IOM Vision
IOM Türkiye’s vision consists of responding to persistent acute needs while addressing longer-term recovery and reconstruction exigencies by leveraging existing programmes and engagement in the early recovery sector, expanding durable solutions and enhancing disaster preparedness. IOM will also prioritize its ongoing assistance to Syrians under Temporary Protection (SuTPs), in line with the Regional Refugee and Resilience Plan (3RP). Moreover, IOM intends to leverage its extensive knowledge of mobility trends and leadership position in regional coordination mechanisms and the Temporary Settlement Support sector to provide an evidence base for its interventions.

Saving lives and protecting people on the move
IOM's interventions target SuTPs, migrants, and host community members, as well as the institutions and organizations that serve them, including and not limited to the Turkish PMM and AFAD. IOM conducts a broad range of research to enhance the evidence base on migration and promote evidence-based policymaking and dialogue. IOM works with authorities to collect data on migrant/refugee presence and flows and improve information management capacities. Further, IOM has employed the Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) to conduct data collection activities including Site Mappings and Needs Assessments in the areas impacted by the earthquakes that struck the Republic of Türkiye in February 2023. This proactive approach has empowered humanitarian partners to implement a well-informed response that is guided by substantiated data and evidence.
Before implementation, IOM conducts conflict-sensitive needs assessments, value chain assessments, market assessments, gender risk analyses, and community consultations, and coordinates with relevant community, governmental and non-governmental stakeholders. Programmes target individuals based on need, with priority given to especially vulnerable groups, including newly displaced, female- and child-headed households, the elderly and persons with disabilities.
To support the basic needs of SuTPs and host communities in the region, IOM will provide the following assistance:
- Provide specialized one-time cash assistance for the most vulnerable SuTP and host community members to meet their winterization needs.
- Provide basic needs assistance through cash for the most vulnerable SuTP and host community members to increase their access to food and hygiene items.
- Provide specialized multi-purpose cash assistance for the most vulnerable SuTPs and host community members.
- Provide food assistance for the most vulnerable SuTP and host community members.
- Provide non-food items assistance to meet the basic needs of those affected by emergencies and to support their survival, dignity, and well-being.
To respond to a range of protection needs of Syrian refugee populations, international protection (IP) holders, other migrants, and local communities in the region, IOM will provide the following assistance:
- Provide individual legal support (legal aid and counselling) for refugees (IP and TP) and migrants.
- Ensure reasonable accommodation and accessibility of persons with disabilities throughout all IOM protection services.
- Support existing municipal migrant and community centres (MMCCs) providing a broad array of protection services including legal counselling and referrals, vocational training, and community activities, targeting refugees, other migrants, and host community members.
- Provide case management support for vulnerable individuals and families with protection risks who reached IOM or were referred by NGOs and UN agencies.
- Conduct legal information and awareness-raising for vulnerable migrants and refugees, and capacity-building trainings on legal assistance and key legal issues for local authorities and humanitarian service providers working with migrants and refugees.
- Increase protection and gender mainstreaming, GBV risk mitigation, inclusion, risk monitoring and community engagement across the response, ensuring the centrality of protection in emergency and transition programming, through capacity-building trainings, technical guidance, or joint activity design.
- Mainstream GBV risk mitigation and prevention across all sectoral interventions and monitor based on key mainstreaming indicators.
- Provide specialized support to children with specific education needs (physical, sensory, motor, development and intellectual) to access educational services.
- Support non-formal education for refugees and delivery of Turkish language programmes through Public Education Centres.
- Facilitate Back to School campaigns and specialized support for children with specific education needs to access educational services.
- Provide school transportation assistance for refugees, migrant, and host community children to access schools in urban and rural areas.
- Scale up AAP mechanisms for refugee, migrant and host community members.
To respond to the mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) needs of refugee populations, international protection holders, other migrants, and local communities in the region, IOM will provide the following assistance:
- Provide MHPSS for refugees, migrants, and host communities to enhance their resilience and well-being.
