Leading awareness sessions within communities and partners on mitigation of COVID-19 impact on wellbeing and on risks related to protection, such as negative coping mechanisms.
IOM will also contribute to mitigating the negative impact of COVID-19 compounding the already affected economic context due to the conflict with ISIL, by supporting vulnerable individuals and affected businesses. This specific intervention will aim at maintaining pre-pandemic economic recovery efforts and specifically target individuals and sectors directly impacted by the COVID-19 related measures. IOM will work toward the overall objective of revitalizing local economies and creating employment by:
- Supporting small and medium enterprises (SMEs) through the Enterprise and Development Fund (EDF) where an SME receives a cash grant to resume or expand activities and create new job opportunities;
- Supporting individuals who have lost their job through individual livelihoods assistance (ILA) which consists in increasing employability by providing vocational training, apprenticeships with businesses, or business trainings and small cash grant;
- Supporting the most vulnerable population with short-term employment through cash for work (CfW) projects benefitting the community.
IOM’s community stabilization programming in Iraq seeks to address drivers of instability at the community level in order to prevent the country from backsliding into conflict and establish the foundation for longer-term recovery. The programme comprises six integrated pillars – social cohesion, MHPSS/protection, livelihoods, community service projects, support to the reintegration of ex-associates, and peacebuilding – and aims at:
- Strengthening government capacities to perform core functions and bringing relevant government entities together with communities in a way that increases participatory decision-making, strengthens mutual trust, and builds accountability;
- Promoting social cohesion and enabling the communities to manage local conflicts and promote a culture of peace, especially through empowering youth to participate in the society in a productive, constructive and peaceful manner, and fostering community reconciliation;
- Promoting non-violent political processes, civic education, social policy development, and supporting inclusive economic recovery;
- Increasing confidence in public institutions through measures to improve community safety, access to civil documentation, housing, land and property restitution, basic infrastructure, and access to quality healthcare services;
- Increasing access to basic public services, and supporting people in need of social protection, through direct support (transportation, accompaniment, interpretation, etc.) to access social welfare entitlements;
- Increasing access to livelihoods through cash-for-work and vocational training, to ensure income for vulnerable households;
- Capacitating state and local governance, and promoting non-violent political processes, civic education, and social policy development.
- Supporting research and assessments examining the efficacity of social cohesion programming, including the relevance of contact theory to facilitating inter-ethnic and -sectarian relations in regions with levels of social tensions.
IOM will contribute to addressing the main barriers to safe and sustainable returns and support IDPs and returnees in achieving durable solutions, in partnership with the GoI and in response to the rapidly evolving dynamics in Iraq. IOM's durable solutions strategy aims at providing IDPs, returnees and households in areas of return with:
- Improved access to safe, dignified and sustainable housing;
- Facilitated access to services, through the rehabilitation of key community infrastructure, including roads, markets, electricity grids and water networks, public buildings, health centres, schools or any other project benefiting both the community and helping to resume economic activity;
- Increased sustainable livelihood opportunities, including through vocational and business trainings, and support to businesses that were successful before the conflict and those which show potential for job creation through IOM Iraq’s Enterprise Development Fund (EDF);
- Reintegration services to respond to the needs of returnees, IDPs and affected communities to support recovery and stabilization approaches by linking affected communities with humanitarian and recovery services.
- Work to facilitate the returns and adherence to international human rights law related to the treatment of perceived affiliates, in addition to supporting activities for understanding and resolving the causes of displacement, including research, strategy and policy development and verification of progress;
- Support thematic research, reports and factsheets on durable solutions, protracted displacements and sustainability of returns, and the impact of disasters such as COVID-19 pandemic on economic recovery, among others.
