IOM Vision
In close collaboration with the Federal Government of Nigeria, partners, communities, and populations on the move, IOM seeks to respond to the protracted humanitarian and protection needs of those impacted by the crisis in Northeast Nigeria, as well as support response efforts in the Northwest and Northcentral regions while ensuring that the programming contributes towards achieving durable solutions.
Saving lives and protecting people on the move
Within IOM’s purview, humanitarian support will be needed for three population groups:
- IDPs, including those who are living in camps and camp-like settings, as well as those who are living in host communities.
- Vulnerable host communities in areas of displacement and communities of return where services are inadequate or overstretched; and
- IDPs who have returned, but are facing severe conditions such as residual insecurity, damage to properties and public infrastructure, limited access to services and livelihood opportunities, and fractured social relations.
IOM will work in collaboration with various entities such as Ministries, Parastatals, Local and International Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs), and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) among others.
IOM will strive to ensure greater attention and support to the needs of the most vulnerable groups such as child-headed households, elderly, single-headed families, persons with disabilities, GBV survivors and Victims of Trafficking (VoTs) as well as women, among others.
IOM's WASH initiatives will include:
- Increase access to WASH services in IDP camps, camp-like settings, reception and transit centres, and host communities around the settlements with limited or no WASH services.
- Provide adequate and safe water through the construction of new water supply systems (boreholes, handpumps), operation and maintenance of existing water systems, water quality monitoring, and rehabilitation and upgrading of existing water supply systems. All upgrades or construction of new solar-powered water systems will be justified by a cost-benefit analysis.
- Ensure the sustainability of the water infrastructure rehabilitated, upgraded, or constructed by IOM, users will be trained in the operation and management of the structure.
- Provide safe, dignified, and adequate sanitation facilities (disabled-friendly, gender-sensitive latrines and showers) through the construction of new sanitation facilities, handwashing stations where applicable or provision of a 2L plastic kettle for handwashing and anal cleansing. Wastewater transport, treatment, and disposal systems, operation, and maintenance (O&M) of newly built and existing facilities. To ensure the sustainability of the O&M, IOM will work with local governance structures (Ministry of Water Resources, Borno state environmental protection agency, rural water supply, and sanitation agency) to ensure long-term operation and maintenance of sanitation infrastructure.
- Continue hygiene promotion through risk communication and community engagement, community awareness, and education through door-to-door, group counselling, and mass campaigns as per the country and WASH sector protocols as required.
- Ensure access to sufficient and quality personal hygiene items, including menstrual hygiene management (MHM) kits coupled with sensitization and community awareness sessions.
- Support efforts for WASH-related disease outbreaks and pandemic preparedness and response through the provision of additional water supply, infection, prevention and control, and risk communication and community engagement as required. This includes cholera, acute water diarrhea (AWD), Hepatitis E, and COVID-19.
- Ensure environmental sanitation through proper solid waste management cycle – collection, transportation, and disposal.
- Increase access to critical water, sanitation, and hygiene NFIs through procurement, transportation, prepositioning, and distribution through the IOM-established common pipeline mechanism.
- Enhance flood mitigation measures to reduce the negative impact of flood in flood-prone areas through the construction and maintenance of drainage systems.
IOM will provide emergency (short-term) shelter and NFI solutions to address the immediate shelter needs of those displaced. These will be temporary structures in order to protect displaced families from the elements and other vulnerabilities that may arise from a lack of shelter and household items. Some of the proposed emergency activities include:
- Distribution of Emergency Shelter Kits (in kind/ voucher/ cash).
- Construction and maintenance of reception facilities.
- Rehabilitation of damaged buildings for accommodation.
- Distribution of needs-based NFIs at Reception Centres.
IOM will also provide medium-term transitional shelter solutions to ensure that the shelters occupied by displaced people remain in a habitable state during the period of displacement and build shelters that can be self-upgraded in the future. Some of the proposed activities include:
- Construction of emergency shelters and/or improved emergency shelters with supporting WASH facilities, and distribution of improved NFI kits to relocated households (in kind/ cash modality).
- Care and maintenance of shelters through the provision of shelter reinforcement kits, and the provision of shelter maintenance materials and tools to camp committees. Provide tailored shelter solutions to cater to persons with special needs (PWSN), which will be informed by their needs and disabilities.