- Deployment of psychosocial mobile teams (PMTs) in rural and remote areas who will provide psychosocial support, awareness-raising, socio-cultural activities, case management, and referrals to specialized services for refugees, migrants, and host communities, focusing on rural and hard to reach areas in EQ and non-EQ affected areas.
- Conduct structured and non-structured MHPSS activities for children and adults from migrant, refugee and host communities in the Southeast and other parts of the Republic of Türkiye (EQ and non-EQ affected areas).
- Promote social cohesion between refugees, migrants, and host communities through the conduction of socio-relational and cultural activities, including sport and play, creative, art based, and cultural activities to re-build communal networks of affected populations.
- Ensure GBV risk mitigation and prevention across MHPSS programming, and provision of tailored support to GBV survivors directly or through referrals to specialized agencies.
- Support capacity development and coordination efforts of the Ministry of Family and Social Services (MoFSS) through dedicated trainings for staff working in EQ and non-EQ affected areas.
To contribute to the provision of water, sanitation and hygiene in emergencies, IOM will provide the following assistance:
- Provide hygiene kits inclusive of menstrual hygiene management (MHM) items to support the health and personal hygiene of the most vulnerable SuTP and host community members.
- Ensure adequate provision of water supply, either by emergency water trucking when needed (remote and hard to reach areas), support to water utilities for rehabilitation and new connections, and provision of water vouchers, and of decentralized compact water treatment of water supply.
- Provide hygiene kits containing essential items while defining hygiene tailored messages for the earthquake-affected population and any other vulnerable population.
- Procure, transport, and deliver critical sanitation facilities to meet needs of the earthquake-affected population. These facilities include standard prefabricated latrines and shower cabins, combined latrine and shower units that are easily accessible for individuals with disabilities, and water tanks.
- Support the affected population with hygiene services that include hygiene materials and dissemination of best hygiene practices adapted to their context.
IOM leads the TSS sector, which is the Republic of Türkiye's specific version of the Global Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) Cluster. The sector’s main objective is to represent and support the EQ-affected people, which encompasses SuTPs, other migrants, and host community members residing in temporary settlements such as formal and informal sites, to ensure fair and dignified access to assistance, information, and protection for as long as necessary. The TSS sector partners support information-sharing, coordination, reporting and advocacy, ensuring that updates and relevant priorities and gaps identified at the field level are translated into inter-sector strategies and plans. In the Republic of Türkiye, government entities, primarily AFAD in coordination with local authorities, are responsible for the management of formal displacement sites and coordination of response across all temporary settlements, while informal settlements are under the oversight of local authorities. The TSS sector complements government through a set of key activities implemented by IOM and other sector partners relating to service mapping and referrals, access to information and community engagement, site improvements, and targeted care and maintenance activities.
TSS Sector responsibilities include:
1. Coordination:
- Establish and maintain appropriate coordination with all humanitarian partners (including national and international NGOs, the Red Cross/Red Crescent Movement, and with national authorities and local structures. TSS is not responsible for coordinating multi-sector assistance for informal settlements or formal sites. Instead, TSS partners conduct regular site profiling and monitoring, including mapping locations and identifying assistance gaps to use this and other information to advocate on behalf of residents to ensure support to meet their needs, and the identification of viable alternative accommodation as appropriate.
2. Technical standards and guidelines:
- Advocate for relevant policies, guidelines, and technical standards appropriate to the context of the crisis e.g. fire safety and mobile site management.
- Ensure sector members are aware of relevant policy guidelines and technical standards, including gender markers.
- Ensure that the responses are in line with existing policy guidance, technical standards and relevant government human rights legal obligations.
- Develop contextualized guidance as needed.
3. Preparedness and capacity:
- Promote and support efforts to strengthen knowledge of camp management and other related activities for relevant stakeholders, including NGOs, UN agencies, and members of displaced and host communities.
