IOM Vision
IOM aims to contribute to durable and inclusive well-being, social cohesion, and peacebuilding in the northern regions of Côte d’Ivoire, working to reduce vulnerabilities while strengthening resilience and prosperity in areas impacted by human mobility. Assistance to displaced populations aims not only to respond to immediate needs, but also to provide sustainable access to basic services, employment, and livelihoods. IOM also contributes to finding solutions to forced displacement and facilitating safe and regular migration through protection assistance, conflict management and prevention, peace consolidation, and support for national and inter-agency development processes.

Saving lives and protecting people on the move
IOM will provide life-saving and protection assistance to vulnerable populations in northern Côte d’Ivoire, including displaced populations in both transit sites and host communities, migrants, and members of the host community, with a specific focus on:
- People with specific assistance needs (minors, victims of violence, abuse, or trafficking, people with a disability)
- Herders, both transhumant herders and herders from the host communities
- Vulnerable populations in need of MHPSS and protection assistance
- Members of protection committees
IOM will also support communities, government authorities, and other partners to respond and prepare for risks, including:
- Displaced populations in both transit sites and host communities, as well as the host communities, including people with specific assistance needs (minors, victims of violence or abuse or trafficking, people with a disability, people with MHPSS needs)
- Members of protection committees
- Local authorities and other local governance mechanisms
- Border authorities and other government entities such as the National Security Council, Ministry of the Interior and Security, Ministry of Defense, Prefectural Corps, and other decentralized authorities
- Government authorities in charge of transit site management
- Civil society organizations
IOM will continue to work collaboratively with UN agencies and other key stakeholders on assessments and other data collection activities to inform strategic planning and ensure complementarity and coordination among the actors of resilience, development and peace. In particular, IOM will target:
- Government actors
- NGOs and civil society organizations
- UN system
Finally, faced with the increase in affected populations’ assistance needs, protection risks and vulnerabilities in the North, as well as the limited number of operational partners in the region, IOM aims to support government action and capacity by strengthening joint rapid intervention mechanisms, integrated governance of border areas and systems of risk prevention and management. Key entities targeted will include:
- National Security Council
- Ministry of National Cohesion, Solidarity, and the Fight Against Poverty
- Ministry of the Interior and Security
- Ministry of Defense
- Prefectural Corps
- Other decentralized authorities
IOM multisectoral support will focus on protection and response to the basic needs of asylum seekers, migrants and host communities. It will consist of:
- Distributions of essential non-food items (NFI), safety and dignity items for women and girls, new arrivals, and other activities aimed at ensuring food security, access to water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), and dignified shelter.
The assistance will be provided in kind or through multi-purpose cash assistance. The mechanism will be strengthened based on post-intervention surveys conducted with beneficiaries.
In line with its Humanitarian Border Management (HBM) model, IOM aims to address the challenges presented at borders during a crisis contributing to a more effective response to the needs of affected populations. HBM involves evaluating legal and regulatory frameworks, administrative and operational capacity, and information management identifying the need for potential revisions, improvements, or further development of national norms. In this sense, IOM aims to foster collaboration and coordination among stakeholders at the local, national, regional and international levels. It will also be essential to develop a solid database of figures relating to all types of mobility to inform the development and/or operationalization of legal frameworks, policies and programmes in favour of stability and peaceful coexistence in the border areas. IOM will focus on:
- Building on the principles of integrated border management, supporting effective coordination between relevant border authorities including public health authorities, and strengthening their operational capacities in accordance with the International Health Regulations (2005) and in synergy with the WHO through the prevention, detection and response to the spread of diseases at points of entry.
- Ensuring timely registration and effective management of the identities of crisis-affected population, improving digital capacities for collecting and analyzing information at land borders, in particular through the establishment of the MIDAS Registration Module, as well as in consulates particularly concerned by land migratory routes.
- In coordination with humanitarian actors, strengthening local actors’ knowledge and skills to manage and respond to humanitarian crises, including through full-scale mobility crisis simulation exercises (SIMEX/Workshop) for border authorities and local communities.
