IOM Vision
In partnership with key strategic actors, IOM will seek to strengthen key institutional and community capacities on preparedness and response to emergency and crisis situations in Colombia, to reduce the risks and vulnerabilities of affected populations (internally displaced persons (IDPs), former combatants, migrants and host communities). Moreover, the mission supports sustainable recovery, community stabilization, peacebuilding and durable solutions at the national and local levels. The IOM Colombia Country Strategy for 2021-2024, supports the three strategic areas prioritized by the Government of Colombia: i) peacebuilding and stabilization; ii) migration as a factor for development; iii) catalysing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Saving lives and protecting people on the move
Conflict survivors of violence (IDPs, victims and host communities), victims of natural hazards or affected by climate change, at-risk children and adolescents (CH&A), civil society organizations (CSOs), and public officials of government entities counterparts (including ministries, national institutions and agencies, local authorities and committees).
IOM will improve access to life-saving primary health care services through:
- Capacity building with civil society organizations to promote a psychosocial approach among conflict-affected communities. IOM will support activities to improve people's use of free time, conceive life projects, strengthen support networks with friends and family and implement community initiatives for health promotion, prevention, and surveillance, among others.
- Access to health services, including mental health care, primary health care, perinatal maternal health, child health, paediatrics, dentistry and nutrition, among others.
- Support to local health institutions for the improvement of case management, and training of health workers on quality standards for health care and risk management. IOM will partner with universities for the provision of trainings to local hospitals to cover specific technical needs. These trainings will help local hospitals to provide comprehensive and qualified health care services for victims of armed conflict with a tailored approach.
- Implementation of risk communication, community engagement activities and health community networks. The Community Networks Strategy strengthens local capacities and empowers communities in health care, promotion, and articulation with local authorities for the response and management of health risks. IOM will support the networks to improve their capacities in the areas of health management, organizational structuring and advocacy, through trainings and the provision of in-kind support for the development of health community initiatives.
- Improve local hospitals’ capacities to ensure continuity of essential health services by providing personal protection equipment (PPE), other equipment and supplies such as secretion aspirators, infusion pumps, nutrition pumps, defibrillators, electrocardiographs, neonatal resuscitators, tensiometers, thermometers, laryngoscope and stethoscopes, among other elements, following hospital's needs; as well as logistics support for the implementation of care strategies like referrals pathways, vaccine campaigns, extramural health sessions, etc.
In order to provide comprehensive protection services for IDPs and vulnerable communities (due to conflict and/or natural hazards/ victims of human trafficking) in consultation and collaboration with local authorities and communities, IOM will:
- Strengthen and expand child protection mechanisms through capacity building of stakeholders (family members and communities) to recognize recruitment risks and implement mitigation actions.
- Provide awareness-raising and dissemination activities to strengthen community capacities to protect children, adolescents and youth; and provide secure spaces for children and adolescents where non-formal education activities take place.
- Provide GBV response services, including emergency funds, in-kind material assistance or cash transfers and psychosocial support; and improve vulnerable populations’ access to these services. Likewise, IOM will improve strategies to enhance communities’ knowledge on the prevention of GBV and promote awareness-raising strategies to change harmful social behaviours.
- Strengthen institutional capacities through trainings, communication strategies and tools for public officials at the national and local level for the identification of trafficking in persons, provision of assistance to victims, prevention and prosecution.
- Implement communication strategies (at the local and national level including border areas) for awareness raising on human trafficking. These strategies include:
- Roll-out of LibertApp, an application that allows people to consult relevant information on general concepts of human trafficking, e.g., acts, methods and means of recruitment; and also helps to report possible cases of human trafficking and georeferencing of possible victims.
- Tailored communication campaigns implemented in public spaces according to information needs at the local level (e.g. theatre companies performing in public spaces to disseminate prevention messages).
- Pedagogical strategies with students of private and public schools, on prevention, types of recruitment and stages of the crime.