- Robust advocacy, coordination and strategy development as part of IOM’s contributions and inter-agency leadership. IOM co-leads the DSTF which is the national level inter-agency platform to support durable solutions to displacement; the RWG, and the Durable Solutions Technical Working Group (DSTWG). This structure is developing a strategy and operational framework to advance durable solutions at the national and local level, as well as supporting increased engagement of international partners, while ensuring close engagement with the government at national and local levels. IOM and partners support advocacy efforts on durable solutions beyond return including local integration and settlement in third locations, in line with the IASC Framework on Durable Solutions and IOM’s Progressive Resolution of Displacement Situations Framework.
Additionally IOM plans to support Syrian refugees with a range of livelihoods activities, including job placement schemes, cash grants for small business creation and expansion, entrepreneurship support, and cash-for-work opportunities; and carry out education-related activities. These activities act as transitional solutions during the time they spend in Iraq.
IOM will support the government to strengthen the health system in Iraq, weakened by years of sanctions, conflict, economic downturn, and most recently the COVID-19 pandemic, through:
- Improving the quality of primary health care level through capacity building of health workers and supportive supervision;
- Rehabilitation of health facilities and provision of essential equipment and supplies to primary and secondary health care facilities;
- Supporting the National Tuberculosis (TB) Program to reduce TB transmission in Iraq through improved detection and treatment of TB cases, including contact and defaulter tracing;
- Strengthening disease surveillance at community and health facility levels and supporting the implementation of events-based surveillance at the sub-national level, training, and the use of electronic reporting systems.
- Advocate for a One Health approach and support the implementation of the National Strategy for Human Resources for Health through the involvement of Iraq Diaspora in areas where there are needs such as epidemiology, occupational health, and animal health.
IOM will implement MHPSS activities and support at the individual, family and community levels, contributing to wider efforts to mend social fabrics and strengthen social cohesion in post-conflict Iraq. IOM will:
- Design and conduct trainings and provide comprehensive support to facilitate the integration of MHPSS in conflict transformation and mediation
- Focus on intergration of MHPSS in livelihoods and development programmes, with IOM's Manual on Community-based Mental health and Psychosocial Support in Displacement and Emergencies as guiding principles.
- Conduct and publish extensive IOM research supporting positive, mutually reinforcing linkages between MHPSS and livelihoods, and MHPSS and mediation programming.
IOM will contribute to strengthening the national laboratory system through:
- Establishing six laboratories to enable prompt identification and reporting of priority pathogens;
- Providing technical assistance and capacity building to ensure quality standards are met including for biosafety
- Contribute to improving sample collection and transport systems.
IOM will continue to integrate peacebuilding and peace promotion activities to its programming in Iraq, notably through:
- Supporting government efforts to promote stability in areas which are struggling to absorb the large numbers of individuals who spontaneously disengaged from armed groups following the military defeat of ISIL and now require assistance to transition back to civilian life.
- In ‘liberated’ areas, supporting families with a perceived affiliation to extremist groups to access durable solutions, including through support which enables them to return to and reconcile with communities in areas of origin.
- Bolstering community resilience to future waves of violent extremism in these locations through Preventing Violent Extremism (PVE) programming, aligned with the National Strategy to Combat Violent Extremism Conducive to Terrorism and implemented in close cooperation with the Government of Iraq.
- Supporting research into the causes and consequences of displacement of former combatants and persons with perceived affiliation and methods to facilitate their reintegration into society.
IOM will contribute to restore WASH basic services in areas affected by the conflict, in particular in areas of return, to improve living conditions and sanitation and hygiene. IOM will:
- Prioritize key infrastructures to be rehabilitated, based on needs and in consultation with the communities (including IDPs, returnees and host community members) and authorities. IOM will engage with community members so that project design is context-appropriate and safe, especially for girls and women (for protection issues) and the elderly and people with disabilities (for easy access);
- Contribute to strengthening hygiene and sanitation practices to prevent the spread of preventable diseases, especially in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. IOM will specifically target schools, community infrastructures, latrines and water networks for safe access to clean water for the communities;
- Support the rehabilitation of water networks to provide an improved quantity and quality of water for both hygiene and livelihoods activities, such as irrigation.