- Rehabilitation of facilities at priority border posts, in particular through the provision of necessary equipment to support effective, efficient and timely operations (including sanitation, mobile registration kits and communications equipment) at border posts.
In accordance with the Inter Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Guidelines on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) in Emergency Situations and the IOM Manual on Community-Based Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergency and Displacement Situations, IOM will carry out the following activities:
- Establishing multidisciplinary mobile psychosocial teams composed of psychosocial specialists and other specialists responsible for identifying, advising, and directly assisting displaced persons or members of host communities in need of short-term support (i.e. individual and group counseling sessions, provision of psychological first aid, community and family support activities such as socio-relational and recreational activities),
- Referring people in need of long-term support to the most appropriate health centres to receive specific care.
- Supporting inter-agency efforts to strengthen the national MHPSS response.
- Strengthening the capacities of local actors and service providers in providing MHPSS.
The uninterrupted arrival of populations from Mali and Burkina Faso in Côte d'Ivoire occurs in regions with limited access to basic services and natural resources, further exacerbated by the consequences of climate change. The Ivorian government has established two transit sites to accommodate refugee populations and better cater for their assistance and protection needs. Drawing on its global expertise in camp management and coordination, IOM will contribute to improving the living conditions of those who have sought refuge in Côte d'Ivoire and are living in these transit sites through:
- Supporting government teams responsible for managing the sites, with a focus on operationalizing mechanisms for coordinating assistance provided at the sites and managing information, establishing governance structures composed of representatives of all population groups living in the sites, as well as complaint processing tools and consultation with affected communities.
- Developing, maintaining, and upgrading infrastructure, including collective use facilities such as kitchens, distribution points, livestock accommodation spaces, as well as recreational and meeting spaces, taking into account the specific needs of different population groups, including women and girls. A particular focus will be placed on the inclusion of people with disabilities in the planning and execution of these infrastructure projects, fostering a socially cohesive and accessible environment that promotes the inclusion of all members of the community. These infrastructures will be developed on-site or in neighboring communities to strengthen social cohesion and access to basic services in host regions.
- Emergency support for herders, particularly transhumant herders or new arrivals housed in transit centers. Specific services will be put in place to prevent conflicts with farmers and host communities, while avoiding separating herders from their herds. These interventions will include the issuance of vaccination records for animals and transhumance cards. Temporary support also includes the search for host pastoralists and the construction of livestock enclosures within host communities.
- Transporting refugee populations to transit sites.
- Integrating cross-cutting themes, particularly mitigating the risks of gender-based violence and human trafficking through safety audits, infrastructure development, and establishing adequate accountability to affected populations mechanisms, including consultations with women and girls as a specific risk mitigation measure, ensuring a comprehensive and inclusive approach.
In order to support the creation of an environment in which all forms of violence, including but not limited to extortion, abuse, exploitation, human trafficking, gender-based violence, and violations of the human dignity of populations affected by crises, are identified, combated, and prevented, IOM activities will include:
- In coordination with the Protection Sector Group, contributing to assess protection risks and needs, including border monitoring and analysis of the protection environment to identify trends, vulnerabilities, and emerging needs among mobile populations, and to inform both advocacy and joint response based on reliable data.
- Support to the establishment of a mapping of actors specialized in the field of protection and a referral system for individuals with specific assistance needs (minors, victims of violence, abuse or trafficking, persons with disabilities) and community protection committees, in coordination with local authorities (including the Ministry of Solidarity and the Fight against Poverty, and the Ministry of Women, Family, and Child) and other organizations. This requires, in particular, identifying available protection services, including those that provide specialized care, in particular health, MHPSS and legal services.