- In coordination with the government, ensure appropriate preparedness measures to mitigate the impact of weather in formal settlements, and advocate for the needs of those living in informal settlements.
4. Advocacy and resource mobilization
- Identify core advocacy concerns and contribute key messages to broader, multi-sector advocacy initiatives.
- Represent the interests of the sector in discussions with the UN Country Team (UNCT)+ - an extended UNCT which includes NGOs - on prioritization, resource mobilization and advocacy.
To support the EQ-affected people residing in the temporary settlements, i.e. formal and informal sites, and to ensure fair and dignified access to assistance, information, and protection for as long as necessary, IOM will complement the government's efforts through a set of key activities:
- Service mapping and referral: For designated geographic areas of coverage, map and profile sites to identify needs and gaps and conduct referrals to sectors, as well as to advocate for needs to be addressed by the most suitable counterpart. Maintain an overview of sites in coverage areas, as well as up-to-date information on the number of people in sites.
- Conduct community engagement and communicating with communities (CwC) activities (age, gender, and diversity (AGD) focused), including operationalizing and strengthening complaints and feedback mechanisms, information dissemination, awareness-raising, organizing community meetings, community-led projects and events to ensure meaningful community participation and strengthen AAP.
- Implement site improvement activities (age and gender-inclusive) in the site including the construction and repair of access such as pathways, ramps, multipurpose communal space, drainage, etc.
- Distribute communal items such as lighting, heaters, fire safety kits, tool kits etc.
Shelter and Settlements (S&S) programming is a critical area of programming for IOM, with the ability to mobilize quickly during emergencies, IOM's interventions make a significant impact in saving lives and achieving or restoring adequate housing for vulnerable populations. As one of the largest operational organizations in the S&S sector operating across diverse contexts, IOM will support households through the below activities:
- Provide shelter rehabilitation for vulnerable SuTPs and host community members living in inadequate housing.
- Distribute essential housing items to vulnerable households.
- Ensure vulnerable households have access to essential goods (including food and non-food, shelter and household items) through one-time multi-purpose specialized cash assistance.
- Provide direct financial support to the community for infrastructure works.
To support in the delivery of essential primary health care (PHC) services to crisis affected populations.
- Deploy medical mobile teams for direct provision of PHC services to hard-to-reach locations (implementing partners and direct IOM teams where possible.) Scope of PHC support to include outpatient medical consultation and provision of medicine, sexual and reproductive health services including maternal, infant, and young child nutrition counselling, health education and promotion for disease prevention.
- Support Ministry of Health (MoH) mobile medical teams to provide lifesaving health services through the provision of logistical support and donations of medicines, supplies, and medical equipment.
- Provide capacity-building and development on priority topics of healthcare in emergencies including training of trainers on primary health care and cascading to provincial health staff, rationale medical/medicine prescription, sexual and reproductive health in emergencies, protection and GBV prevention and risk mitigation mainstreaming training for health professionals.
- Provide health, GBV and MHPSS referrals to secondary and tertiary levels of care including through use of special needs funds.
DTM is collecting data/evidence in different thematic areas specifically in the field of migration to support the Government of Türkiye's migration management efforts related to policy-making and decision-making. In addition, DTM is ensuring support in terms of data needs of IOM Türkiye programmes as well as those of other humanitarian actors to better plan and structure their responses to potential beneficiaries. Given this, DTM is conducting the following activities:
- Multisectoral need assessments
- Sectoral assessments
- Customized survey activities
- Formal and informal site assessments
- Capacity-building activities on data for the Government of Türkiye
To support capacities on emergency preparedness, notably for local authorities’ emergency response teams, IOM activities will include:
- In coordination with other UN agencies, provide trainings, equipment, and logistical support to enhance the capacity and coordination at the local level, including support to search and rescue personnel, medical professionals, and logistics experts.
- Engage with the media to raise public awareness about natural hazards, including earthquakes and recommend preparedness measures, and safe behaviour during disasters.