Under mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS), IOM will:
- Continue to offer direct community based MHPSS services to displaced populations and returnees in camps, informal settlements, and host communities in the BAY state through MHPSS resource centers/safe spaces and the deployment of dedicated psychosocial mobile teams (PMTs) including government staff, mental health referral teams, community animators, and psychiatric nurses.
- Start shifting response to strengthen local partnerships of mental health providers, and to improve the quality of the provision of mental health services.
- Provide psychosocial support to the affected population including distressed individuals, gender-based violence (GBV) survivors, and victims of trafficking (VOT), as well as conduct mobile MHPSS community-based activities including the provision of Psychological First Aid, referrals to other services, awareness raising and lay-counseling sessions through IOM’s interdisciplinary PMTs.
- Reinforce the provision of psychosocial support. The deployed mobile teams will continue to provide remote counseling to the distressed population including GBV survivors, VOTs, caregivers, vulnerable children, and families.
As co-chair of the MHPSS sub-Working Group, IOM will continue to promote international standards and procedures as outlined in the IASC Guidance on MHPSS in Emergencies. IOM will work to ensure that these standards are followed by all MHPSS actors in the country, responses are coordinated, and that a common understanding is established among MHPSS response partners on MHPSS concepts and terms, principles and models of work, community-based approaches, and information sharing. During the flood response, the working group will carry out coordination activities working closely with stakeholders to establish and strengthen the mechanism of MHPSS to the flood response in Northeast, Northcentral, and Southeast of Nigeria.
Protection is mainstreamed in all MHPSS services and activities provided through the PPS mobile teams. This is to make sure that protection principles are upheld. All services and activities provided by the MHPSS teams are tailored on an individual or problem-based basis, considering age and gender categories as well as socio-cultural, ethnic, and religious aspects – the design of activities thus needs to be informed by a participatory approach.
Through the psychosocial mobile teams, psychosocial support will be provided to GBV survivors and VOTs. The following protection services/activities will be provided:
- Facilitate access to protection-focused messages to the community members by working closely with the women and men committees.
- Distribute material assistance such as dignity kits for women and girls of reproductive age.
- Organize orientation sessions for the community-based structures on how to respond to disclosure of GBV, trafficking in persons, and sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA).
- Continue to mitigate protection and risks through safety audits, assessments, and training.
- Work closely with partners to ensure Protection (GBV, and PSEA) is mainstreamed throughout the humanitarian response.
- Strengthen counter-trafficking activities in Borno, Yobe, and Adamawa states, which includes providing capacity-building support, direct assistance to VOTs as well as coordination of counter-trafficking responses through the states, anti-trafficking task forces established in the three states.
- Continue to build the capacity of government agencies focusing on the Nigerian Police Force, Nigerian Civil Defence Corps, and NAPTIP on GBV, trafficking in persons (TiP) prevention, response, and community engagement using existing training manuals.
- Contribute to strengthening community-based activities by providing training to the community-based women/men committees and organizing structured discussions for community members.
- Organise and facilitate regular awareness-raising sessions for community members on GBV, TiP, and PSEA through the distribution/dissemination of IEC materials, radio jingles, radio discussion programmes, and drama.
These services/activities are implemented through the deployed psychosocial mobile teams, who are providing direct psychosocial support services to the affected populations across their operational locations in the BAY States. The PSS team members receive regular training on protection-related topics such as protection principles, mainstreaming protection in humanitarian responses, handling disclosure, care for victims of trafficking, and facilitating meaningful access and referrals to other services among others.
In IOM Nigeria, protection is embedded within the MHPSS Unit as such protection-related activities are intertwined with MHPSS. The MHPSS mobile teams deployed to the field implement protection-related activities in the field.
IOM will apply the legal protection framework and minimum humanitarian standards through community governance and participatory systems in the provision of life-saving assistance to the displaced population through site management. Specific CCCM activities will include:
- Coordination and monitoring of assistance provided in all displacement sites.
- Community participation through the creation of committees, conducting community meetings, and sensitization and awareness activities.
- Communication with Communities.
- Site improvement and care and maintenance of infrastructures.
- Reception centre management.
