Mozambique Crisis Response Plan 2024

Last updated: September 03 2024
Funding required
People in need
People Targeted

IOM Vision

IOM collaborates closely with the Government of Mozambique and communities to address critical humanitarian needs resulting from conflict and disasters and support the recovery of impacted communities, including displaced persons and their host communities. IOM also seeks to address the drivers of conflict and disaster displacement, and support communities to attain durable solutions. IOM is also working to strengthen the resilience of communities to future shocks, including disasters and other adverse effects of climate change and environmental degradation. Through the development of collective outcomes that support coherent and complementary coordination, programming and financing across IOM programmes and partners, IOM mainstreams the humanitarian–development–peace nexus across its interventions. 

Key Operating Modalities
Participation and empowerment Conflict sensitivity Integrated Programming Collaboration and partnership Localization Cash-based interventions
Cross-cutting priorities
Data and evidence Protection Mainstreaming Gender Equality Prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse Disaster Risk Climate Change Law and policy

Objective 1 - Saving lives and protecting people on the move
Saving lives and protecting people on the move

Funding required
People Targeted
Entities Targeted
Former combatant / fighter, Internal migrant, Internally displaced person, Local population / community
Primary target groups
Description of People and Entities Targeted

Under this objective, IOM seeks to assist internally displaced populations (IDPs) in host communities, temporary and relocation sites; host communities affected by insecurity; people at risk of displacement due to conflict and natural hazards; and migrants, including those with specific vulnerabilities, such as women and girls and people living with disabilities. IOM will collaborate with government entities and partners involved in humanitarian response, including the Instituto Nacional de Gestão e Redução do Risco de Desastres (INGD), Ministério do Gênero, Criança e Acção Social (MGCAS),  Ministry of Health (MISAU),  Directorates of Health (DPS),  Direção Provincial de Gênero, Criança e Ação Social (DPGCAS) and  Serviço Distrital de Saúde, Mulher e Acção Social (SDSMAS).

Institutions, particularly INGD, Instituto Nacional de Estatística (INE) and Agência de Desenvolvimento Integrado do Norte (ADIN), as well as humanitarian, development and peace partners, will benefit from mobility data, including displacement and return trends, as well as stability and solutions data, supporting evidence-based planning.

Funding confirmed 17%
83% Funding gap

Camp coordination and camp management

IOM will continue providing assistance to populations affected by displacement due to ongoing conflict in Northern Mozambique as well as those who might be by climate shocks nationwide. IOM will implement activities directly or through implementing partners in direct collaboration with relevant government departments to ensure strides towards the attainment of durable solutions. As such, IOM will:  

  • Ensure continued leadership of the national and sub-national CCCM Cluster and support the activation of sub-national coordination mechanisms as necessary.
  • Promote decentralized local coordination mechanisms on displacement management and strengthening of area level coordination.
  • Continue deployment of CCCM mobile teams to support the management of IDP sites including evacuation centres.
  • Increase CCCM capacity development of partners and the government, capacitating more local partners to carry out CCCM interventions, including in hard-to-reach areas, to widen the outreach of CCCM activities. 
  • Expand assistance to out of camp populations and promote individual level coping strategies. 
  • Continue operation of site level and community level complaints and feedback mechanisms (CFMs), ensuring timely referrals to service providers and other relevant stakeholders.
  • Strengthen the training, mentoring and coaching of site committees and displaced community representative groups, and support the implementation of community-led projects and equipping affected populations with self-management skills. 
  • Provide site planning and site improvement support in IDP sites upon request from authorities, implementing site upgrades to improve access to services, and improving living conditions.
  • Implement community engagement and site planning activities that promote inclusion and the participation of women, girls and persons with disabilities. 
  • Continue to provide information management, community engagement and partner support to affected populations in sites and out of sites in Cabo Delgado.