- Provide protection services (one-stop-shop) through IOM Reference and Orientation Points, which provide in-time information and guidance concerning risks, psychosocial assistance, psychological and medical aid, legal advice, access to justice as well as housing and support to people with specific protection needs through case management.
- Disseminate key messages on the Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) through the roll-out of the Together We Say No IOM-WFP Campaign targeting IOM staff, implementing partners and UN partners, among other actors having regular contact with affected populations.
IOM seeks to increase and improve access to critical WASH items in an adequate and timely manner through:
- Infrastructure improvement and equipment of temporary accommodation shelters and/or community centres.
- Provision of contextualized WASH NFIs kits (age, gender, and/or disability condition).
- Provision of specific/differentiated menstrual hygiene kits for girls and women (of reproductive age) and implementation of information sessions, based on needs assessments.
- Provision of information on hygiene practices to communities, persons at risk and victims of violence and/or natural hazards.
These actions will have a cross-cutting approach to ensure Disability Inclusion, including for instance interventions for infrastructure improvement, accessibility of assistance provided and reasonable accommodations for people with different kinds of disabilities. Training for IOM staff to address physical, communication and attitudinal barriers faced by people with disabilities, will also be carried out under this approach.
IOM aims to provide shelter for IDPs and victims of armed conflict and/or natural hazards through:
- Strengthening the capacities of existing shelters and/or creating accommodation opportunities by providing temporary shelter in hotels (this entails the provision of independent rooms for families) or providing rental support.
- Providing meals and personal hygiene kits during their stay and in accordance with their culture.
- Delivering essential household items to maintain health, safety and dignity for people affected by natural hazards and/or armed conflict.
![IOM Referral and Orientation Point in La Parada, Villa del Rosario – Norte de Santander. © David Murcia / IOM Colombia 2022](/sites/g/files/tmzbdl1481/files/styles/appeal_header_image_style/public/appeal/photos/MicrosoftTeams-image%20%286%29_0.png?h=a2376bfd&itok=ykJTGODq)
Driving solutions to displacement
Survivors of conflict, IDPs, victims of the armed conflict, victims of GBV (including youth and children), people affected by natural hazards, host communities, social and community leaders, internal migrants, former combatants, ethnic and rural communities, at-risk children and adolescents, as well as CSOs and public officials of local and national government entities.
Work across this objective supports the Secretary General’s Action Agenda on Internal Displacement, whereby IOM will continue to support the Government of Colombia to acting decisively on solutions regarding longer term impacts and displacement.
Conflict-affected communities and survivors, including youth suffering from transgenerational trauma, have lost trust in authorities due to the lack of state presence and the proliferation of non-state armed groups. IOM programming aims to:
- Strengthen social and community resilience capacity: capacity building of conflict survivors through trainings on effective communication skills, conflict management, and leadership skills, and promotion of their participation in institutional and community spaces.
- Enhance strategic communications on peace culture for social cohesion.
- Improve educational infrastructure to increase children's qualified access to primary education services.
- Provide job trainings and improve conflict survivors' and other vulnerable populations' skills for employability and entrepreneurship. Likewise, improve the creation and strengthening of local rural and urban enterprises, to contribute to the social and economic stabilization of affected and host communities.
IOM looks to contribute to improving the mental health and psychosocial well-being of victims and survivors of the conflict through:
- The implementation of a comprehensive and context-specific mental health and psychosocial community resilience strategy in coordination with GoC, local authorities and the community, in contribution to the measures of reparation of the government to survivors of violence. This includes family and community-based interventions, through the Comprehensive Health Care Protocol with a Psychosocial Approach to Victims of the Armed Conflict, and the implementation of the Psychosocial Community Rehabilitation Strategy for Coexistence and Non-Repetition within the related National Plan.