- Capacity building will be conducted for Displaced Population, Humanitarian Partners, including government CCCM, including Introduction to CCCM, Community Participation, Roles, and responsibilities, GBV/PSEA, and Leadership Skills.
- Urban Displacement and Out-of-Camp (UDOC): This aims to explore how CCCM resources and experiences of camplike and camp-based responses can be applied to respond to the needs of displaced populations living outside of camps hosting internally displaced persons, particularly in urban environments.
IOM proposes to implement critical interventions through mobile health activities to reach IDPs and host communities including by:
- Providing primary health care and emergency services as well as public health services, which include, but are not limited to, disease surveillance and management of communicable diseases, and child health and maternal health services.
- Establishing a multidisciplinary team for the outreach locations in IDP camps across the BAY states, consisting of a medical doctor, nurse/midwife, psychologist/psychosocial worker, social mobilizer and support staff. IOM will coordinate and collaborate with the Ministry of Health and healthcare facilities for referrals to tertiary or specialized health care.
- Establishing a referral system to ensure the timely provision of required medical procedures including laboratory tests, imaging studies and specialized medical tests.
- Supporting health system strengthening, IOM will provide training activities to healthcare workers, conduct repairs and rehabilitation work on identified healthcare facilities and provide basic medical equipment and consumables.
- As part of IOM’s health emergency preparedness and response package (provision of medical supplies and consumables, training, etc.) for diseases like cholera, measles, etc., a health out-post such as cholera treatment centres and mobile health team will be established to actively manage medical emergencies and disease outbreaks.

Driving solutions to displacement
IOM Nigeria’s programming will contribute to addressing the long-term impacts of the crisis and displacement in North-East Nigeria, by supporting the local, state and federal governments to find durable solutions for IDPs, returnees as well as the local host populations affected by the conflict, with a holistic and integrated approach. IOM’s support will target:
- IDPs living in camps and out-of-camp settings to better assess their situation and build their resilience;
- Returnees and communities in areas of return to access basic services, livelihoods, safety and security;
- Government authorities, civil society organizations and NGOs to facilitate social cohesion, early recovery and resume basic social services with capacity-building initiatives.
IOM will strive to ensure greater attention and support to the needs of the most vulnerable groups such as women, youth and child-headed households, as well as elderly, single-headed families and persons with disabilities, GBV survivors and victims of trafficking (VoTs), among others.
IOM's WASH initiatives in transitional and post-crisis situations will include the following activities:
- Support management mechanisms and governance systems that enable beneficiary communities to respond to their needs and endure future shocks in affected communities, public facilities (e.g., schools, health facilities, etc.), and/or transitional areas.
- Provide improved and sustainable access to water and sanitation infrastructure and services. The provision of improved water and sanitation infrastructure and services, coupled with behavioural change seeking hygiene promotion, preserves public health, thereby positively impacting long-term health outcomes.
- Identify and implement community-based WASH solutions such as Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) combined with sanitation marketing schemes, village savings, and loan schemes.
- Strengthen local governance of WASH services through capacity building of national and local authorities and stakeholders including the provision of initial/start-up kits and seed grants.
IOM’s work on durable solutions is firmly rooted in the Secretary General’s Action Agenda on Internal Displacement and IOM’s overall effort to prevent, better respond, and solve displacement. Nigeria was selected by the UN Secretary-General’s Special Adviser on Solutions to Internal Displacement as one of the 13 countries where permanent solutions pathways will be piloted.
In 2023, IOM Durable Solutions efforts will include:
- Utilize DTM assessments to ascertain areas with stable living conditions and households that have achieved durable solutions including through employing Stability Index. Stability Index assesses the perceived level of stability of areas witnessing IDP returns across Borno, Adamawa and Yobe states in Northeast Nigeria. Findings through the stability index serve as a starting point for durable solutions interventions and will support government and partners' development of strategies, as well as resource and operations planning that links humanitarian, recovery and stabilization approaches in areas of high return or resettlements.
- Support livelihood stabilization and income recovery by providing vocational training in soft and hard skills for vulnerable populations (including youth and women) appropriate for the market, complemented with start-up packages (kits and or cash), thereby improving their means of livelihoods, enhancing their chances of self-sustenance and self-employment.