- In coordination with UNFPA, UNICEF, the National Committee for Combating Trafficking in Persons (CNLTP), the National Committee for Monitoring Actions against Trafficking, Exploitation, and Child Labor (CNS), the Interministerial Committee for Combating Trafficking, Exploitation, and Child Labor (CIM), and the Ministry of Women, Family, and Child, strengthening the capacities of the government, local authorities, and community members involved in protecting populations affected by crises on subjects such as child protection, risk mitigation, prevention and response to gender-based violence, combating human trafficking, as well as prevention and response to sexual exploitation and abuse (PSEA). This includes contributing to the operationalization of regional committees to combat human trafficking in the affected areas and the rehabilitation or establishment of victim support centres.
- Provision of protection case management services to individuals and households, including assessment and planning, referral to specialized services, emergency assistance in monetary transfers (cash or coupons) or in kind, return and reintegration in particular for migrant victims of human trafficking;
- Support to women and girls in vulnerable situations by providing them with specific non-food item kits adapted to meet specific gender needs, including dignity kits, kits for babies and/or hygiene kits, provided in kind or through monetary transfers.
- Strengthening risk mitigation mechanisms related to human trafficking and gender-based violence through participatory assessments, notably the evaluation by women and girls of their access to services and security around them (safety audits).
- Organization of awareness campaigns on risks of gender-based violence, human trafficking and other forms of exploitation and abuse, mitigation measures and services available.
- Training IOM staff, national authorities and partners on protection, prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse (PSEA), AAP, GBV core concepts, principles, risk identification and mitigation measures as well as Code of Conduct.
Protection principles, ensuring safety, dignity, and non-discrimination, will be integrated across interventions. This includes mitigating GBV risks, promoting disability inclusion, and emphasizing community participation. Complaint and feedback mechanisms (CFM) and PSEA reporting mechanisms will be in place, aligned with the IOM AAP Framework, to prevent misconduct and uphold accountability.
Assistance will be provided to populations to improve access to water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) services, thus reducing the risks of water-related epidemics and diseases. IOM is committed to promoting the principles of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) in its efforts and will seek to establish sustainable water management, ensuring equitable distribution and promoting active community engagement to address immediate water needs through:
- Participatory diagnosis and planning: Identify existing strategies and gaps at the national and regional levels. Actively involve various stakeholders, including community groups, in identifying water needs, existing problems, and potential solutions.
- Construction of emergency communal sanitation infrastructure, showers (separated by gender and adapted to the cultural preferences of the populations), handwashing stations, and fecal sludge treatment facilities in transit sites and communities hosting a large number of asylum seekers.
- Construction and/or rehabilitation of wells, hand pumps, village water supply systems in transit sites and host communities according to needs and in a conflict-sensitive manner.
- Rehabilitation or construction of irrigation systems and dams to improve agricultural yields and watering for animals while preventing risks of environmental degradation. Solar technology will be prioritized as a sustainable and environmentally friendly energy source, along with the extension of urban water networks where possible.
- Awareness campaigns on sustainable water management and hygiene promotion to encourage communities to improve hygiene practices, in coordination with local authorities.
- Distribution of items such as soap, jerry cans, and hygiene kits, including menstrual hygiene management items selected in consultation with local communities and residents of transit sites.
- Capacity building at the local level: Train community members and local stakeholders in the principles of Integrated Water Resources Management, as well as necessary technical skills. Jointly with the National Water Partnership (PNECI) and coordination with relevant national authorities, support the establishment of infrastructure management and maintenance committees and strengthen their capacities through the provision of spare parts and training.
- Environmental regeneration: Implement targeted environmental regeneration initiatives to enhance resilience to future climate shocks. These activities could include wetland restoration, aquifer recharge initiatives, and the implementation of sustainable agricultural practices.
Côte d'Ivoire has faced severe meteorological and climatic events, including frequent floods in various regions and droughts in the North, leading to loss of life, material damage, and forced displacement of populations. IOM will focus on strengthening authorities’ operational coordination and response capacities, particularly at both national and local levels, by mobilizing all relevant stakeholders (The National Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction, Ministry of Solidarity, Civil protection directorate, Prefects, decentralized State services, international and, national organizations, and the private sector). IOM's proposed activities include:
- Support to the development and disclosure of the national contingency plan of the Ministry of Solidarity and support local governmental actors in the development or revision of regional response plans
- Strengthening preparation for sudden population movements for an effective response at all levels, by equipping institutions in areas at risk with the necessary knowledge, skills and capacities to identify disaster risks, carry out anticipatory actions and prepare to respond to disaster through specific trainings and operational equipment.