- Enhance public awareness and education by conducting community outreach programmes.
- Support the development of contingency plans and preparedness measures (e.g. pre-positioning NFIs) notably at the local level, in collaboration with UN partners and NGOs.
Driving solutions to displacement
IOM's interventions target SuTPs, migrants, and host community members, as well as the institutions and organizations that serve them, including and not limited to the Turkish PMM and AFAD. Before implementation, IOM in coordination with relevant stakeholders conducts conflict-sensitive needs assessments, value chain assessments, market assessments, gender risk analyses, and community consultations, and coordinates with relevant community, governmental and non-governmental stakeholders. Programmes target individuals based on need and vulnerability. The 3RP program has multiple components to address the needs of displaced persons and the Turkish communities who host them, including livelihoods, social cohesion and community involvement programming.
To contribute to improved social cohesion between refugee and host communities in the region and inclusive socioeconomics, thereby maintaining safety and stability in areas hosting refugee communities, IOM will engage refugee and host communities through the following assistance.
- Promote community stabilization and social cohesion activities through upgrading of community spaces.
- Rehabilitate classrooms as a social cohesion initiative for Turkish schools that provide education to SuTPs and host community students.
- Provide school supplies (stationary, pens, notebooks), school bags and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to refugee and host community children.
- Support municipal infrastructure and deliver material support for newly established and existing municipalities to strengthen their capacity for service delivery.
- Support restoration and enhancement of critical community infrastructure affected by earthquakes.
- Support the harmonization process in the Republic of Türkiye, provide technical expertise and capacity-building and promote community engagement. Contribute to the development of a national harmonization policy, offer integrated services to migrants and refugees, and promote harmonization between migrants and host communities.
- Disseminate accurate and first-hand information through channels such as printed and digital materials, and informative meetings as an important component of harmonization interventions.
- In line with IOM Türkiye Social Cohesion Strategy (2023-2027), which lays out IOM Türkiye's roadmap for the next five years and concentrates on aligning with the government and other stakeholders to establish well-suited priorities and actions that are systemic, comprehensive, and tailored to the local context, collaborate with the government, civil society, migrants, refugees, host communities, and other key relevant partners. This approach aligns with global frameworks such as the IOM's Migration Governance Framework and the Global Compact on Migration.
- Facilitate meaningful social interaction among people of different backgrounds as an important tenet of IOM's harmonization interventions. IOM’s ‘Designing, Implementing, and Evaluating Impact of Social Mixing Programmes’ Toolkit provides a concrete step on scientific and evidence-based approaches to migrant inclusion and social cohesion through social mixing programs and guides IOM’s harmonization activities and evaluation of their impacts.
- Strengthen the ongoing cooperation of Presidency of Migration Management (PMM) and the civil society sector.
- Provide micro project grants and capacity-building trainings to NGOs.
- Organize field-based workshops and assessment of the impact of language and cultural barriers in the management of mixed migration flows.
- Organize intercultural communication seminars for provincial public institutions and university academic and administrative staff.
- Support PMM's ongoing efforts towards building a positive public discourse around migration through informative workshops and trainings for foreign and local university students, informative sessions on basic concepts of migration and migration policy for independent researchers and documentary producers, workshops on migration communication for media professionals and social media phenomena.
- Support to PMM's communication strategy development.
In alignment with livelihoods and economic recovery initiatives, IOM aims to enhance income generation among refugee and host communities in the region while fostering inclusive socioeconomics. IOM will support economic recovery by engaging both refugee and host communities through the following assistance:
- Collaborate with local authorities, establishing connections with the private sector, to foster entrepreneurship and innovation. Additionally, IOM will offer training and support for starting and expanding businesses, with a focus on local authorities as primary partners in conjunction with the private sector.
- Support the sustainable labour market inclusion of SuTPs in the Republic of Türkiye and host community members, with a focus on female beneficiaries.
