Niger Crisis Response Plan 2023

CRP last updated: January 18 2023
Funding last updated: January 13 2024
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People in need
People Targeted

IOM Vision

IOM Niger seeks to provide lifesaving assistance to crisis-affected populations and to vulnerable Nigerien migrants within Niger or abroad, as well as to foreign migrants, the majority from West Africa, stranded in Niger, who have expressed their willingness to return to their countries of origin. This is complemented by the promotion of social cohesion and peaceful coexistence between host communities, internally displaced persons (IDPs) and migrants. Through community stabilization and peacebuilding interventions, IOM aims to reduce factors of instability that could lead to irregular and forced migration. IOM Niger also envisions scaling up its assistance in crisis-prone areas to strengthen resilience to shocks.

Objective 1 - Saving lives and protecting people on the move
Saving lives and protecting people on the move

Funding required
People Targeted
Entities Targeted
Internal migrant, Internally displaced person, International migrant, Local population / community, Refugee
Primary target groups
Description of People and Entities Targeted

IOM will provide humanitarian assistance and protection services to individuals and households affected by crises (IDPs, refugees, returnees, and host communities) in the Niger.

These individuals are considered as being in vulnerable situations/living under vulnerable conditions even without compounding factors such as disaster or conflict-related displacement or increased pressures on limited natural resources and basic social infrastructures. 

In addition, IOM will support migrants in the region of Agadez arriving from Algeria and Libya or those who find themselves stranded and/or abandoned by smugglers.

Funding confirmed 7%
93% Funding gap

Shelter and settlements

IOM will continue to provide need-based assistance to migrants and other populations affected by conflict and natural hazards in accordance with Sphere standards. IOM will:

  • Provide emergency shelters;
  • Provide transitional shelters for displaced populations who have been in the same location for at least 12 months and show acute needs;
  • Distribute NFI kits including both basic items and items for groups with specific needs (such as dignity kits, kits for pregnant women, baby kits, and material for persons with disabilities). In coordination with the WASH and Protection Working Group (WG). Additionally, as for COVID-19 response, an adapted COVID kit will be provided to vulnerable affected populations, especially in hard-to-reach localities;
  • Provide cash-based assistance to households who had their houses destroyed or damaged by natural hazards and/or are affected by displacement in areas least affected by insecurity.

Protection concerns are integrated across these activities, including measures to mitigate risks of gender-based violence (GBV) in line with the IOM's Institutional Framework for Addressing Gender-Based Violence in Crises (GBViC), such as (but not limited to) ensuring the safety and privacy of shelter solutions for single females and female-headed households, establishing community spaces for women and girls, ensuring safe access to water points to women and girls, and conducting safety assessments with women and girls. IOM’s programming will ensure that the security of tenure is considered and strengthened for all those affected.

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Funding confirmed
Last updated: 13 Jan 2024
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Mental health and psychosocial support in humanitarian response

IOM will provide community-based and individual mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) services to migrants and crisis-affected populations in Niger, to maintain their mental health, enhance their psychosocial well-being and strengthen their resilience. IOM will:

  • Carry out individual and group counselling and other MHPSS activities in transit centres in sites for displaced people or through mobile teams expanded to IDPs and populations affected by the ongoing crisis. The teams will use the Psychological First Aid (PFA) approach and therapeutic tools; provide socio-relational and social cohesion-fostering activities such as sport and play; creative and cultural activities, such as music, dance, and art-based activities that help to (re-)establish an interpersonal exchange and supportive structures in crisis-affected communities;
  • Provide referrals for people with severe mental health conditions to specialized mental health service providers including national services and NGO partners, as needed;
  • Provide awareness-raising and capacity-building, notably on conflict mitigation and mediation activities for local authorities and communal leaders such as women and youth.

All activities will be in line with IOM’s Manual on Community-based Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergencies and Displacement and the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Guidelines on MHPSS in Emergency Settings.