- Ensuring human mobility is better factored into national strategies to strengthen early warning mechanisms, in particular, to detect and anticipate movements and incidents related to transhumance.
- Strengthening actors’ warehouse capacities and the pre-positioning of strategic food and non-food products in key localities in order to increase capacity to respond quickly and effectively to emergency needs at scale in the North, while overcoming supply issues.
- Building capacities of central and local actors in warehousing, stock management, and supply chain management by developing standard operating procedures (SOPs).
Several components of IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) will be implemented in the north of Côte d’Ivoire and other targeted regions of the country, depending on the context and partners’ information needs. The data will be collected in coordination with relevant national authorities (such as the Institut national de la statistique and Office national de la population, National Border commission), via a large and well-established network of community representatives and DTM researchers. This collaboration with field actors will provide an in-depth analysis of the situation in the North of the country and will contribute to the analysis of the evolution in the regional context in the Gulf of Guinea, emphasizing the mobility and vulnerabilities of people on the move (migrants, refugees, transhumant herders, etc.) as well as host communities. IOM will implement:
- Multi-sectoral Needs assessments (MSNA) in case of influx of populations, which will inform the different types of joint and immediate interventions.
- Mobility Tracking to provide regular and updated information on the needs of mobile populations, including migrants, refugees and IDPs in in the regions of Folon, Bagoué, Poro, Tchologo and Bounkani. Secondary population movements from the North to other regions of the country will be analyzed in order to anticipate and respond to constantly evolving needs.
- Collection, analysis, and regular sharing of data on cross-border migration trends through Flow Monitoring Points implemented at main transit and points of entry.
- The Transhumance Tracking Tool (TTT) will also be implemented in partnership with the largest regional network of herders, the Réseau Billital Maroobé (RBM).
- Strengthening local administrative entities’ technical and operational capacities on displacement data collection and analysis
- Training data collection teams in data analysis, protection and confidentiality.
- Deployment of the Solutions and Mobility Index (SMI) to generate broader, more comparable data on stability, allowing IOM and partners to prioritize areas of intervention and prioritize development and peace consolidation funding in identified localities.
- In the event of sudden and significant internal population movements, emergency data collection mechanisms such as the Emergency Tracking Tool (ETT) will be deployed.

Driving solutions to displacement
IOM will provide assistance to promote social cohesion, conflict prevention, access to economic opportunities and livelihoods, and WASH infrastructure to:
- Displaced populations in both transit sites and host communities, as well as the host communities
- Transhumant herders, farmers, migrants, and recently arrived refugees
- Border communities, particularly women and youth from the Fulani community
- Local authorities and other local governance mechanisms
IOM will also strengthen the capacities of key stakeholders to prevent and mitigate risks in Côte d’Ivoire, including support to:
- Displaced populations in both transit sites and host communities, as well as the host communities, including:
- People with specific assistance needs (minors, victims of violence or abuse or trafficking, people with a disability, people with MHPSS needs)
- Members of protection committees
- Local authorities and other local governance mechanisms
IOM encourages participatory, local-level decision-making processes to define priority actions aimed at promoting peaceful coexistence and preventing community conflicts around access and management of natural resources, such as land, water and forest space. IOM works with local governance structures in communities affected by displacement and mixed migratory flows to collectively define solutions for better management of available resources, including conflict mitigation and resolution methods. The stages of this community-based approach consist of:
- Strengthening local governance mechanisms’ capacity to conduct transparent and inclusive community planning processes, in order to identify context-specific solutions and address the root causes of vulnerabilities of different social groups. This approach will also help increase civic engagement, strengthen local ownership and improve relations between national authorities and communities in border areas.