- Support the restoration of local community governing administration and services by providing training opportunities and capacity building of local government staff and communities activities, supporting LGA departments with basic service materials (e.g., equipment, office supplies, utilities, etc.) to enhance functionality;
- Increase and promote access to infrastructure and basic social services in areas of return by rehabilitating/reconstructing basic, community, and social infrastructure (health care facilities, schools, and markets). This will be done through cash-for-work modalities when relevant and appropriate which will be adopted in the rehabilitation/restructuring of the infrastructures.
- Construct new durable mud-brick shelters for families returning to pre-displacement areas, through encouraging them to undertake the shelter construction by themselves (through IOM material and technical support), or through direct construction by IOM (for vulnerable families such as the aged, people living with disabilities, female-headed households, etc). Given the different housing, land, and property variables that may prevail during the quest to provide housing, IOM will further explore innovative activities such as Rehabilitation for Rent (R4R) and repair of damaged but habitable shelters to address the shelter gaps.
- Ensure access to documentation and effective mechanisms to restore housing, land and property. This will also include ensuring security of tenure of shelter beneficiaries and conducting land advocacy with state and local governments.
- Provide strategic and technical support to state governments, local authorities as well as humanitarian and development partners to develop recovery and durable solutions plans for key locations in Northeast Nigeria, to support crisis affected communities in the sustainable and progressive resolution of their displacement situation.
IOM works/will work to promote inclusiveness and peaceful co-existence among IDPs, host communities, and returnees through:
- Supporting income-generating opportunities by employing a cash-for-work modality aimed to enhance the social cohesion and participation of women, men, the elderly, and persons with disabilities across reception centres, IDP sites, and host communities.
- Providing 300 households with short-term income-generating opportunities in Adamawa and or Borno states. The 300 households will be engaged in the rehabilitation of dilapidated public-worthy infrastructures through a cash-for-work modality.
- Construction and rehabilitation of community centres identified by communities to enhance social cohesion activities, information sharing, and peer-group participation and resilience.
- Rehabilitate two public worthy infrastructures in Adamawa and or Borno states
- Support to existing or establishment of new inclusive community peace committees or similar platforms where local communities can work to identify and resolve local safety and security issues in partnership with law enforcement.
- Contributing to the recovery, social cohesion, and resilience-building of conflict-affected populations.
- Providing training in soft and hard skills for vulnerable populations (including youth and women) appropriate for the market, thereby enhancing their chances for sustainable employment and self-employment.
- Promoting responsible and inclusive leadership, as well as a culture of peace, co-existence, and cooperation between communities and affected populations through social cohesion and confidence-building activities.
- Enhancing the capacities of local authorities and community leaders to enable them to better support their communities with the restoration of basic rights and the inclusive access to and the provision of essential services.
- Mobilizing key actors in communities at potential clash points identified through the transhumance tracking tool (TTT), to collectively and pre-emptively identify possible solutions that would allow for the peaceful passage of the transhumant herders through the community, as well as for the enhancement of community social cohesion.
IOM's peace building initiatives will include:
- Strengthening existing social cohesion platforms across Borno, Adamawa and Yobe States, and establishing new ones where necessary, to support the communities to develop inclusive community-led cohesion dialogues and cohesion plans as well as social impact projects, contributing to community resilience and sustainable peace at the local level;
- Working closely with other communities across Borno and Adamawa states to establish inclusive and participatory community dialogue platforms, composed of traditional leaders and representatives of the various community groups and extend support to communities of the Northcentral and Northwest Nigeria;
- Holding regular platform meetings with community members during which key issues that are affecting them are discussed.
- Training platform members on relevant skills that enable them to promote peaceful coexistence in their communities and mobilize the population towards reconciliation, social cohesion, peaceful reintegration, peaceful conflict resolution and prevention, as well as on the drivers that render communities vulnerable to violent extremism.
- Selecting and implementing community impact projects likely to contribute to social cohesion and peace.
- Supporting the prevention of violent extremism (PVE) and reconciliation efforts at national, state, and local levels to mitigate further negative migration pressures resulting from violence and instability.