Despite many gains throughout the years, peace and stability are negatively affected by the recidivism of former combatants and institutional weaknesses. To contribute to peacebuilding, aligned with government-led processes, IOM will:
- Provide technical assistance to entities comprising the Comprehensive System of Truth, Justice, Reparation and Non-Repetition (SIVJRNR), and promote the participation of survivors of violence, victims, and former combatants.
- Provide technical assistance to territorial entities and organizations for the implementation of the victims’ law and follow-up capacities regarding commitments within the Peace Agreement.
- Strengthen restorative justice approach as a care and prevention strategy for criminal recidivism of adolescents and young adults.
- Support national and local institutions and other stakeholders to develop a comprehensive, sustainable, and inclusive socioeconomic reincorporation process for former combatant and their families through the implementation of productive collective or individual projects and strategies for sustainability and other income-generation opportunities, applying a tailored approach.
- Facilitate trainings for former combatants on GBV prevention, develop strategies to overcome stigmatization, and promote social cohesion in targeted communities.
- Support GoC’s efforts to build trust, improve coexistence and reduce rural violence in Colombia.
- Support protective environments such as family institutions and/or communities by generating initiatives for conflict resolution and behaviour to reduce GBV and domestic violence.
- Promote the participation of young urban, rural, indigenous, and afro-Colombian women in peacebuilding spaces as part of the consolidation of territorial peace and social transformation.
Strengthen preparedness and reduce disaster risk
Public officials of local and national government entities engaged in emergency preparedness, as well as host and rural communities at risk of natural hazards.
Because of the recurrent hazards that Colombia suffers due to climate change, IOM is looking to support the GoC to:
- Develop awareness-raising and educational strategies to protect, preserve and promote the sustainability of renewable natural resources.
- Provide vulnerable communities with tools to develop resilient and sustainable adaptation plans and improve their capacities in the use of land, following Territorial Arrangement and the Social Organization Rural Plans.
In order to strengthen crisis preparedness in the country, IOM plans:
- Strengthen the preparedness and response capacity of communities, local governments and other key actors for the coordination and management of Temporary Shelters, through workshops, meetings, and trainings.
- Strengthen local governments' capacities to support schools for preparedness and response through the improvement of facilities, the provision of educational material for risk prevention, the development of evacuation routes and the implementation of training with community members on how to use educational spaces as safe areas.
- Support the design and implementation of community protection and preparedness plans from a community-based planning approach to strengthen protective initiatives and structures, infrastructure adaptation and qualifications, endowments, and implementation plans in natural hazards or conflict events.
Contribute to an evidence-based and efficient crisis response system
Public officials of local and national government and humanitarian, development and peacebuilding actors will be primary beneficiaries of IOM data and informational products, which will ultimately positively impact IDPs, Colombian returnees or in resettlement processes and internal migrants that respond to spontaneous or organized migration flows.
To contribute to an evidence-based and efficient crisis response in Colombia, IOM aims to:
- Implement a Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) Wi-Fi project, to track and monitor the displacement of populations and systematically capture, process and disseminate information regarding migration flows. The implementation of the DTM will support the GoC in having a better understanding of the movements and needs of displaced populations, returnees in resettlement processes and internal migrants of spontaneous or organized flows.
- Monitor and identify needs and risks regarding the state of protection of the people and the communities affected by the armed conflict, natural hazards and other humanitarian crises, with an approach to groups of special interest (children, women, people with diverse SOGIESC, people with disability and ethnic communities).
- Consolidate results into a unified database for trend analysis and risk mapping. Subsequently, deploy a second recollection that allows monitoring changes in the needs and risks of the affected population.
With the Wi-Fi complement, beneficiaries will be able to communicate with their families and support network. While connected to Wi-Fi, the internet connection allows the monitoring of flows and the implementation of population characterization surveys in real-time through the completion of short forms and the dissemination of protection-related risks and video messaging.
The map used here is for illustration purposes only. Names and boundaries do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by IOM.
Figures are as of 31 December 2023. For more details of IOM's operational capacity in country, please see the IOM Capacity section.