WASH interventions in areas of return will contribute to providing returnees and host communities with improved access to water and sanitation, as part of basic services which are critical to re-establish themselves in their areas of origin.
When it comes to reparations activities in Iraq, IOM will:
- Run capacity-building workshops for government officials from the Federal Government of Iraq, the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, and for CSOs and NGOs, and organize training trips to learn from reparations programming in comparable contexts.
- Advocate for the right to reparations through awareness-raising programming and information campaigns. This will include policy guidance, expert advice and technical support to governments and local and international stakeholders to promote the transparent delivery of individual or collective reparations measures.
Returnee households or households wishing to return often face challenges related to housing, land and property (HLP) issues, because of lost or destroyed official papers, houses being occupied by another household or general lack of access to administrative services in their areas or return. To complement the other interventions in facilitating safe, dignified and sustainable return and reintegration, IOM will:
- Provide HLP-related assistance to beneficiaries alongside housing-related interventions. HLP support includes both representation and information counselling and can be provided either through existing joint community-resource centres or in other forms adapted to the context of intervention and available administrative services;
- Build the capacity of civil society organisations and government partners, including through the provision of policy guidance, expert advice; and technical assistance for HLP rights, including, but not limited to, restitution.
Strengthen preparedness and reduce disaster risk
IOM will support the government, including national and local authorities, and selected CSOs and community leaders through trainings and technical assistance to better equip them to deal with disaster management to reduce natural and other risks facing Iraq. This will include: (1) supporting the GoI to improve preparedness plans and coordination with humanitarian and other actors; (2) providing technical assistance to enforce appropriate health regulations and prepare actors at Points of Entry to deal with health-related processes; and (3) reinforce capacities in providing adapted MHPSS services to prevent or mitigate impacts of disasters which impede humanitarian access, including through additional support to local actors. IOM will also support efforts to include and mainstream preparedness and risk reduction for new displacement and humanitarian crises in ongoing and planned efforts of the government and non-governmental actors to coordinate and discuss issues of concern for Iraq. IOM, as a humanitarian actor and co-chair of the Technical Coordination Committee on the community-based reintegration of children, women and young people with a former association with ISIL, will remain highly engaged in preparedness and planning for the possible return of Iraqi families from northeastern Syria.
IOM will keep supporting government authorities and CSOs to build their capacities for disaster preparedness and response in line with humanitarian principles. IOM will:
- Conduct comprehensive needs assessments for capacity-building of key stakeholders in charge of responding to impacts of disasters, such as national and local authorities, civil society organizations and community leaders;
- Implement trainings and technical assistance to better equip those actors to include principled emergency preparedness and response to better anticipate and face future displacement whether due to conflict or natural disaster, including contingency planning, information management and coordination, logistics and warehousing, service mapping and emergency coordination with national and international actors;
- Additionally, in anticipation of future camp closures, IOM will continue developing contingency planning, with all stakeholders involved and in synergy with its other programmes, to be prepared to support households leaving camp settings through multi-sectoral assistance, including emergency cash and NFI, social cohesion and reintegration, access to services and referral for targeted assistance.
IOM will support the GoI in meeting the requirements of the International Health Regulations (2015) in line with the results of the Joint External Evaluation and through supporting the implementation of the National Action Plan for Health Security by:
- Conducting sensitization workshops on International Health Regulations (2015);
- Training MoH personnel on population mobility mapping and conducting population mobility mapping exercises at national and sub-national levels;
- Training of DOH rapid response teams and key personnel on epidemic preparedness and response.
IOM will contribute to strengthening public health capacities at PoEs through:
- Assessments of IHR core capacities at PoEs;
- Developing standard operating procedures for the detection and management of public health events, and training;
- Rehabilitation and infrastructural upgrades to PoE, especially WASH capacities and quarantine areas;
- Provision of essential equipment and material;
- Support to multi-sectoral committees for emergency preparedness and response;
- Organising table-top exercises, drills, and simulations.
