Syrian Arab Republic Crisis Response Plan 2022

CRP last updated: May 19 2022
Funding last updated: April 02 2023
Funding required
People in need
People Targeted

IOM Vision

Building on IOM's expertise in providing life-saving assistance to those most affected by conflict, and recognizing the dynamic context within Syria, IOM will address humanitarian and protection needs and support efforts towards resolving displacement. IOM mainstreams protection, accountability to affected populations, protection from sexual exploitation and abuse (PSEA) and risk mitigation throughout all its interventions while working closely with and strengthening the capacity of NGO partners. 

Objective 1 - Saving lives and protecting people on the move
Saving lives and protecting people on the move

Funding required
People Targeted
Entities Targeted
Internally displaced person, Local population / community
Primary target groups
Description of People and Entities Targeted

Internally displaced persons (IDPs) and affected communities in NWS will be selected based on assessed vulnerabilities. Vulnerability criteria will ensure that assistance reaches individuals and households with the greatest needs, including newly displaced, female- and child-headed households, and persons living with disabilities. Planning, prioritization and targeting will be based on the Humanitarian Needs Overview, and the sectoral severity ranking. IOM will also target partner NGO partner organizations will capacity building support. This is to ensure quality and accountability of services and to empower local entities with the tools for long-term success.

Funding confirmed 18%
82% Funding gap

Shelter and settlements

In order to meet the shelter needs of affected populations in NWS, IOM will:

  • Repair and rehabilitate housing units and upgrade collective centres.
  • Procure, preposition and distribute emergency non-food items to newly displaced persons and the most vulnerable households.
  • Conduct basic internally displaced persons (IDP) site upgrade works. 
  • Procure and distribute family tents for newly displaced and the most vulnerable households.
  • Pilot more durable and dignified transitional shelters.
  • Support the shelter cluster and relevant coordination mechanisms.
  • Carry out basic infrastructure improvements in IDP sites to improve sanitation and reduce flood risks.
  • Deliver assistance through cash-based modalities.
  • Provide interagency services for common pipeline, preposition, and stock delivery.
  • Support the shelter cluster and relevant coordination mechanisms.


Funding required
Funding confirmed
Last updated: 02 Apr 2023
Plan types
Funding confirmed
Funding gap

Camp coordination and camp management

As part of IOM's Camp Coordination and Camp Management activities in NWS, IOM will:

  • Provide coordination of services and care and maintenance activities in existing planned camps, including strengthening camp governance structure and community participation.
  • Strengthen the sectoral response in planned camps to mitigate the risk of COVID-19 transmission and Gender-Based Violence (GBV).
  • Improve camp governance structures to work with humanitarian actors in informal/self-settled IDP sites by establishing site management committees that take into consideration gender, disability, and vulnerable/marginalized populations.
  • Implement disaster risk mitigation trainings and activities, such as fire safety and first aid training and distribution of fire safety equipment to strengthen the resilience skills of  IDPs and community-based response mechanisms.
  • Increase community participation and engagement in both planned camps and informal sites by implementing inclusive recreational activities, such as sports and cultural events identified by the communities themselves, to increase social cohesion and a sense of participation in camp life.
  • Strengthen partners’ technical and operational knowledge on camp management standards and activities through tailored capacity-building initiatives.
  • Identify and regularly assess the needs of the most vulnerable populations living in informal/self-settled IDP sites through the support of mobile teams.
  • Improve sectoral referrals and responses in the vulnerable informal sites by strengthening area-based approaches, developed within the IOM Cross-Border unit, to respond quickly to the emergency needs of affected communities caused by flooding, fire, and man-made incidents.
  • Provide guidance to implementing partners for camp closure and exit planning, including the identification of alternative shelter or camp management solutions.
Funding required
Funding confirmed
Last updated: 02 Apr 2023
Plan types
Funding confirmed
Funding gap

Provision of water, sanitation and hygiene in emergencies

In order to address the WASH needs of affected populations in Syria, IOM will:

  • Provide immediate lifesaving WASH activities in IDP sites (including the provision and maintenance of sex-segregated latrines, water trucking, if necessary, solid waste management, hygiene kits distribution, hygiene promotion, etc.).
  • Construct decentralized sewer network systems and septic tanks in IDP sites and ensure proper operation and maintenance.
  • Conduct hydrogeological surveys and improve water networks in IDP sites.
  • Provide operation and maintenance activities for existing infrastructure in planned camp and informal IDP sites.
  • Mitigate the risk of COVID-19 spread within IOM-supported displacement sites by training community focal points on physical distancing, good hand and respiratory hygiene practices, providing hygiene promotion and awareness-raising sessions, increasing safe water access, distributing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and hygiene kits inclusive of context-appropriate menstrual hygiene management (MHM) items, and conducting regular sanitization campaigns.
  • Improve WASH facilities and provide basic WASH services in health facilities.
Funding required
Funding confirmed
Last updated: 02 Apr 2023
Plan types
Funding confirmed
Funding gap


In order to address the significant protection needs of affected populations in Syria, IOM will:

  • Raise awareness on protection risks related to child protection, GBV, trafficking in persons, civil status documentation, HLP and risk education, based on up-to-date situational assessments.
  • Establish and strengthen existing internal and external referral pathways, and provide income-generation activities and cash assistance to complement protection outcomes.
  • Provide GBV, child protection (CP) and legal advisory services to prevent and respond to protection risks and violations, including through case management, existing facilities, and gender-inclusive mobile outreach teams.
  • Provide in-kind individual protection assistance (IPA) to address time-bound, acute protection needs.
  • Ensure the provision of integrated, specialised protection services in IOM-supported camps in Syria.
  • Expand protection service coverage of informal IDP sites and hard-to-reach areas with mobile teams, including in the most under-served areas with low protection service coverage. Services will include prevention and response activities such as raising awareness, CP and GBV case management, IPA, structured PSS, and protection monitoring and legal counselling in hard-to-reach areas.
  • Enhance access to legal advisory services, including individual legal counselling, with a focus on reaching informal/self-settled IDP sites, with a focus on the most vulnerable. A sub-component targets specifically women and girls with their legal concerns through women’s orientation sessions on inheritance, divorce and marriage, as well as access to civil documentation. Another sub-component focuses specifically on the rights of adolescents, again through awareness-raising sessions.
  • Provide housing, land and property (HLP) trainings and operational guidance across sectors.
  • Provide dignity kits to newly-displaced women and girls to support the wider GBV response in Syria.
  • Ensure the inclusion of persons with disabilities in all protection interventions, based on the Washington Group methodology.
  • Provide capacity building and protection mainstreaming support to IOM and partner staff, including on GBV risk mitigation and safe identification and referral.
  • Engage in ongoing community mobilization and outreach.
  • Conduct regular protection monitoring and protection risk analysis to inform ongoing programming.
Funding required
Funding confirmed
Last updated: 02 Apr 2023
Plan types
Funding confirmed
Funding gap

Direct health support

In order to support the health needs of affected populations in Syria and reduce the spread of COVID-19 in supported displacement sites, IOM will:

  • Procure ventilators for COVID-19 hospitals in northwest Syria, in coordination with the Health cluster.
  • Supply equipment to mobile vaccination teams under the Syrian Immunization Group (SIG).
  • Address critical gaps in healthcare services in Syria by supporting Health cluster assigned primary healthcare facilities with supplies and operational costs.
  • Operate mobile health teams to provide health care services in IOM supported camps that are in remote locations and lack access to services.
Funding required
Plan types

Basic needs, including food and multi-purpose cash assistance

In order to address the immediate food needs of affected populations in Syria, IOM will:

  • Provide monthly food baskets to the most vulnerable households.
  • Provide ready-to-eat rations for newly-displaced households.
  • Provide monthly assistance through cash-for-food interventions for food-insecure persons.
  • Provide one-off short-term food assistance through cash as an emergency response for crisis-affected vulnerable people.
Funding required
Funding confirmed
Last updated: 02 Apr 2023
Plan types
Funding confirmed
Funding gap

Mental health and psychosocial support in humanitarian response

In order to support the MHPSS needs of affected populations in SyriaIOM will:

  • Provide psychosocial support (PSS) activities such as creative and art-based activities (such as theatre that allows children to safely express their feelings and discuss sensitive issues), or sport and play activities, including the provision of PSS kits to children aged 6-12 years old. These activities not only have a recreational character but aim to support the recovery and management of stressful events, foster social connections, contribute to a sense of normalcy and support the development of positive coping mechanisms. This is achieved by engaging affected children and their caregivers in structured interventions such as peer-support groups, parenting guidance for children who have experienced traumatic events, and group counselling sessions for adolescents. Teams tailor activities to children, adolescent boys and girls as well as women and men, drawing from different, tested resources such as the ‘Child Resilience’ program developed by Save the Children. .
Funding required
Plan types

Multi-sectoral support

Includes funding which supports multi-sectoral interventions or cannot be attributed to a specific activity area.
Funding confirmed
Last updated: 02 Apr 2023
An aerial view of one of ten new camps established by IOM in northwest Syria. The camps provide shelter to approximately 25,000 IDPs. © IOM Turkey.
An aerial view of one of ten new camps established by IOM in northwest Syria. The camps provide shelter to approximately 25,000 IDPs. © IOM Turkey.