- Promoting conflict mitigation, peacebuilding and social cohesion between farmer and herder communities in the areas of Adamawa most at risk in the farmer-herder crisis. This will include early warning and early response, transhumance tracking, quick impact projects and the use of media to promote peace in affected communities,
IOM has an important role in the recovery and crisis prevention response that can contribute towards reintegration and social cohesion as it follows an integrated approach aimed at strengthening social support between communities, peacebuilding and enhancing the resilience of people affected by conflict and displacement. To contribute towards this objective, IOM will:
- Provide social skills-building training; family/group support sessions; emotional/psychological support; culturally/socially appropriate socio-relational and recreational activities, including art-based activities, rituals, and celebrations for IDPs, returnees, and members of the host communities.
- Increase social support, peer support, and mentoring actions to strengthen relationships and a sense of solidarity among members of a community.
Promote human capacity aimed at helping affected populations to adapt to changing contexts, preparatory to recovery and resuming life projects. The human capacity to be promoted includes functioning (a person is alive and actively engaged in community activities), capabilities (a person’s opportunity and ability to generate valuable outcomes, considering relevant personal characteristics and external factors), and agency (the ability of a person to bring about change, which achievement can be evaluated in terms of an individual's values and objectives). These three aspects of human capacity are premised on the ‘Human Capabilities Approach’.
- Through the MHPSS Technical Working Group, IOM will seek to establish a network of professionals within the durable solution domain. This will include mainly government staff, IOM, and other humanitarian partners’ staff.
Staff will be provided with focused trainings on durable solutions concepts and terminologies, key guiding principles and approaches, context analysis and application among others.
Strengthen preparedness and reduce disaster risk
IOM will support the government, including national and local authorities, and selected Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and community leaders through training and technical assistance to better equip them to strengthen preparedness and reduce disaster risk. Key stakeholders under this action include:
- The government of Nigeria and key local authorities to improve preparedness plans and coordination with humanitarian and other actors.
- IDPs, local populations, and local community leaders and volunteers from within the communities who can ensure the continuity of essential services during emergencies and disasters related to natural hazards.
- Educational and medical institutions that can help build local, sustainable, and context-specific health and MHPSS capacities.
IOM's WASH initiatives designed to contribute to preparedness and risk reduction will include:
- Selecting, establishing, training, and equipping WASH committees to comply with the daily operation and maintenance of WASH facilities in their respective communities, and promoting their usage.
- Providing safe and equitable access to water for affected populations through the construction of new water supply systems, including boreholes, operation and, maintenance, rehabilitation, and upgrading of existing water systems.
- Providing sustained environmental sanitation services like solid and liquid waste management.
- Prepositioning and distributing WASH NFIs, including hygiene, cholera, and menstrual hygiene management complemented by cash modalities where feasible, and fit-for-purpose Information, Education and Communication (IEC) materials on the correct use of items. Cash assistance aims to ease access to the targeted population's WASH NFIs in the local market.
IOM will continue to advocate for the development and provision of locally adaptable disaster prevention solutions. 70 per cent of rural dwellings in the north and 17 per cent in the south consist of traditional houses that are made from mud, mud blocks, and wooden or bamboo walls with thatch or corrugated iron roofing. Therefore, IOM plans to:
- Explore SMART shelter and NFI solutions and approaches in providing humanitarian assistance, including the use of technology, cash, and innovations.
- Develop and support local-level initiatives on shelter and NFI programming, including HLP, shelter-related livelihood activities, and locally adaptable integrated solutions.
- Resilient Infrastructure: settlement-based approaches are especially relevant for, and capable of addressing, the multifaceted challenges of rebuilding and protecting at a collective level, since they encompass a wide range of community-based, cross-sectoral, and multi-stakeholder models aimed at collaboratively identifying problems, finding solutions, and preparing scenarios on how communities may evolve over the long term.
IOM provides support in developing the preparedness capacities of government and non-government partners in humanitarian response and assisting vulnerable populations and providing support for populations who are likely to be severely affected by the impact of disasters and crises. IOM’s plans to:
- Provide training on disaster risk reduction (DRR) to crisis-affected communities as part of CCCM and evacuation, shelter response, and recovery programmes.