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Last updated: 13 Jan 2024
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Provision of water, sanitation and hygiene in emergencies

IOM seeks to ensure that crisis-affected populations in areas of displacement as well as areas of return in the regions of Diffa, Tahoua, Tillabéri and Maradi have access to effective WASH services and can adopt improved hygiene practices to ensure positive public health outcomes including prevention and control of cholera, COVID-19 and other communicable and WASH-related diseases. By doing so, IOM will support upholding the human right to safe water and sanitation, whilst ensuring the dignity and well-being of populations. IOM will:

  • Support the construction of household latrines in support of emergency shelters and gender-segregated communal latrines in schools, hospitals, and other public spaces, in line with SPHERE Standards; 
  • Carry out hygiene promotion to encourage improved hygiene practices and long-term behavioural change to improve public health outcomes, in collaboration with health practitioners; 
  • Improve WASH services at the health and border management level by refurbishing border crossing points and providing WASH services such as installation/rehabilitation of water points, latrines and hand-hygiene facilities, as well as training staff on effective IPC including RCCE of WASH-related and communicable diseases. Ensure the provision of WASH Services in other regions such as Agadez, especially along the migratory routes and in the mining areas.
  • For all newly constructed WASH infrastructure, capacity building will be undertaken to ensure the relevant governance structures are trained on the operation and maintenance of the infrastructure.
Funding required
Funding confirmed
Last updated: 13 Jan 2024
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Direct health support

IOM aims to partner with local organizations and partners assessed to have strong community links and capacity, to:

  • Provide critical support to existing health services and local health structures (such as contributing to the procurement of medicines and supplies, and facilitating capacity-building where needed) in displacement sites in the regions of Tillabéri, Tahoua, Maradi, and Diffa, including by providing logistical support to local health authorities with access to these displacement sites and communities;
  • Conduct targeted health promotion and risk communication activities at the community level, including by facilitating the participation of health staff from local health structures in coordination with the WASH Working Group;
  • Intensify health support to migrants in transit centers, including but not limited to basic health consultations, alongside enhancing infection prevention and control measures in the transit centers through improving transit center capacity to facilitate isolation measures, while also reinforcing the  coordination between health services and immigration services at key PoEs to reinforce Health Border Migration Management (HBMM) in a cooperative manner, especially in light of COVID-19 pandemic, and support the national response;
  • Support COVID-19 and other vaccine-preventable diseases efforts;
  • Supporting the GoN logistic efforts for the transportation of vaccines especially in hard-to-reach areas and zones affected by insecurity and for populations on the move;
  • Design adapted sensitization messages in different languages for mobile populations to facilitate demand generation for life-saving vaccinations.
Funding required
Funding confirmed
Last updated: 13 Jan 2024
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Movement assistance

Third-country nationals in Niger or in transit in Niger have the possibility to avail of IOM’s movement assistance to voluntarily return and reintegrate into their country of origin. IOM will:

  • Evaluate and provide the most feasible movement modalities via land or air for a safe, voluntary, and dignified return;
  • Provision of pre-departure health assessments for migrants and ensuring that they are fit-to-travel (FTT) considering COVID-19 (and other key health) measures, and following-up on individuals with health (physical and mental) conditions/persons in need of any form of health support;
  • Provision of operational and/or medical escorts (for specific cases as required);
  • Support transit assistance and arrival assistance.
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With regard to the protection of the most vulnerable migrants, displaced and other crisis-affected people, IOM Niger plans to:

  • Facilitate the identification of protection risks and vulnerabilities experienced by migrants and populations affected by the crisis to provide protection and individualized case management for the most vulnerable stranded migrants in Niger, including unaccompanied migrant children, victims of trafficking (VoT), and survivors of gender-based violence (GBV);
  • Reinforce its collaboration with the GBV Working Group and local organizations of people with disabilities (OPDs) to contribute to responding to the needs of survivors and people with disabilities through psychosocial support and direct assistance;
  • Reinforce the capacity of government (e.g., MPFPE, ANLTP/TIM, juvenile courts) and local authorities in responding to the needs and protection issues of crisis-affected populations to better prevent and respond to protection issues through trainings, elaboration of tools and equipment donation including on CT in Emergency, GBV, Child Protection, and Disability Inclusion;
  • Prevent and mitigate risks of GBV, exploitation of children, trafficking in persons and other human rights violations, through capacity building of peer educators, engaging populations and men and boys as actors of change;
  • Reinforce the protection angle in all sensibilization and community cohesion activities in crisis-affected areas, including awareness of GBV and the risks linked to irregular migration such as trafficking in persons and smuggling of migrants;
  • Support community committees in executing their role of protection for displaced population and host communities by organizing awareness-raising and community-based activities;
  • Rehabilitate structures to ensure the integration of safe spaces for women and child-friendly spaces while enhancing accessibility for persons with disabilities;
  • Ensure that responses are inclusive and tailored to specific needs, e.g.; through the distribution of specific NFI kits, including dignity kits / Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) items for women and girls, promoting the dignity of displaced and host populations; and through inclusive and accessible activities and assistance minimizing barriers for persons with disabilities and elderly persons. Cash-based interventions or voucher assistance may be provided based on needs;
  • Integrate GBV and disability indicators in needs assessment tools;
  • Enhance the capacity of IOM Niger and its partners to prevent and respond to Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA) through mainstreaming Prevention against Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) across operations, reinforcing/building capacities of staff and IPs through training, and disseminating information across assisted communities on PSEA, reporting channels and services available.
  • Augmenting IOM’s broader, inclusive protection interventions, through its seven transit centers (located in Assamaka, Arlit, Agadez, Dirkou and Niamey), IOM Niger’s Migrant Resource and Response Mechanism (MRRM) promotes migrants' access to basic rights by providing comprehensive needs-based protection and direct assistance services to migrants transiting through, returning to, or traveling to/from Niger, ensuring that the specific needs of migrants are comprehensively addressed by IOM or through referrals to partners.

Protection principles are mainstreamed across interventions to ensure safety and dignity, avoid causing harm and guarantee meaningful access to assistance for all persons in need, without discrimination. This includes GBV risk mitigation as well as Disability Inclusion of Persons throughout the program cycle. Particular attention will be given to effective participation and empowerment of the community. Activities will be conducted and evaluated in consultation and collaboration with communities and will ensure meaningful participation of vulnerable groups especially women and girls, children, persons with disabilities, and older persons. Furthermore, IOM will ensure that Complaint and Feedback Mechanisms (CFM) and other reporting mechanisms related to PSEA and the Child Safeguarding Policy (to be published in 2023) are in place to prevent misconduct and guarantee accountability to the affected population, in line with the IOM Accountability to Affected Populations (AAP) Framework.

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Funding confirmed
Last updated: 13 Jan 2024
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Humanitarian border management and services for citizens abroad

Border areas in Niger are particularly fragile due to the high level of permeability of the borders coupled with the operational challenges of managing and patrolling such an extended area. As a result, cross-border criminal activities threaten the security and stability of local communities. Therefore, IOM aims to strengthen humanitarian border management in order to contribute to the stability in border areas. This fosters a holistic approach inclusive of humanitarian services to improve Health and Humanitarian Border Management (HHBM). IOM aims to:

  • Improve access to legal identity for third-country nationals in Niger and Nigerien in neighbouring countries in order to have a regular status, and access basic services and humanitarian assistance as needed in the country of transit or destination;
  • Increase Humanitarian Border Management and Community Engagement and Policing (CEP) interventions in remote border areas affected by the migration crisis, in order to build a greater feeling of safety and security in communities;   
  • Strengthen collaboration mechanisms among relevant State authorities in border communities, ultimately contributing to border governance and rule of law, to finally protect citizens and migrant population from shocks conducive to massive displacements.
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Multi-sectoral support

Includes funding which supports multi-sectoral interventions or cannot be attributed to a specific activity area.
Funding confirmed
Last updated: 13 Jan 2024
IOM Niger supporting women-led agricultural opportunities in Ouallam, Niger. Safa Msehli, 2022.
IOM Niger supporting women-led agricultural opportunities in Ouallam, Niger. Safa Msehli, 2022.