- Enable cash-for-work opportunities (such as small-scale agricultural interventions, for example, solar dryer farms) for SuTPs and host community members.
- Provide small and medium enterprises with mentorship and micro-grants to enhance their business development capacity to generate employment opportunities.
- Facilitate the provision of entrepreneurship training and grants to Turkish-Syrian start-ups, SuTPs and host community members.
- Provide cash grants to refugee and host communities for start-ups.
- Strengthen the capacity of policymakers and service providers through support to obtain work permits and individual employment counselling and business mentoring/coaching to SuTPs and host community members.
- Establish micro and community gardening and farming initiatives for refugee and host community members, and support greenhouse and/or backyard farming schemes to increase household food production and to supplement food intake.
- Support refugees and host community members to learn skilled trades in municipal food kitchens while providing nutritious prepared food for vulnerable community members.
- Provide work opportunities by linking SuTPs and host community members in the agriculture and forestry sectors.
- Provide vocational training, including Turkish language training, for SuTPs and host community members in the Republic of Türkiye, including cash grants and productivity toolkits.
- Improve employer access to skilled workers in underserved and emerging sectors.
- Ensure recovery actors have access to data on labour market needs.
- Provide micro project grants and capacity-building trainings for NGOs.
To respond to the range of mental health and psychosocial needs of the different community groups (including migrant, refugee, and local) in the region, IOM will provide the following assistance:
- Enable PMTs who will provide psychosocial support, awareness-raising, socio-cultural activities, case management, and referrals to specialized services for refugees, migrants, and host communities, focusing on rural and hard-to-reach areas in EQ and non-EQ affected areas.
To support capacities on the provision of mental health and psychosocial support within the country, IOM will:
- Provide a certificate program on MHPSS in the context of social dialogue in collaboration with an accredited Turkish university for MHPSS practitioners from the relevant ministries and responding agencies.
To support the recovery and strengthening of resilient health systems to move from direct health support through emergency health care modalities, to more comprehensive health services through bolstered national capacity, IOM will:
- Procure and donate medical supplies and equipment in coordination with the MoH for prioritization of items and locations of support.
- Rehabilitate and/or construct health facilities damaged by the earthquake.
- Conduct capacity building and staff development on management and prevention of chronic illnesses, positive sexual and reproductive health practices, and building resilient health-seeking behaviours.
- Strengthen health referral pathways including through the use of special needs funds. Special needs funds will be prioritized for cases that are not covered by the national health insurance fund and will be coordinated with the MoH to determine cases not covered to include in IOM’s criteria for special need funds and to map out referral facilities. Support will be in kind for medical equipment and cash modalities for cases that may require repeated consultations.
To support the Republic of Türkiye to strengthen health system preparedness, detection and response capacities, in particular relating to disease surveillance at borders and in communities, outbreak case management and risk communication and community engagement (RCCE), IOM will:
- Conduct training on health, border, and mobility management (HBMM) aimed at building an understanding of mobility dynamics and health, therefore supporting governments and communities to build health systems that are responsive to the needs of migrants and mobile populations.
- Support to establish, refurbish and equip border health posts and health facilities including donation of essential medicines, medical supplies and equipment in coordination with MoH. Capacity-building training specific to border health activities such as surveillance, infection prevention and control will be supported.
- Enhance community engagement and empower migrants, mobile populations and host communities in communicable disease prevention and response through health education/ promotion sessions, development and dissemination of translated and contextualized health information, education, and communication (IEC) materials.
- Build capacity and support the development of health care workers on detection and management of communicable diseases in communities related but not limited to skin infections/infestations (such as scabies, lice, and impetigo) and respiratory system infections.
To promote peace preservation for vulnerable and diverse communities and foster stabilization and resilience, IOM aims to:
- Facilitate community dialogues and engagement sessions that bring together diverse groups, fostering mutual understanding, respect, and cooperation. These platforms can encourage open discussions about mental health, psychosocial needs, and health services, promoting peaceful coexistence among different groups.