Objective 2 - Driving solutions to displacement
Driving solutions to displacement

Funding required
People Targeted
Internally displaced person, Local population / community
Primary target groups
Description of People and Entities Targeted

Internally displaced persons and affected communities in Syria will be selected based on assessed vulnerabilities. Vulnerability criteria will ensure that assistance reaches individuals and households with particular vulnerabilities, including newly displaced, female- and child-headed households, and persons living with disabilities. Planning, prioritization and targeting will be based on the Humanitarian Needs Overview, and the sectoral and inter-sectoral severity ranking.

Durable solutions

In order to promote durable solutions for affected populations in Syria and in line with IOM's Progressive Resolution of Displacement Situations Framework (PRDS), IOM will:

  • Conduct financial or in-kind support for entrepreneurial activities, particularly for micro, small, home-based enterprises and community groups.
  • Conduct labour market-informed vocational and skills training including financial or in-kind support business grants.
  • Provide income-generating activities and skills development to community members through cash for work activities
  • Rehabilitate key socio-economic services and infrastructure e.g., markets, shops, storehouses, irrigation facilities, processing facilities.
  • Enhance inclusive community participation and social cohesion through community engagement and improved equitable access to basic services.
  • Provide income-generating activities such as food processing, small business grants with technical support and cash for work, aiming to support the graduation efforts of beneficiaries from humanitarian aid reliance to self-reliance.
Funding required
Plan types

Contribute to an evidence-based and efficient crisis response system

Funding required
At risk communities
People Targeted
Entities Targeted
Internally displaced person, Local population / community
Primary target groups
Description of People and Entities Targeted

Humanitarian actors participating in the inter-agency Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) Networks in all hubs for joint implementation of international PSEA commitments, as well as those contributing to the protection of civilians, the reduction of suffering and to building the resilience of affected populations throughout the Syria response will benefit from the provision of technical and operational information management support.

Support services for response actors - rename

IOM will continue to host the WoS PSEA program and support the interagency humanitarian response in joint implementation of PSEA commitments. Through an established, robust interagency PSEA Network, IOM will continue to support the inter-agency partnership to decrease the risk of crisis‐affected communities experiencing incidents of SEA by humanitarian workers and provide technical and operational support to humanitarian actors to prevent, prepare for, and respond to SEA cases. IOM will also continue to support the interagency response with information management services. Activities will include:

  • Humanitarian information management and reporting on behalf of the interagency response.
  • Coordination between the interagency PSEA Networks in all hubs, as well as between PSEA Networks and GBV actors to ensure a survivor-centred approach and systematic referrals to available services;
  • Building the capacity of humanitarian workers and other stakeholders on PSEA, including investigatory capacity building;
  • Raising awareness of and consulting with affected populations;
  • Supporting implementation of risk and mitigation measures;
  • Integrating and mainstreaming PSEA into the broader humanitarian infrastructure and linking to existing referral pathways;
  • Establishing inter-agency community-based complaints mechanisms (CBCMs).

Building the capacity of local and international NGO partners remains critical, both to enhance the quality of implementation but also to contribute to the sustainability of the humanitarian response. To build NGO capacity, IOM will:

  • Facilitate trainings, coaching sessions, workshops, learning exchanges, and develop guidance documents in key areas such as:
    • Procurement, transhipment, logistics, and strategic planning;
    • WASH infrastructure implementation and management;
    • Humanitarian access negotiation;
    • NFI and Cash-Based Interventions;
    • Food security, early recovery and livelihood;
    • Community engagement, accountability and governance;
    • Improving institutional processes and procedures in resource mobilization and management, and;
    • Other topics as needs arise.
Funding required
Plan types
Operational presence in

Syrian Arab Republic

International staff and affiliated work force
National staff and affiliated work force


The map used here is for illustration purposes only. Names and boundaries do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by IOM.

Figures are as of November 2024. For more details of IOM's operational capacity in country, please see the IOM Capacity section.

With thanks to our current donors