- Support the drafting, reviewing, and updating of local policies on disaster risk reduction and management (DRRM) and local climate change adaptation plans (LCCAP) and strengthening the implementation capacities of local DRRM and LCCAP through the provision of training, conducting research and actions related to Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) and contributing to the generation of relevant science-based evidence and utilization of local knowledge to inform the government’s policies and programmes.
- Conduct consultations with communities vulnerable to climate risk to develop community action plans that identify localized climate adaptation strategies and provide technical assistance to implement these plans.
- Support at-risk communities and individuals with mainstreaming climate-smart, green livelihood strategies.
The system strengthening for MHPSS will focus on:
- Developing the capacity of the line ministries’ staff including the Ministry of Health staff, primary health care staff, and psychiatric nurses working at the Federal Neuro-psychiatric hospital in Maiduguri and the States Specialist Hospitals in the BAY States, and MHPSS partners providing direct assistance to the affected-populations by ensuring regular information sharing, adherence to relevant standards and guidelines, and the efficient use of resources among partners.
- Enhancing the collaboration built with the Neuropsychiatric Hospital in Borno and the State Specialist Hospital in Adamawa for the provision of specialized mental health services.
- Ensuring continuity and rollout of the training curriculum developed with the University of Maiduguri on “Psychosocial counselling and small-scale conflict resolution”. The curriculum was developed with the intent to localize the MHPSS response in Northeast Nigeria, while also raising awareness and building national capacity. This will ensure sustainability and continue the diffusion of the curricula while expanding the portfolio of the University.
- Supporting the BAY states governments to gather and maintain appropriate health data and strengthen community-based approaches to ensure that standards are followed, thereby strengthening the referral networks and data-sharing practices among the MHPSS responders in the BAY States and beyond.
IOM will aim to build both resilience and response capacity of communities, partner organisations, and governments by putting resources and plans in place to better address future emergencies, increase the value for money of relief action and ensure that scarce resources are directed to where they will have the greatest impact. IOM works with the national, regional and local authorities and communities to enhance the speed, volume, and quality of the emergency response in coordination with relevant partners, which will contribute to their improved capacity in anticipating, responding to, and recovering from an emergency. IOM’s initiatives in emergency preparedness include:
- Capacity-building activities.
- Evacuation planning support activities.
- Working with government stakeholders and partners in multiple sectors to enhance the coordination mechanism for emergency response and to support the reviewing, drafting, upgrading and implementation of their local contingency plans.
- Strengthening engagements with international and national partners, including with diaspora, in view of identifying and mobilizing viable, additional resources to complement the government’s efforts on emergency response and preparedness.
- Capacitating government stakeholders on National CCCM Guidelines and National Shelter Frameworks and supporting their operationalization at the local level as well as on Migrants in Countries in Crisis (MICIC), Guide for Planning and Mass Evacuations in Natural Disasters (MEND).
- Conducting social activities that aim at preparing communities for potential emergencies including through mapping of available local markets and service providers and orientations on access to and proper usage of available assistance, services and resources during emergencies.
- Supporting the assessment and mapping of local hazard risks and the conduct of contextualized, community-based emergency preparedness management simulation exercises.
- Contributing to improved understanding and awareness of local communities and authorities on climate risks, including their interrelations with conflict and other causes that influence their vulnerabilities.
- Prepositioning of lifesaving and humanitarian relief goods in strategic, disaster-prone areas, which are ready for deployment at the time of disasters, including key Shelter and NFI materials.
Contribute to an evidence-based and efficient crisis response system
IOM will continue to collect inter-sectoral data on the needs of IDPs, track IDP movements and produce high-quality reports benefitting humanitarian and non-humanitarian actors in Nigeria. Data collected by IOM and related products will improve the capacities of UN agencies, NGOs, clusters, technical working groups and government entities in providing better targeted, evidence-based response to IDPs, returnees and host communities in Nigeria.
IOM will collect transhumance data to provide information to communities to respond to early warning signals. This will benefit the farmer and herder communities, community leaders, government, non-governmental organizations and CSOs. Lastly, IOM will monitor inter-border movements at Points of Entry using the flow monitoring tool.