Objective 2 - Driving solutions to displacement
Driving solutions to displacement

Funding required
People Targeted
Entities Targeted
Internal migrant, Internally displaced person, International migrant, Local population / community, Refugee
Primary target groups
Description of People and Entities Targeted

IOM will work to address the root causes of conflict and instability and seek to improve social cohesion in the regions of Agadez, Diffa, Tillabéri, Maradi and Tahoua targeting local communities, including authorities, women, youth, as well as IDPs and refugees - as relevant to the social cohesion and stability needs.

IOM will also seek to strengthen the relations between authorities and communities, targeting local authorities with capacity re-enforcement to enhance service delivery and increase the confidence of populations.

IOM further seeks to support host communities and migrants in the Agadez region to enhance their socioeconomic resilience and reduce the impact of conflict and/or natural hazard-related shocks as well as to prevent recruitment into NSAG in the regions of Diffa, Maradi, Tillabéri, and Tahoua.  

In 2023, IOM will also target the most vulnerable migrants, refugees, IDPs, returnees, and host communities with a strategic component to facilitate enhanced access to health services and other basic social services.

Funding confirmed 27%
73% Funding gap

Community stabilization

IOM aims to reinforce social cohesion between communities and authorities in Niger by addressing underlying factors of fragility and supporting inclusive and transparent governance mechanisms at the community level. IOM will:

  • Improve inter and intra-community social dialogues and foster collaboration between communities, migrants and the local authorities through activities aimed at strengthening/restoring trust between the actors concerned; 
  • Strengthen the role and impact of local monitoring committees to promote local governance through community exchanges and consultations on key community issues;
  • Strengthen the capacities of local and traditional authorities to enable them to fulfil their role as mediators in conflict resolution and social and community mediation;
  • Implement cultural and social activities and establish exchange platforms to encourage dialogue and social cohesion;
  • Support community dialogues between communities and local authorities to enhance decentralized services of the State to improve access to and provision of basic social services identified by communities. The most common interventions are in the health, sanitation, water, and education sectors. Communities after a participatory decision-making process can participate in the construction and/or rehabilitation of essential services such as the supply/distribution of drinking water, in particular through the construction of “small water supply mechanisms”. Latrines will be built in schools, health centres, and public services, as well as schools and health centres, to improve educational and health conditions in the most remote areas.
  • Implement tailored economic recovery initiatives to address the needs of the most vulnerable groups, particularly women and young people through income-generating activities (including cash-for-work schemes, the provision of grants to local cooperatives, and setting up small businesses).  Furthermore, technical skills of young entrepreneurs will be strengthened, supporting local businesses and raising awareness among young Nigeriens (including women) of self-employment and the creation of entrepreneurial activities.
Funding required
Funding confirmed
Last updated: 13 Jan 2024
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Peacebuilding and peace preservation

IOM seeks to prevent, manage and resolve conflict as the driver of displacement and obstacle to return and reintegration in the regions of Diffa, Maradi, Tahoua, and Tillabéri. IOM works at the individual, community, and institutional levels to address the drivers and triggers of conflict, and manage conflict dynamics, by supporting violence prevention and resolution, community stabilization, and social cohesion, creating conditions for sustainable peace. To do so, IOM will: 