In coordination with the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) and the national Inter-Cluster Coordination Group (ICCG), the CCCM Cluster provided technical support to INGD in the elaboration process of the 2023/2024 national contingency plan, as well as indicators for the assessment tool for the Multisectoral Initial Rapid Assessment (MIRA). In addition, government technicians were trained in partnership with INGD in the management of accommodation centres. Given the need to prepare for extreme weather events, the CCCM Cluster will be able to:

  • Support INGD in mapping, coordination and management of formal and/or informal centres with people in displacement hotspots.
  • Ensure capacity to mobilize teams within 48 hours, including site planners, site managers and information managers, according to needs in potential displacement hotspots.
  • Provide dedicated CCCM focal points to carry out multi-sectoral assessments in partnership with OCHA.
  • Disseminate regular situation reports on the accommodation centres and sites in coordination with the site administration.
  • Sensitize the community in an inclusive way, in the opening of small drains and reuse of soils in floor elevation in shelters prone to base seepage where possible and in coordination with the government's technical authorities.
  • Set up maintenance committees and train them in shelter repair, in partnership with the Shelter Cluster, and fire safety (given the low fire resistance of the shelters).
  • Update contact list of site level key informants and partners, as well as stocks on tools and materials to support maintenance activities that can be used in groups (multi-purpose bags, shovels, hoes, picks, rakes and wheelbarrows).
  • Make available audio/visual materials available for sharing community information (megaphones, info boards, radios and posters).  
Funding required
Funding confirmed
Last updated: 12 Sep 2024
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Funding gap

Direct health support

IOM will continue to strengthen access to health services, both preventative and curative, including access to vaccinations (e.g., polio, measles, cholera, mpox) through tailored approaches that target vulnerable migrants and internally displaced people, as health facilities in crisis affected areas in Northern and Central Mozambique remain under pressure due to increased demand for services. IOM will:

  • Continue to operate mobile and static clinics in hard-to-reach areas, including capacity-building and deployment of human resources/medical teams, provision of medicines and equipment, and logistics support to deliver comprehensive primary healthcare services and provide referrals to secondary care. Infection prevention and control (IPC) supplies and equipment will be enhanced in light of mpox.
  • Deploy and/or support government-led integrated mobile brigades to deliver comprehensive primary health-care services and provide referrals to secondary care, integrating mpox prevention and management.
  • Conduct community-based outreach to identify individuals in need of health support and maintain/establish referral mechanisms, including support to patient follow up and referrals at the community level by community health activists, including through coordination with the CCCM Cluster’s CFM.
  • Conduct active case finding and referrals of newly diagnosed, lost-to-follow-up and abandoned cases of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/tuberculosis (TB) patients to link to care and treatment and ensure continuity of care, including treatment retention and adherence.
  • Improve uptake and ensure access to vaccination services, including routine vaccinations and targeted vaccination drives for outbreaks, through integration of vaccinations in primary healthcare delivery and microplanning for vaccination campaigns.
  • Strengthen referral of vulnerable migrants to sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services.   
  • Provide technical support, including:
    • Joint review of stock inventory management practices at clinics to optimize efficiency and ensure the availability of essential medical supplies.
    • Essential medicines, medical supplies, and preposition equipment including information, education, and communication (IEC) and RCCE materials, IPC supplies and equipment, in coordination with government and cluster partners.
    • Tailored health services, particularly around sexual and reproductive health and rights.
    • HIV and TB prevention and treatment availability and accessibility.
Funding required
Funding confirmed
Last updated: 12 Sep 2024
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Funding confirmed
Funding gap

Humanitarian border management and services for citizens abroad

IOM supports the Government of Mozambique in the delivery of legal identity documents for local and displaced populations in humanitarian contexts. In coordination with the Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Justice, IOM aims to continue the following activities in 2024: 

  • Support the capacity-building of government officials on legal identity and identity management at the central and local levels.
  • Sensitize local and displaced communities on the importance of accessing legal identity documents and the modalities to access such documents.
  • Support the deployment of one stop-desk registration brigades for the joint delivery of birth certificates and identity cards.
  • Provide equipment and material to support the work of the brigades and refurbishment of government infrastructures to enable them to conduct registration processes to provide services to local and displaced populations.
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Mental health and psychosocial support in humanitarian response

IOM will continue to assist people living in crisis-affected communities, including displaced individuals, host communities, and returnees, with the provision of MHPSS services. The individuals affected by stressors such as multiple displacements, violence, and limited access to services will be targeted with MHPSS services integrated with protection interventions. In 2024, IOM will: 