- Empower women and youth to play active roles in peacebuilding and resilience-building efforts by providing them with training, leadership opportunities, and resources to engage in their communities.
In coordination with the Republic of Türkiye and partners, IOM seeks to support the recovery of the earthquake-affected areas for water, sanitation, and hygiene services, while also improving existing services. The areas of intervention will comprise water and sanitation infrastructure construction and rehabilitation for temporary areas and relocation areas, support to water utilities company, and efforts to enhance and strengthen community-based WASH managed services, including:
- Provide technical expertise, equipment, and capacity-building to local municipalities to enhance managing water and sanitation services. This helps ensure sustainable and effective service delivery.
- Work in coordination with the government for the rehabilitation and new construction of water and sanitation services in the earthquake-affected areas and any municipal plans that contribute to the inclusion of migrants and refugees.
- Construct and rehabilitate water infrastructure for newly defined relocation areas, temporary settlements and existing locations.
- Support the water utilities for monitoring of new and existing water and sanitation infrastructure.
- Implement disaster risk reduction strategies for WASH services, in coordination with the government, hence supporting the water utilities in developing and adapting WASH services to a more sustainable and resilient infrastructure. Support the government in the development of contingency plans to ensure continuity of services in case of disasters.
- Work closely with the government in supporting the new water and sanitation networks for the cities affected by the earthquakes.
Under IOM Türkiye’s Migration, Environment, Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction (MECR) Unit, IOM will develop DRR strategies and mechanisms and provide comprehensive and tailored disaster risk reduction measures to avert and minimize the risks of disasters, prevent or reduce displaced triggered by natural hazards, environmental degradation, and climate change and build the resilience of vulnerable communities against existing and future disaster risks. More specifically, IOM will:
- Implement community hazard, vulnerability, and capacity assessments in high-risk locations to understand the risks, exposure, existing vulnerabilities, impacts on lives, assets and livelihoods, and gaps, and capitalize on local knowledge to ensure the most needed interventions are prioritized.
- Collect data on human mobility to understand the trends in population movements due to hazards and climate change.
- Empower and build the capacity of local government institutions, civil society institutions and communities, including migrants and host communities, to improve resilience and adaptive capacities before, during, and in the aftermath of disasters through a diverse array of interventions including but not limited to awareness-raising, trainings, hazard-resistant structural interventions, risk proofing and provision of financial and non-financial resources.
- Provide technical expertise and training to local construction workers and engineers.
- Support local authorities in strengthening early warning systems, including awareness-raising strategies.
- Work with central and local governments to incorporate migrants into prevention, preparedness, and emergency response mechanisms, policies and strategies through participatory approaches.
- Focus on strengthening the resilience of communities by providing training on disaster preparedness, risk reduction, and response mechanisms. This includes educating communities about earthquake safety measures, evacuation plans, and first aid.
- Facilitate the engagement of migrants in the design and implementation of preparedness, adaptation, and response plans.
- Assess the needs and vulnerabilities of migrants in emergencies and incorporate these needs into policy planning and response processes such as early warning systems, emergency response plans, evacuation plans etc.,
- Strengthen communication channels for migrants in emergencies.
- Foster collaboration among all relevant public and private institutions so that the needs of migrants are met during disasters/emergencies.
- Train local authorities and selected community leaders on DRR to support community early recovery and raise awareness on disaster mitigation measures.
- Establish community DRR committees with representation from vulnerable groups such as migrants, the elderly, women, and people with disabilities to cascade awareness-raising campaigns, develop resilience strategies, and contribute to community-based DRR plans.
- Understand the lessons learned from past crises and emergency response and incorporate them into future planning.
The map used here is for illustration purposes only. Names and boundaries do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by IOM.
Figures are as of November 2024. For more details of IOM's operational capacity in country, please see the IOM Capacity section.