  • Reinforce local authorities’ capacities to prevent conflict by rehabilitating/building public infrastructures such as schools, boreholes, integrated health centers, and community infrastructures (such as community radios and youth and culture houses). These activities will be instrumental to enhance local communities’ trust in local authorities;
  • Contribute to reducing women and youth’s economic marginalization by implementing livelihood activities (cash-for-work in land rehabilitation and city sanitation; and income-generating activities). Those activities will engage both displaced and host community members to promote peaceful coexistence;
  • Mitigate the marginalization of women and youth by providing them with a platform in forums gathering key stakeholders including local administrative and customary authorities. By involving both displaced and host community members, these activities will help find inclusive solutions to prevent inter-ethnic tensions and the spread of violent extremism in the targeted communes;  
  • Establish and strengthen the Peace Committee networks in communes (composed of traditional, religious, youth and women leaders) to improve local exchange frameworks promoting peace and social cohesion.
Funding required
Funding confirmed
Last updated: 13 Jan 2024
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Funding gap

Health system strengthening

IOM aims to build on its strong partnership with the GoN at the national (Ministry of Public Health) and regional (Regional Directorate for Public Health, DRSP) levels through continuing and sustained support, and the provision of health assistance at the cluster level. IOM will continue to improve access to, and improve the quality of healthcare for all populations in the target areas, whilst working to facilitate more migrant-sensitive healthcare provision. With this aim, IOM will:

  • Reinforce the preparedness of the GoN to respond to public health emergencies, e.g., with materials and equipment support, facilitate coordination meetings, create and distribute education and communication materials;
  • Reinforce the communication and referral systems among the health authorities, health structures, and communities;
  • Reinforce and facilitate access to health services for migrants and mobile populations;
  • Conduct discussions and periodic assessments/evaluations in consultation with partners as appropriate (e.g., ‘état des lieux’) to identify the gaps in primary healthcare provision in IOM's areas of intervention;
  • Reinforce collaboration with existing health partners/actors and relevant WGs;
  • Reinforce regional or intra/inter countries coordination and collaboration mechanisms to improve cross-border public health disease surveillance.
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Durable solutions

In Niger, due to the official government policy on formal displacement sites, vulnerable populations displaced by conflicts or natural hazards are forced to live in spontaneous sites referred to as “community groups”.

In fragile contexts such as the regions of Diffa, Tillabéri, Maradi, and Tahoua, where displacement has increased over the recent years, IOM has elaborated an “out-of-camp” approach that simultaneously addresses the immediate vital needs of the most vulnerable communities affected by displacement, while taking into account the needs to strengthen the resilience of both displaced populations and host communities in coping with the effects of prolonged forced displacement, ensuring synergy between humanitarian assistance and development-oriented actions for the broader community. This approach aims to contribute to the progressive achievement of durable solutions for vulnerable populations affected by forced displacement, including host communities, in line with IOM's Progressive Resolution of Displacement Situations Framework and the UN Secretary-General's Action Agenda on Internal Displacement. In order to achieve this IOM will:

  • Support the functioning of deconcentrated and decentralized state services through capacity building on preparedness and response to mobility;
  • Support community resilience through income-generating activities;
  • Establish an accountability mechanism;
  • Collect, analyze, process, and disseminate information on displaced populations and their expressed needs and follow up on the implementation of sustainable solutions;
  • Assist beneficiaries with transitional and durable shelters;
  • Implement the ‘out-of-camp’ strategy to support communities affected by displacement with a holistic approach that simultaneously addresses the immediate vital humanitarian needs of the most vulnerable displaced households while also providing durable solutions and improving the resilience of displaced, returned, and host communities in light of the protracted nature of the displacement. This will involve using a community-based approach in our interventions, strong beneficiary involvement, durable and transitional shelter assistance, and IGA assistance with strong consultation with the community and local authorities.