IOM will work on strenghtening the services offered to people facing protracted displacement, new displacements and returns, to support their mental health, and prevent neurological or substance use disorders, among others. IOM's MHPSS Programme will:
- Support, through its role as chair of the Working Committee on Capacity Building and HR Management nationally, different service providers to develop a more practical and sustainable framework for capacity building and supervision of local human resources in the field of MHPSS at different layers of interventions (including for psychologists, social workers, and community mobilizers). Activities will be guided by IOM's Manual on Community-Based Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergencies and Displacement.
- Contribute to building health system capacity to respond to the MHPSS impact of the COVID-19 pandemic including through the provision of resources (such as medical supplies and psychotropic medicines) and training by expert medical professionals.
IOM will address the challenge of water scarcity in the context of climate changes to reduce the risk of water issue-induced displacement among populations in Iraq remains high due to lack of water or bad quality water resources. IOM will:
- Identify critical infrastructural needs and provide rehabilitation support to facilities such as (but not limited to) water treatment plants, reverse osmosis (RO) stations and water and irrigation systems;
- Conduct research to better understand the water dynamics in the south of Iraq and build the capacity of the government in water-related policies;
- Engage in vocational training and livelihoods opportunities aiming at developing skills of the population in the rural water sector.
Contribute to an evidence-based and efficient crisis response system
IOM will maintain its capacities to collect humanitarian data, track IDP movements and produce high-quality reports benefitting humanitarian and non-humanitarian actors in Iraq. IOM will also support research and assessments into the efficacy of social cohesion programming in Iraq, including the relevance of contact theory to facilitate inter-ethnic and -sectarian relations in regions with levels of social tensions; and research into the causes and consequences of displacement of former combatants and persons with perceived affiliation and methods to facilitate their reintegration into society and rapidly evolving contexts.
Data collected by IOM and related products will improve capacities of UN agencies, NGOs, clusters, technical working groups and government entities in providing better targeted, evidence-based response to IDPs and returnees in Iraq.
IOM remains one of the main providers of reliable data on displacement and returns in Iraq. IOM DTM tools and processes allow IOM and partners to track locations of IDPs and returnees, assess their intentions and barriers to return, and give an overview on the severity of conditions in areas of return, among others, providing the necessary information for emergency, recovery and crisis prevention programming. IOM will continue to:
- Collect data through IOM’s Rapid Assessment and Response Teams (RARTs), composed of over 100 staff deployed across Iraq, and interviews with key informants utilizing a large, well-established network of over 9,500 informants that includes community leaders, mukhtars, local authorities and security forces;
- Disseminate disaggregated information and thematic reports on the number of IDPs and returnees at the governorate, district, subdistrict and location levels, their shelter type, the period of displacement, areas of origin for IDPs, areas of last displacement for returnees, assess their intentions and barriers to return, and give an overview on the severity of conditions in areas of return, among other, for improved programming;
- When needed, activate the Emergency Tracking tool to monitor population displacement and mobility during crises;
- Produce data on migration movements with neighbouring countries;
- Track mobility restrictions and health measures being implemented across the country to curb the spread of the COVID-19.
- Produce and disseminate products through the online platform and through sharing with partners, including: IDP and Returnee master lists, providing raw information on displacement and mobility; Return Index, providing key information and analysis on conditions of return; IDP index, providing key information and analysis on conditions of displacement; Integrated Location Assessment, providing an in-depth look into IDPs and returnees, focusing on profiling the locations in which these groups live;
- Update and maintain a COVID-19 dashboard, providing information on mobility restriction and public health measures;
- Produce ad hoc Emergency Tracking reports, providing timely data on the number of individuals displaced due to emerging crises such as drought, flood, closures of camps.
The map used here is for illustration purposes only. Names and boundaries do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by IOM.
Figures are as of 31 December 2023. For more details of IOM's operational capacity in country, please see the IOM Capacity section.