  • Conduct rapid assessment and mapping of services to identify the main protection and mental health needs and gaps in communities, which will be useful for all MHPSS Technical Working Group (TWG) members as well as other MHPSS service providers. 
  • Continue co-chairing the MHPSS TWG together with the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). 
  • Deploy and train protection and MHPSS actors to conduct community-based activities and identify and refer persons in need of MHPSS and protection services. 
  • Implement community-based MHPSS and protection activities, (e.g., for example socio-relational activities, community outreach, and awareness raising. 
  • Provide counselling (individual, family and group counselling) and psychosocial support to crisis-affected persons. 
  • Refer individuals affected by crises to specialized services such as health, specialized mental health services and protection. 
  • Conduct capacity-development sessions on psychological first aid (PFA), psychosocial considerations in service provision, and a rights-based approach in the provision of specialized mental health services. 
  • Support government mobile brigades to provide MHPSS services for distant and isolated communities. 
  • Organize community outreach activities on root causes of community suffering considering mental health, effects of displacement on well-being of individuals and effects of violence on well-being, and violence against persons with special needs (e.g. persons with disabilities, including albinism, older adults). 

All MHPSS activities will be designed and implemented in line with the IOM Manual on Community-Based Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergencies and Displacement and coordinated with partners.

Funding required
Funding confirmed
Last updated: 12 Sep 2024
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Funding gap


IOM promotes access to protection services for crisis-affected populations in sites and urban settlements, targeting priority displacement sites and areas receiving new arrivals, IOM’s multi-sectorial approach includes integrated protection and MHPSS to respond to the needs of most vulnerable individuals. Activities include: 

  • Deploy integrated protection-MHPSS teams to deliver services. 
  • Support vulnerable individuals with life-saving protection assistance, through individual protection assistance, including direct support (in-kind, MHPSS) and referrals to other service providers.
  • Strengthen capacity through the deployment of emergency protection teams and provision of support to community-based protection structures through capacity development, and technical, material and transportation assistance.
  • Carry out gender-based violence (GBV) risk mitigation initiatives in all sectors in line with IOM's Institutional Framework for Addressing Gender-Based Violence in Crises (GBViC FW). This would include training IOM staff, national authorities and partners on GBV core concepts, principles, and how to handle GBV disclosures; awareness-raising initiatives; disseminating information about services and improving its accessibility. 
  • Support IOM teams and partners to deliver action to mitigate protection and risks in their respective thematic areas.
  • Continue training IOM staff and partners on IOM’s institutional package on PSEA and sexual harassment, as well as how to respond to disclosures of incidents.
  • Continue raising awareness among the affected populations on their rights to free assistance, how to report SEA allegations, and where to seek protective services.
  • Continue supporting partners and service providers to strengthen their PSEA capacity by supporting them to conduct PSEA capacity assessments; providing them with PSEA training; supporting the development of their PSEA policy, standard operating procedures (SOPs), code of conduct, and investigation capacity; and other topics as deemed necessary.
  • Support the incorporation of SEA risk mitigation measures into all IOM projects to promote safer programming for affected populations.
  • Continue engaging with the government, particularly INGD, to support the dissemination of the revised INGD Code of Conduct, the development of standardized training packages and other priority activities identified by the Government.
  • Strengthen the capacity of Reference Groups for Child Protection, Counter-Trafficking, and Irregular Migration on preventing and responding to abuse of power, SEA, and supporting survivors in humanitarian contexts.
  • Continue acting as co-chair of the PSEA Network in Cabo Delgado and hence supporting collective efforts to address SEA. IOM will contribute to the implementation of the PSEA Network Action Plan and will continue supporting the interagency hotline, Linha Verde 1458.
Funding required
Funding confirmed
Last updated: 12 Sep 2024
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Funding gap

Provision of water, sanitation and hygiene in emergencies

IOM WASH interventions will aim at improving access to sufficient and safe water and sanitation services for conflict- and disaster-affected populations, as well as improving hygiene practices in displacement sites and host communities in northern Mozambique. IOM also strives to support longer-term recovery and ensure reliable and sustainable access to essential water and sanitation services through rehabilitation and construction of water and sanitation facilities, hygiene promotion and water management capacity development in vulnerable communities. IOM will:

  • Support access to safe water through rehabilitation/upgrading of water delivery systems in temporary sites and communities using local technologies, and when suitable, use sustainable solutions such as solarization of water pumps.
  • Support improved sanitation systems through rehabilitation/upgrade of latrines, and/or installation of new latrines, based on the needs of the community.
  • Introduce faecal sludge management in temporary sites and communities to promote the sanitation service chain through decentralization of faecal sludge treatment when suitable for the community.
  • Distribute culturally appropriate hygiene kits, including menstrual hygiene management (MHM) items, according to the WASH Cluster standards.
  • Establish community-led WASH Committees to ensure the ongoing operation and maintenance of WASH infrastructure.
  • Undertake solid waste management through different approaches, ensuring all aspects of solid waste management are addressed within the community.
  • Ensure the inclusion of all groups, including women and girls and people with disabilities across WASH interventions to make sure they are also benefiting from WASH support adapted to their needs.
Funding required
Funding confirmed
Last updated: 12 Sep 2024
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Funding gap

Shelter and settlements

IOM provides shelter and NFI assistance to crisis affected populations in Mozambique, including shelter and NFI support to displaced families, host communities, returnees and other affected communities, providing life-saving assistance as well as enabling a path to immediate recovery. In 2024, IOM will:  

  • Conduct rapid needs assessments in affected areas (urban/rural) to immediately identify the shelter and NFI needs of populations affected by conflict and disaster. 
  • Provide access to locally appropriate NFI kits in a timely and non-discriminatory manner.
  • Provide on-the job coaching to local artisans and households engaged in shelter solutions activities to promote more resilient and safer structures.   
  • Continue to provide awareness and information on appropriate use and maintenance of emergency shelters kits and materials for early recovery support.
  • Implement activities that promote the participation of women and persons living with disabilities.       
  • Promote community engagement, participation, and coordination at the community level with local governments and relevant development actors.
  • Empower crisis affected populations and provide appropriate construction materials and tools to build and maintain safe community infrastructures, including permanent houses, for longer-term resilience and safety of assets, food stocks and drinking water.
  • Promote technical support for settlement planning and nature-based interventions to make communities more resilient towards hazards and provide an environment that is conducive to a peaceful, healthy, and functional community life (adequate space allocations for public spaces and community infrastructures).
Funding required
Funding confirmed
Last updated: 12 Sep 2024
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Funding gap

Emergency preparedness

IOM promotes timely actions to improve emergency preparedness and response. To operationalize this, IOM will:

  • Conduct risk analysis through a scenario-based plan considering historical data on disasters in countries and regions, including other migration, drought, conflict and climate change trends. 
  • Undertake multisector needs assessments based on multiple scenarios, map the relevant stakeholders, and define the indicators for preparedness and response. 
  • Continue to strengthen the Common Pipeline as the main repository and contingency of shelter and NFI supplies that enable partner capacities to respond in a timely manner to crisis events.
  • Continue to build the capacities of IOM implementing partners to have coverage to fill gaps and have operational and technical support for an adequate shelter delivery of services at the preparedness and response stages.
  • Support the development of early action/contingency plans.
  • Strengthen the capacity of government and local organizations on displacement management and CCCM, including evacuation and collective centre management.
  • Flag risk areas and/or areas prone to flooding within the perimeter of existing centres, notably wells, landfills, latrines and inappropriately inhabited areas, in partnership with the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Group.
  • Identify areas prone to flooding that can alternatively be used as borrow pits for extracting soil for reuse and use in raising floors in shelters prone to base seepage.
Funding required
Funding confirmed
Last updated: 12 Sep 2024
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Displacement tracking

IOM engages in a range of data collection, analysis, and dissemination activities in at-risk and crisis settings. The most prominent of which, the Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM), gathers and analyses data to disseminate critical multi-layered information on the mobility, vulnerability, and needs of displaced and mobile populations that enables decision-makers and responders to provide these populations with context-specific assistance. Methodological components of DTM include mobility tracking, flow monitoring, registrations, and surveys.  

IOM DTM tools and processes allow IOM and partners to track the locations of IDPs and returnees, and assess their intentions and barriers to return, integrate or relocation. The DTM is deployed to give an overview of the severity of conditions in areas affected by conflict and climatic shocks, providing the necessary information for emergency, recovery, and crisis prevention programming. DTM tools remain flexible in addressing informational needs relating to gender-responsive programming, climate change and adaption and durable solutions. In 2024, IOM will: 