In parallel, IOM is working towards the integration of the migration environment and climate change link into public policies and is looking at creating alternatives to forced mobility in territories affected by environmental degradation. IOM will:

  • Promote specific agriculture techniques (including half-moons and inter alia) and effective natural resource management;
  • Support green job initiatives;
  • Evaluate the potential and possibilities of diaspora engagement.
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Strengthen preparedness and reduce disaster risk

Funding required
People Targeted
Entities Targeted
Internal migrant, Internally displaced person, International migrant, Local population / community, Refugee
Primary target groups
Description of People and Entities Targeted

IOM will target Nigerien authorities with capacity-building activities to strengthen disaster preparedness, especially in the Diffa, Tahoua, Tillabéri, Maradi and Niamey regions. IOM Niger’s interventions will specifically target the Ministry of Humanitarian Action, the Ministry of Public Health, the Regional Security Councils, and the Directorate for Territorial Surveillance (DST).

Additionally, IOM will target communities with prevention and mitigation measures related to communicable diseases such as COVID-19 or cholera outbreaks, as well as with disaster risk reduction activities (evacuation sites) for communities exposed to hazards (floods and droughts).

Emergency preparedness - rename

In 2023, IOM Niger will continue its efforts on emergency preparedness and continue to:

  • Train local authorities in the provision of a coordinated and rapid response to potential, massive and sudden population displacements with people fleeing from sudden-onset disasters in a neighbouring country. Activities could include the organization of simulation exercises, in order to elaborate regional intervention plans in all regions. The simulation exercise also includes a health component for a pandemic simulation;
  • Conduct capacity-building exercises to reinforce the preparedness of the GoN to respond to floods and other recurring disasters resulting from natural hazards in the country. This will include training of the Ministry of Humanitarian Action and Disaster Management together with Civil Protection on disaster risk reduction principles, including improving early warning systems and piloting interventions to support risk reduction in Niamey;
  • Support local authorities with capacity-building and contingency planning in areas affected by natural hazards and man-made crises, such as through implementing floods/droughts/wildfires response plans to be activated in several communes; and
  • Provide NFI (inclusive of MHM items) and emergency shelter kits as contingency stocks in preparation for significant population movement due to armed conflict and large sudden disasters in line with the Ministry of Humanitarian Action and Disaster Management contingency plan.
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System strengthening for mental health and psychosocial support

In order to strengthen the mental health and psychosocial support system IOM will:

  • In coordination with the global IASC reference group on MHPSS, contribute to strengthening the work of the MHPSS technical working group by conducting a mapping of existing MHPSS resources and needs to identify gaps and by doing so, support the integration of MHPSS in the emergency response in Niger; and
  • Train relevant actors, such as staff of NGOs, the Ministry of Health and community volunteers in MHPSS, including PFA, basic MHPSS, referral systems, and community-based MHPSS approaches.
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Disaster prevention

To support the prevention of disasters or man-made crises IOM will:

  • Implement community risk reduction activities, including information, education, and communication campaigns on prevention and risk awareness; and
  • Design and build infrastructure to increase the resilience of communities to disasters, such as modular and scalable WASH infrastructure, multiple water supply options, flood protection and increased safety margins in design and operations through in-kind provision, accompanied by capacity building of the targeted communities.
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Health components of preparedness and risk reduction

IOM will: 

  • Implement early warning systems at the community level in partnership with other UN/non-UN stakeholders;
  • Support the Government of Niger to conduct a risk assessment identifying health impacts and hazards;
  • Facilitate discussions and assessments with partners at the early stage of alerts generated to identify the needs and gaps, and subsequently mobilize resources in the context of communicable disease outbreaks;
  • Provide logistical assistance to local health authorities to reach the affected population or potentially affected population to provide sensitization efforts (as necessary), and health care services;
  • Support the development of strategies and/or standard operating procedures with the local, regional and national administrative and health authorities relating to preparedness;
  • Support communities with early alerts and preparedness by promoting two-way dialogues among the community, the authorities and the relevant partners through community engagement and sensitization activities with communities about potential health threats, and feeding into community-events-based surveillance; and
  • Conduct emergency drills related to public health emergencies.
Funding required
Funding confirmed
Last updated: 13 Jan 2024
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Contribute to an evidence-based and efficient crisis response system

Funding required
At risk communities
People Targeted
Entities Targeted
Internal migrant, Internally displaced person, International migrant, Local population / community, Refugee
Primary target groups
Description of People and Entities Targeted

IOM will support the GoN as well as national and international humanitarian partners by providing up-to-date information and data through IOM’s tool which includes information through the flow monitoring points (FMPs), data flow monitoring surveys and registries, emergency tracking, village assessment surveys, and the stability index surveys.

