Saving lives and protecting people on the move
Through comprehensive multisectoral interventions, IOM aims to save lives, alleviate human suffering, and uphold the dignity of IDPs, migrants, refugees, and host communities by promoting their access to humanitarian aid, to meet their basic needs and promote minimum living conditions. This includes short-term emergency interventions including shelter, non-food item, health, water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), and protection to meet conflict-affected population’s urgent humanitarian needs, in addition to working with local actors to expand reach enable localized responses, while enhancing coordination efforts and producing data to drive an evidence-based response.
Driving solutions to displacement
IOM Sudan aims to deliver interventions that can foster the resilience of crisis-affect populations. This includes access to community stabilization and peacebuilding programming when and where it is appropriate in the fragile context of Sudan. In addition, IOM works with partners to restore access to key services, promote mitigation measures under disaster risk reduction (DRR) programming, undertake protection activities, seeking to foster resilience and strengthen local capacities in support for sustainable solutions to displacement. These interventions will promote the self-reliance of affected populations, while addressing the factors which limit access to services and livelihoods opportunities and could be drivers of future displacement. Livelihoods programming under this objective also aims to strengthen the ability of IDPs and host communities to access the labour market and income-generating opportunities.
Facilitating pathways for regular migration
Through protection and MHPSS interventions, IOM aims to contribute to the long-term goal that migrants become accepted into society, both as individuals and as group, and are protected from violence, exploitation, and abuse. This includes working with migrants and refugees who may find themselves excluded by host communities due to perceived political allegiances or based on tensions due to resource sharing. IOM will deliver protection, MHPSS, and community engagement activities through Migrants Response and Resource Centres (MRRCs) to promote the safety and wellbeing of migrants, and to challenge stigma against internal and international migrants in local communities. In addition, IOM will continue to work with embassies and governments to promote pathways to regular migration, improving access to safe and dignified movement assistance, while health interventions at borders will facilitate safe movements, through health screening, disease surveillance, and emergency preparedness and response measures.
The map used here is for illustration purposes only. Names and boundaries do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by IOM.
Figures are as of 31 December 2023. For more details of IOM's operational capacity in country, please see the IOM Capacity section.