DTM activities will focus on the North-East, North-West and North-Central regions of Nigeria. IOM will continue to conduct mobility tracking assessments to gather and analyze data to disseminate critical multi-layered information on the mobility and mobility intentions, vulnerabilities, and needs of displaced and mobile populations to continue to enable decision-makers and responders to provide the affected populations with better context-specific assistance. With regards to displacement tracking initiatives IOM plans to:
- Conduct mobility tracking activities in the Northeast, Northwest, and North-Central zones affected by conflict, floods, rainstorms, attacks, and community clashes to provide humanitarian, development, and peacebuilding actors with up-to-date information on displacement numbers, mobility trends, locations, the profile of affected persons, shelter and accommodation types, as well as data on access to basic services, multi-sectoral gaps, and needs of the displaced population.
- Conduct return assessments to provide a better understanding of characteristics, numbers, conditions, and needs of returnees in areas hosting returnee populations which will inform partners and contribute to durable solutions activities.
- Conduct emergency tracking using the emergency tracking tool (ETT) targeting all new displacement following high-impact events, such as large-scale sudden on-set intercommunal violence, military offensives, declaration of the state of emergencies or large-scale conflicts in BAY states. Through the ETT, IOM gathers disaggregated displacement information, on a daily basis, including the number of displaced populations, locations of origin, date of displacement, accessibility and emergency humanitarian needs. In partnership with the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the ETT additionally collects information on Mid-Upper Arm Circumference (MUAC), a form of health screening to identify children at risk of malnutrition amongst newly displaced populations.
- Conduct a return intention survey (RIS) which is used to enrich and complement other DTM components. Household-level surveys are conducted with IDPs, returnees, and host communities to learn more about their mobility intentions, current needs, and the factors necessary for the sustainable resettlement or reintegration of displaced populations.
- Conduct stability index (SI) surveys to identify “pockets of stability” and enable partners to better develop strategies and plan operations in vulnerable areas for recovery interventions. The SI will identify locations in potential return areas that could be considered conducive to durable solutions.
- Deploy biometric registration activities to both IDP and return locations to facilitate livelihood partners’ beneficiary targeting activities, linking emergency response to early recovery, and ensuring continuous support through cash, voucher, and in-kind based interventions in the locations identified as "pockets of stability".
- Deploy the transhumance tracking tool (TTT) along transhumance campaign corridors in the North-East and North-West to collect data on transhumance movements and routes, and to identify areas where clashes are occurring (to gather the information that informs dispute resolution mechanisms, conflict mitigation, mediation, and resolution, and strengthening of social cohesion) or may occur between nomadic transhumant herders, and sedentary farmers and herders (to act as an early warning system). This includes Predictive/Anticipatory data on recurrent attacks and their impact on the population especially the most vulnerable.
- Conduct flow monitoring surveys at Points of Entry (using key transit points and border points) with high influxes of mobile populations to understand the push factors, needs, mobility intentions, and the socio-economic profile of these populations.
- Conduct rapid/flash assessments in all zones across Nigeria (North-East, North-West, North-Central, South-East, South-West and South-South) in order to provide real-time and up-to-date information to partners on new sudden movements and displacements caused by either conflict, communal clashes, attacks by bandits/herdsmen or natural disasters to raise the profile of the situation, understand the needs of the affected population and immediately allow the provision of relief assistance.
In 2023, as part of support services, IOM will:
- Support the humanitarian community in conducting a Multi-Sectoral Needs Assessment in the Northeast to determine the persons in need (PiN) and the sectoral needs of the displaced (living in camps and with host community), non-displaced (host community members) and returnee population. In addition, IOM will also support conducting an ad-hoc initial rapid needs assessment of incidents.
- The Humanitarian Hubs will provide safe accommodations, office, and meeting space, and internet services to approximately 5,000 humanitarian workers from 150 organizations where more than 1.3 million IDPs reside. From Maiduguri, the Humanitarian Hubs will continue to resupply, staff, and administratively support the deeper field locations, as well as provide safe accommodations, office, and meeting space for nearly 800 humanitarians who are also administratively coordinating their humanitarian projects from Maiduguri, providing and enabling, multiplier effect for greater efficiencies.
The map used here is for illustration purposes only. Names and boundaries do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by IOM.
Figures are as of 31 December 2023. For more details of IOM's operational capacity in country, please see the IOM Capacity section.