- Contributing to strengthening community engagement capacities and to the implementation of identified interventions through the civil-military cells of the northern prefectures and gradually at the department level.
- In the context of livestock management and transhumance, facilitate community dialogues, evaluating and strengthening local mechanisms, such as peaceful conflict resolution committees, set up by sub-prefectural decree to promote the settlement of disputes between breeders and farmers as well as regional transhumance and livestock movement committees.
- Strengthening early warning mechanisms, finding mutually beneficial solutions to conflicts and identifying opportunities to enhance transhumance’s economic and social impact through a cross-border approach.
- Supporting communities in the implementation of quick impact projects in order to provide communities with basic services and reduce their marginalization, while strengthening their resilience to shocks, including those linked to climate change and migration. These activities will focus on the inclusion of Fulani communities, particularly women and youth, within local border communities. Beyond these infrastructure projects, cultural and sporting events organized by the community will also be supported to strengthen the ties among different groups.
- In synergy with ongoing initiatives, such as the work of local radio stations and social media influencers, organizing communications campaigns to counter false information and the risks of stigmatization of refugees, migrants and at-risk groups such as Fulani communities. The objective will also be to promote positive stories of peaceful coexistence, interdependence and mutual assistance between communities. Given the low internet availability in border areas, language barriers and the preference of newly arrived communities in Côte d'Ivoire, priority will be given to mobilizing and strengthening the capacities of trusted community representatives.
In partnership with government actors, recently arrived communities and host populations in northern Côte d'Ivoire will be supported through a range of income-generating interventions aimed at strengthening their capacity to respond to future shocks and contribute to sustainable development. IOM will contribute to the implementation of economic development, empowerment and resilience projects in northern communities, particularly in the border areas, in support of national initiatives led by the Ministry of Youth Promotion, Professional Integration and Civic Service. This will include:
- Developing profiles of target departments/regions including a mapping of value chains and a rapid analysis of the local employment market.
- Identifying entry points with high potential to promote green jobs and the implementation of concrete, nature- and community-based solutions.
- Improving access to sustainable means of subsistence, in particular through the deployment of professional training adapted to the needs of the labour market, support for micro-enterprises and job placement, targeted contributions from the diaspora and contributions to the financial inclusion of displaced populations.
- Providing emergency livelihood support in target communities, including through cash-for-work initiatives at construction sites, asset replacement (provision of machinery, equipment and agricultural inputs) and business subsidies.
- Supporting community organizations, including women's groups, for the implementation of income-generating activities and monetary transfers.
In Côte d'Ivoire adverse impacts of climate change and environmental degradation, coupled with the spillover of the Central Sahel Crisis, contribute to increased risks of conflict, crisis and a worsening humanitarian situation.
In this context, IOM aims to strengthen the capacities of governments and other relevant actors to develop and implement integrated Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and adaptation strategies and mechanisms to prevent or reduce displacement triggered by natural hazards, environmental degradation, or adverse effects of climate change, and build the resilience of vulnerable communities to existing and future disaster risks. In particular, IOM will:
- Ensure active participation in and support to regional (CADRI initiatives, Gulf of Guinea Coastal Countries Monitoring and Early Warning Tool Report), national (National Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction, National Coordination Committee and UNCT Result Group 7 meetings) and local coordination mechanisms and initiatives related to disaster risk reduction and emergency preparedness.
- Conduct community hazard, vulnerability, and capacity assessments in high-risk areas to prioritize interventions that address the most pressing needs, while assisting communities in identifying potential hazards and understanding their potential impact on assets and livelihoods.
- Promote the implementation of DRR and adaptation strategies at the local level through capacity building of civil society organizations, communities and local authorities, including rehabilitation of hazard-resistant community infrastructure, implementing structural DRR measures and strengthening flood early warning systems.
Côte d'Ivoire
The map used here is for illustration purposes only. Names and boundaries do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by IOM.
Figures are as of November 2024. For more details of IOM's operational capacity in country, please see the IOM Capacity section.