Turkey Mediterranean and Land Border Crisis Response Plan 2020

CRP last updated: November 21 2019
Funding last updated: August 04 2021
Funding required
People Targeted

IOM Vision

With the Eastern Mediterranean and Land Border routes through Turkey identified as the main route taken by migrants and refugees, IOM seeks to support the efforts of the Government of Turkey to ensure that migrants and refugees attempting to cross through Turkey receive the humanitarian protection and assistance that they need.

Objective 1 - Saving lives and protecting people on the move
Saving lives and protecting people on the move

Funding required
People Targeted
Description of People and Entities Targeted

Migrants and refugees attempting to cross to Europe through Turkey.

Funding confirmed 25%
75% Funding gap

Basic needs, including food and multi-purpose cash assistance

IOM’s mobile teams will continue to provide migrants and refugees rescued at sea and at land with food supplies. The food composition is decided in discussion with TCG and in line with the needs of people and availability in local markets. IOM has a warehouse in Izmir and Edirne for storing food which are then distributed at required locations.

Funding required
Plan types


IOM will provide protection services, which aim at reducing protection risks for migrants and refugees taking into account specific vulnerabilities (including gender-based concerns). Protection activities include vulnerability identification, case assessments, referrals and interpretation services as well as counselling, which consists of IOM providing key information regarding migrants’ rights and responsibilities to support them once they leave the TCG premises. Unaccompanied children will be referred to the DGMM for registration and provision of associated protection support. Following this, IOM will liaise with childcare institutions, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) or the Association for Solidarity with Asylum Seekers and Migrants (ASAM) for best interest assessment/determination (BIA/BID) procedures to provide follow-up assistance.

Funding required
Funding confirmed
Last updated: 04 Aug 2021
Plan types
Funding confirmed
Funding gap

Mental health and psychosocial support in humanitarian response

IOM will continue to provide culturally sensitive and community-based psychosocial support, including recreational activities, as well as individual counselling and referral to specialized care if when needed. IOM has extensive experience in mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) in emergency contexts, implementing a variety of projects including as part of its Mediterranean response in Turkey over the past years. IOM will draw on institutional tools and expertise, including the recently published IOM Manual on Community-Based Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergencies and Displacement. Specifically, with this intervention, the Organization will continue to provide psychological first aid, recreational activities for children waiting with their parents at TCG or PDMM premises, as well as individual counselling and referrals to specialized care if needed.

Funding required
Plan types

Shelter and settlements

IOM’s mobile teams will continue to provide migrants and refugees rescued at sea and at land with essential non-food items (NFIs). To decide on the contents of NFI kits, IOM maintains regular contact with the TCG in Izmir and the PDMM in Edirne and Istanbul to identify the needs of vulnerable migrants and refugees. NFI items include blankets, shoes, sweat suits, hygiene kits, socks, baby diapers, children’s underwear and winter coats. IOM has a warehouse in Izmir and Edirne for storing NFIs which are then distributed at required locations.

Funding required
Funding confirmed
Last updated: 04 Aug 2021
Plan types
Funding confirmed
Funding gap

Multi-sectoral support

Includes funding which supports multi-sectoral interventions or cannot be attributed to a specific activity area.
Funding confirmed
Last updated: 04 Aug 2021
Operational presence in


International staff and affiliated work force
National staff and affiliated work force
IOM field office


The map used here is for illustration purposes only. Names and boundaries do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by IOM.

Figures are as of 31 December 2023. For more details of IOM's operational capacity in country, please see the IOM Capacity section.

With thanks to our current donors