These data collection activities will provide humanitarian responders, sectors and clusters, transition and recovery and development actors, and national authorities with key data and information thus contributing to evidence-based programming and informed policies that will directly benefit displaced populations (IDPs, migrants, and returnees).

In addition, evidence-based information on transhumance patterns in the tri-border area with Mali and Burkina Faso will be shared with local authorities, to enable them to take actionable steps to mitigate and prevent agro-pastoralist conflicts; with national authorities, whose better understanding of transhumance routes and flows are expected to lead to policies to better manage transhumance; with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and other actors for improved knowledge on available infrastructure and vaccination of cattle, as well as health and infrastructure needs; as well as agro-pastoralist communities as a priority, for information on natural disasters and conflict risks to allow them to select new routes or avoid conflict and disaster-affected zones; and farming communities to enable them to take measures to protect their farmland.

Displacement tracking - rename

In order to support the data needs of the humanitarian response in Niger, IOM will:

  • Conduct data collection at nine flow monitoring points (FMPs) and 11 information points (IPs) along the southern and northern regions to track migration trends and movements to, through, and from Niger as well as from/to neighbouring countries, including Algeria and Libya;
  • Implement four rounds of DTM village assessments at regular intervals to track the mobility of IDPs, determine numbers, locations, places of origin, and reasons for displacement, and assess the IDP population’s vulnerabilities and basic humanitarian needs. Village Assessments will evaluate the capacity to support the current population and will inform multisectoral planning and response with the aim of building the humanitarian-peace-development nexus;
  • Carry out a Return Intention survey in communities hosting IDPs to gather information on the intentions of displaced persons, the factors influencing their intentions, and the conditions of their communities of return in order to inform the development of durable solutions;
  • Conduct data collection through the emergency tracking tool (ETT) to track and monitor displaced persons and assess the conditions of communities affected by urgent and sudden events including floods and conflict in the regions of Diffa, Maradi, Tahoua, and Tillabéri;
  • Conduct two rounds of stability index data collection to identify pockets of stability and assess the conditions in displacement-hosting locations and facilitate the programming of durable solutions in areas of high return. This tool will serve as a measure of stability in return areas in Niger to enable partners to better develop strategies, and plan resources and operations in specific vulnerable areas for coherent interventions that link humanitarian, recovery, and stabilization. The stability index, implemented in Tahoua/Tillabéri and Diffa, is part of two sub-regional data collection projects in the Liptako Gourma countries and Lake Chad Basin countries to provide a complete, regional understanding of stability in displacement-affected locations in areas prioritized for the humanitarian- development-peace nexus approach to programming in coordination with partners;
  • Implement data collection on transhumance flows and movements of cattle through IOM’s transhumance tracking tool (TTT) in order to inform social cohesion programs and prevent and reduce tensions linked to resources management and conflict surrounding transhumance campaigns in the Tillabéri region, which borders Burkina Faso and Mali. This action will be conducted in complementarity with TTT conducted in Benin, Burkina Faso, and Nigeria;
  • Build the capacity of targeted local administrative entities in different regions on displacement data collection and analysis through workshops as well as in-kind assistance through computers and other office supplies.
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Operational presence in


International staff and affiliated work force
National staff and affiliated work force
IOM field office


The map used here is for illustration purposes only. Names and boundaries do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by IOM.

Figures are as of November 2024. For more details of IOM's operational capacity in country, please see the IOM Capacity section.

With thanks to our current donors