  • Conduct regular Mobility Tracking Assessments (including the Emergency Tracking Tool) to collect and disseminate relevant data on movement trends (such as displacements and returns), demographic profiles, locations, needs, vulnerabilities, and response gaps; 
  • Provide technical and operational support in IDP verification and digital registration efforts for the purposes of humanitarian response. Enhanced beneficiary verification and digital registration aim to contribute towards targeted humanitarian response for the most vulnerable crisis-affected communities. 
  • In coordination with the Camp Management and Camp Coordination Cluster, conduct regular Multi-sectoral Needs Assessments to gather data on access to basic services, multi-sectoral needs and gaps as well as detailed information on the profiles of displaced populations in displacement site settings. 
  • Implement thematic surveys (including Migration Flow Surveys, Multi-sectoral Needs Assessments, Disaster Risk Management Assessments) and social and demographic surveys. Thematic surveys aim to enrich and complement other DTM activities by providing a deeper understanding of mobile populations affected by conflict and climatic shocks (e.g. IDPs, returnees, migrants).
  • Implement the Fragility, Stability and Mobility Index (also known as the Community Solutions Index in Mozambique) to identify and assess pockets of stability (through the assessment of conditions related to access to services and livelihood, social cohesion, and perceptions of safety and security) and assess the conditions within pockets of stability across conflict-and disaster-affected communities to support evidence-based programming in durable solutions. This tool will serve as a measure of stability in affected communities, supporting coherent interventions that link humanitarian, peace and recovery strategies, resources, and operations. 
  • Conduct flow monitoring at points of entry and population mobility analysis for disease outbreak preparedness and response, and to monitor new movements. 
  • Support capacity strengthening of government institutions in data management approaches to displacement and climate change-induced migration, develop evidence-based approaches to displacement and migration in Mozambique, as reflected in the Global Compact for Migration, the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals and the SG Action Agenda on Internal Displacement and the Data for Solutions to Internal Displacement (DSID) framework.   
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Last updated: 12 Sep 2024
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Funding gap

Multi-sectoral support

Includes funding which supports multi-sectoral interventions or cannot be attributed to a specific activity area.
Funding confirmed
Last updated: 12 Sep 2024
IOM Mozambique collaborates with the Government of Mozambique to provide birth certificates and identity cards to undocumented migrants, IDPs and host communities. © 2023 IOM/Amanada Nero
IOM Mozambique collaborates with the Government of Mozambique to provide birth certificates and identity cards to undocumented migrants, IDPs and host communities. © 2023 IOM/Amanada Nero

Objective 2 - Driving solutions to displacement
Driving solutions to displacement

Funding required
People Targeted
Entities Targeted
Former combatant / fighter, Internal migrant, Internally displaced person, Local population / community
Primary target groups
Description of People and Entities Targeted

Under this objective, IOM aims to support IDPs and other community members affected by conflict and disasters; communities at risk of displacement due to natural hazards and/or insecurity; communities exposed to natural hazards; and former combatants. Community engagement will be a key feature to ensure that people who may face particular risks of experiencing harm following a disaster, such as persons with disabilities, older people, and women and girls, are reached and included in the response. IOM will support and collaborate with national and local disaster management authorities to establish safe evacuation sites/centres for IDP movement during emergencies, including evacuation plans, and build basic infrastructure.

Funding confirmed 9%
91% Funding gap

Community stabilization

IOM seeks to strengthen the ability of communities to prevent and address the negative impacts of violence and support communities to become more resilient, by addressing the root causes of conflict. These activities focus on understanding the social, economic, resource or political dynamics that drive crises, insecurity and tension in communities through participatory assessments and activities, as well as community-based planning, which then inform community-based solutions. In 2024, IOM will:

  • Establish and train Peace Clubs to increase social cohesion and implement community engagement and civic education.
  • Provide CSOs and community-based organizations (CBOs) with small grants, paired with mentorship and direct support in organizational development such as financial management and governance, enabling action and solidifying the organizations’ capacities to deliver community stabilization programmes and obtain additional support from donors, the government and other key partners.
  • Implement Community Revitalization Projects through a whole-of-government approach, so communities are aware of the contributions that have brought the projects, which have a tangible benefit to their community.
  • Repair public infrastructure, contributing to restoring normalcy and enhancing the overall quality of life for the local population, IDPs and returnees.
Funding required
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Last updated: 12 Sep 2024
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Funding gap

Health system strengthening

IOM's comprehensive health initiatives aim to enhance the performance of the health system, including strengthening the functioning of community-based healthcare systems, investing in health information management systems and building capacity within the health workforce. These efforts, spanning from specialized health services to outreach programmes, will significantly contribute to addressing public health challenges and improving healthcare access, especially in areas affected by insecurity and displacement. IOM will:

  • Strengthen the community-based health system through training and capacity-building of community health committees to improve disease prevention, health promotion and care-seeking practices. With the raised alert level for mpox surveillance throughout the country, capacity building will be provided to community health workers on Mpox clinical manifestation, preventive measures, case management or referral protocols to enhance community events-based surveillance. 
  • Build the capacity of essential medical personnel (including recent graduates) and community health workers on primary healthcare service delivery, referral pathways and community-based care, including through training at the health facility level. Mpox detection, prevention and management will be integrated in the provision of PHC services. 
  • Continue the on-the-job training of national health system staff through IOM mobile health service delivery modalities with the aim of deployment to health facilities to strengthen the healthcare system.
  • Strengthen the capacity of the public health authorities to deliver services in areas affected by insecurity and with a high concentration of IDPs.
  • Improve the health system’s capacity to detect public health events and disease outbreaks in communities through training of MISAU and district health staff and the provision of technical support and equipment.
  • Support provincial and district health services to implement mobile outreach services to highly affected and hard-to-reach communities, with logistics support and technical assistance. 
  • Enhance occupational health by improving access to screening and specialized health services for miners and other migrant workers, with the goal of supporting the national response to the occupational and public health challenges of TB and HIV.  

Through a multifaceted approach, IOM also aims to enhance health preparedness and response in Mozambique. This will include raising awareness of critical health practices, implementing active community-based surveillance, strengthening disease surveillance systems, and building capacities to address health threats across various points of entry. IOM will:

  • Raise awareness on good hygiene practices, cholera prevention, COVID-19 prevention, Mpox prevention, TB, HIV, sexual and reproductive health and rights and access to services. IOM will support contextualization, translation and dissemination of mpox related RCCE materials to mobile population border communities and to vulnerable communities.
  • Implement active community-based surveillance operations for referral and follow-up by rapid response teams. IOM will integrate MHPSS direct service provision to this component to support affected populations and families.  
  • Strengthen disease surveillance systems for early warning and detection of outbreaks through capacity-building support to the National Health Institute (INS), and Ministry of Health, and through training existing community health structures in symptom screening, notification and referrals, and data management.
  • Build the capacities of the Government of Mozambique and communities to prevent, detect and respond to health threats along the mobility continuum, including but not limited to borders (points of entry (PoE)). This will include population mobility mapping exercises, where in the context of Mpox, IOM’s DTM will continuously monitor the flow of migrants at established points of entry and periodically report the findings to government authorities and health partners. This data will be crucial for ongoing risk assessments and will help in adapting strategies to manage and mitigate the spread of Mpox effectively. IOM will further undertake PoE assessments to assess capacities in line with the International Health Regulations (IHR 2005), and provide support to integrate human mobility and health security aspects into border management in line with national policy, including trainings, development of response plans and standard operating procedures.
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Livelihoods and economic recovery

Among its interventions, IOM has promoted resilience and durable solutions by improving access to sustainable and climate-resilient livelihoods and clean energy for displaced communities, reducing environmental degradation and supporting the resilience of communities, including to future shocks. With a community-based approach, IOM tailors initiatives to the needs, desires, and skills of individuals and communities. In 2024, IOM will:

  • Promote access to renewable energy for displaced communities for household consumption and productive use to foster recovery and strengthen resilience.
  • Establish, train and mentor village savings and loan associations to foster financial inclusion.
  • Promote access to improved cookstoves to respond to the existing needs and challenges IDPs face in accessing traditional cooking fuel.
  • Create awareness at community and government level on clean energy technologies.
  • Promote nature-based solutions to strengthen community resilience.
  • Provide vocational training, including life skills, for young vulnerable migrants and IDPs at risk of poor sexual and reproductive health outcomes.
  • Promote social cohesion, employment opportunities and livelihoods to enable sustainable and resilient communities.
  • Promote among local artisans and community members an increase of knowledge, skills, understanding and application of Build Back Safer construction practices that meet agreed technical and performance standards, including those prescribed by the national and international standards.
  • Continue to identify and promote cash-based interventions related to Shelter/NFI to support access to livelihoods.   
  • Provide skills and start-up kits and empower groups at risk of recruitment, particularly the youth, to enable them to kick-start entrepreneurship and income generation activities so they can feel empowered, engaged and valued in their contributions, motivating them to initiate, or participate in, initiatives that benefit their community.   
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Mental health and psychosocial support in transition and recovery

Insecurity, displacement and disasters can cause significant psychological and social suffering to affected populations, particularly in the medium to long-term.  As aligned with the multisector integrated approach towards more durable solutions, IOM will continue assisting people living in displacement sites and urban areas through individual and community-based support based on IOM's global expertise and local capacities. This will be done through an integrated MHPSS approach and include protective and preventive measures that seek to encourage social cohesion and conflict resolution within affected communities. IOM will:

  • Conduct community-based assessments and focus group discussions to identify the community's existing coping strategies and meaningful activities for community members that can strengthen the solidarity between different groups.
  • Utilize existing conflict analysis to understand the dynamics for conflict transformation and implement activities towards that.
  • Provide counselling and psychoeducation to the individuals affected by the conflict and social tensions. 
  • Provide socio-relational activities for communities to promote non-violent communication and empathetic behaviours that contribute to a secure and reassuring social environment, particularly in the long run. 
  • Strengthen existing community networks such as women, youth and older people groups and associations, handicrafts, sports and music groups; promote discussions about psychosocial problems and negative feelings in a more structured and non-stigmatizing way; and encourage and promote activities that foster social cohesion.
  • Provide individual livelihood support based on individual needs to alleviate mental health and protection risks and support the healing process. 
  • Support community-based psychosocial support activities and protection/MHPSS actors through in-kind and technical support in the identified locations.

Strengthening the MHPSS systems has been a priority for IOM Mozambique. The main tool for this is to continue co-leading the MHPSS Technical Working Group and implement the following actions under the TWG:

  • Strengthen the referral mechanisms in cooperation with the government and keep the data up to date to ensure smooth implementation before, during, and after disasters.
  • Provide MHPSS training for INGD's Disaster and Risk Preparedness Committees in Cabo Delgado, which are the first responders in case of a disaster/emergency.
  • Revise and update the MHPSS TWG Contingency Plan in cooperation with the government – the plan includes the available resources, actions to activate it and key messages to be disseminated before and after a disaster.

In addition, IOM will focus on the following actions:

  • Expand disaster committee trainings beyond Cabo Delgado to increase their capacity in MHPSS to ensure the safety and dignity of affected populations.
  • Support INGD’s Safeguarding Unit with MHPSS mainstreaming and integration activities. 
  • Work with MISAU at the national level to accelerate the National Mental Health Plan in relation to disaster preparedness and response.
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Last updated: 12 Sep 2024
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Peacebuilding and peace preservation

Conflict is a principal driver of population displacement, requiring to take on comprehensive peace preservation and peacebuilding interventions to enable populations to attain long term solutions. IOM supports a diverse peacebuilding portfolio designed to prevent, manage and resolve conflict as a driver of displacement and obstacles to return and reintegration working at the individual, community and institutional levels. Through tailored, context-specific approaches, IOM works to prevent the recruitment of at-risk individuals into non-state armed groups. IOM will: 

  • Support the reintegration of former combatants by providing livelihood options and alternative pathways that increase participation and strengthen social cohesion; stabilization approaches that address locally defined needs; and efforts to increase cooperation, participation and problem-solving for effective conflict prevention and resolution. 
  • Help communities to manage local conflict, reduce violence and strengthen social cohesion. 
  • Strengthen institutional capacity to improve government/citizen cooperation for more resilience and sustainable conflict management, prevention and reintegration processes, reform of the security sector and improved community-police relations. 
  • Contribute to the objectives of the HDPN and the Sustaining Peace Agenda, using a comprehensive environmental approach to conflict prevention and peacebuilding.  
Funding required
Funding confirmed
Last updated: 12 Sep 2024
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Funding gap

Provision of water, sanitation and hygiene in transitional and post-crisis situations

IOM’s WASH activities aim to implement resilient and durable solutions for safe water access and sustainable sanitation, while ensuring behavioural changes in hygiene practices within communities. As such, IOM will:

  • Support sustainable access to safe water through rehabilitation/upgrade of existing water supply networks and/or installation of new infrastructure such as wells, based on need.
  • Support sustainable sanitation through rehabilitation/upgrade of waste management systems and latrines.
  • Engage gender-equal male and female hygiene promotors to deliver hygiene promotion messaging, including risk communication and community engagement for cholera and other infectious/communicable diseases to promote behaviour change, in close coordination with the health programme team.
  • Include persons with disabilities to ensure their inclusion in the community and their accessibility to WASH services.
  • Establish community-led WASH Committees to ensure ongoing operation and maintenance of WASH infrastructure, which will include trainings on this topic.

IOM works together with the local and provincial government and other IOM programmes to make sure implemented activities are supported by the government and other local entities for sustainable outcomes.

In pursuit of cholera prevention, IOM will actively analyze past outbreaks to pinpoint sources and implement targeted measures. This will encompass a comprehensive study, supplemented by consultant expertise, with the collaborative efforts of the WASH and health teams. IOM will:

  • Focus on cholera prevention, leveraging insights from prior outbreaks to target sources and implement prevention measures.
  • Continue ongoing desk study with plans to enlist a specialized consultant for enhanced research.
  • Join efforts between the WASH and health teams to bolster preparedness, including the stockpiling of hygiene kits in affected areas.
  • Carry out community-based hygiene promotion and the installation of improved ventilated pit latrines (VIP) as crucial preventative steps against cholera.
  • Support local drinking water company FIPAG in repairing their network to prevent water contamination risks in temporary sites.
Funding required
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Transitional justice

IOM supports transitional justice by aiding combatants' transition to civilian life and assisting communities in accepting returning fighters. IOM will enhance accountable disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) programmes through coordinated efforts. This includes providing a legal framework for policymakers. The approach will focus on positive short-term interactions between transitional justice and DDR, ensuring accountability and stability. In cases of extremist groups, rehabilitation aims to restore emotional, practical, and ideological bonds for successful community reintegration. In support of transitional justice aims, IOM will:

  • Support local actors to promote reconciliation and psychosocial well-being.
  • Undertake civic engagement, religious support, education, cultural and sports activities.
  • Provide job training and income generation packages aiming to improve reintegration outcomes and lower recidivism rates.
  • Hold community dialogues.
  • Promote social cohesion through tangible investments.
Funding required
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Adaptation and disaster risk reduction

IOM Mozambique’s work on disaster risk reduction (DRR) will contribute to the government’s efforts to implement the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030. Paying particular attention to at-risk communities, migrants, including displaced populations, and other vulnerable mobile groups, IOM seeks to prevent climate-induced displacement by reducing the risk of disasters and strengthening the resilience of displaced persons and communities at risk of displacement. IOM will:

  • Conduct multi-hazard risk assessments in locations prone to be affected by disaster due to natural hazards to inform response and policy.
  • Continue to build the capacity of the national and local government on DRR, displacement management including site planning, and tracking and analyzing displacement in close coordination with the CCCM and DTM teams.  
  • Full application of pilot indicators on displacement for DRR.
  • Integrate human mobility in the elaboration of local adaptation plans to prevent and mitigate disaster displacement.
  • Enhance early warning systems as per the Early Warning for All Initiative launched by the UN, which calls for every person on earth to be protected by an early warning system by 2027 and which selected Mozambique as a pilot country. 
  • Enhance natural resource management and sustainable land use management through community-based planning mechanisms.
  • Train and support local communities to be active participants in prevention and response in case of disasters, through simulation exercises and development of community action plans using a participatory approach.
  • Facilitate the implementation of climate-smart, sustainable livelihood strategies for both at-risk communities and IDPs.
  • Conduct research and action related to climate change adaptation, including identification of nature-based solutions to prevent disasters through community consultation, in-depth landscape analysis and leveraging of local knowledge from different stakeholders including government, UN agencies and CSOs.
  • Strengthen resilience through “build back better” measures in recovery and reconstruction, building the capacity of the communities and local government, in close coordination with shelter activities.
Funding required
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Transversal support

Funding confirmed
Last updated: 12 Sep 2024
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Operational presence in


International staff and affiliated work force
National staff and affiliated work force
IOM field office

The map used here is for illustration purposes only. Names and boundaries do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by IOM.

Figures are as of 31 December 2023. For more details of IOM's operational capacity in country, please see the IOM Capacity section.

With thanks to our current donors