Haiti Crisis Response Plan 2022-2024

Last updated: March 15 2024
Funding required
People in need
People Targeted

IOM Vision

IOM, together with key stakeholders, including governmental and non-governmental actors, is committed to addressing immediate and long-term migration-related challenges in Haiti by enhancing the capacity of national institutions to better manage human mobility, ensuring robust and coherent engagement across the humanitarian-development-peace nexus. IOM seeks to address humanitarian needs, as well as the root causes of irregular migration and internal displacement, contribute to reducing forced movement and the vulnerability of crisis affected and at-risk populations, strengthen resilience to identified risks, and mainstream migration into the development agenda through policy and legislation in line with the Global Compact on Migration and the Los Angeles Declaration on Migration and Protection.

Key Operating Modalities
Participation and empowerment Conflict sensitivity Integrated Programming Collaboration and partnership Localization Cash-based interventions
Cross-cutting priorities
Data and evidence Protection Mainstreaming Gender Equality Prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse Disaster Risk Climate Change Law and policy

Objective 1 - Saving lives and protecting people on the move
Saving lives and protecting people on the move

Funding required
People Targeted
Entities Targeted
Internal migrant, Internally displaced person, International migrant, Local population / community
Primary target groups
Description of People and Entities Targeted

(1)  IDPs affected by gang violence and those at risk of protracted displacement; (2) IDPs affected by disasters; (3) vulnerable host communities in areas of displacement and communities of return where services are inadequate of overstretched; (4) IDP returnees, facing severe conditions or affected by the growing gang activity of urban areas of Haiti; and (5)  vulnerable migrants in need of humanitarian assistance and access to basic services (health, psychological support, and so on). Under this objective, IOM plans to target entities involved in emergency response including CCCM and SNFI Cluster partners, WASH site committees, local and national authorities (ONM, DGPC, UCLBP, DINEPA, and more), and first responders.  

IOM will also support (6) key stakeholders (e.g. State actors, emergency response organizations, communities, and individuals) to anticipate and effectively respond to the impact of likely, imminent, or current hazards, events, or conditions in Haiti.

In addition, IOM's DTM data will continue benefiting (7) relevant governmental authorities; (8) UN agencies; and (9) partners in the field, by providing information on the most vulnerable members of target Haitian communities, including international NGOs (INGOs), local NGOs, civil society organizations (CSOs) and so on.

Funding confirmed 50%
50% Funding gap

Shelter and settlements

As co-lead of the SNFI Cluster along with the UCLBP and the DGPC, IOM will support the reconstruction and rehabilitation of homes and buildings in areas affected by disasters. IOM will also provide support, through in-kind and cash-based modalities, depending on the context and assessments, to those who have been displaced due to the growing insecurity and gang violence in the capital of Port-au-Prince. Activities include:  

  • Providing shelter materials and essential household items (NFIs) including fixing kits, kitchen sets, jerry cans, tarpaulins, blankets, and solar lamps to IDPs affected by gang violence and disasters;  
  • Supporting the roll-out of structural evaluations and the support to the reconstruction and rehabilitation of evacuation shelters (hospitals, schools) according to the Sphere Standards, in collaboration with the GoH and Haiti’s building code;
  • Strengthening of the SNFI cluster coordination and information management and enhancement of the support to cluster partners, ensuring an effective and coordinated response, both in serving beneficiaries and providing technical support to partner organizations;
  • Supporting IDPs’ host families by expanding on an analysis of their capacity to host IDPs in Sud-Est and Grand-Anse departments to explore replicability in other Haitian departments;   
  • Maintaining and strengthening of the NFI Common Pipeline to support the capacities of the GoH and the humanitarian community in the timely delivery of life-saving commodities and supplies to the affected people;  
  • Supporting the most vulnerable displaced households with rental subsidies to find safe and dignified housing for up to a year; 
  • Improving the living conditions of IDPs in the sites through small-scale improvements in the sites’ infrastructure, such as the installation of solar panels.   
Funding required
Funding confirmed
Last updated: 12 Sep 2024
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Direct health support

IOM will provide life-saving primary health services, referral and health facility support, in the most vulnerable areas such as border areas, informal displacement sites, and in areas of return. Activities will include:  

  • Improving access to health-care services to vulnerable populations in isolated or underserved areas of return and informal IDP sites through the provision of primary health care consultations through mobile clinics, referrals to and from higher levels of care, and the provision of basic hygiene kits;  
  • Conducting health promotion outreach and risk communication and community engagement (RCCE) activities in the most vulnerable areas, such as the border, and in those communities hosting displaced population areas, especially to raise awareness on health and hygiene practices that reduce the risk of contracting cholera and other communicable diseases;   
  • Providing medication for minor medical conditions, medical supplies and equipment to enhance the capacity of the national health system to support vulnerable groups, including the assistance, safe response, and timely referral of incidents of GBV;  
  • Assessing cholera treatment centres as part of infection prevention and control (IPC) activities. 
Funding required
Funding confirmed
Last updated: 12 Sep 2024
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Funding gap

Mental health and psychosocial support in humanitarian response

IOM will provide MHPSS services to migrants in the context of displacement and forced return. IOM plans to expand MHPSS assistance especially to displacement sites in hard-to-reach areas through implementing partners. All MHPSS activities will be in line with IOM's Manual on Community- Based Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergencies and Displacement and the IASC Guidelines for MHPSS in Emergencies. Interventions will include:  

  • Facilitating referrals and access to existing MHPSS services for returning migrants, internally displaced persons following gang-clashes in Port-au-Prince and those affected by natural hazards;  
  • Promoting IOM's 8840 hotline, which is operated by MHPSS assistants, providing psychological first aid (PFA), remote counselling and referrals to specialized MHPSS services;  
  • Providing community and family support such as socio-relational, creative and arts-based, and sports and play activities as well as focused MHPSS services (individual and group counselling);  
  • Organizing referrals to specialized mental health care for people with severe mental health conditions;  
  • Training and equipping MHPSS staff, including those operating the IOM’s 8840 hotline, to be able to safely and ethically respond to potential GBV cases and refer to GBV case management specialized services for a holistic assistance;  
  • Training of first responders in basic psychosocial including communication skills, PFA and stress management.
Funding required
Funding confirmed
Last updated: 12 Sep 2024
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Funding gap


IOM will provide in-kind and cash assistance to the most vulnerable migrants and displaced people, including sick or injured individuals, people with disabilities, older persons, children, unaccompanied and separated children (UASC) pregnant women, as well as people at risk of GBV and VoTs after risk assessment, as part of IOM’s comprehensive protection assistance. Initiatives will include:  

  • Providing post-arrival protection assistance and reintegration support for repatriated migrants;  
  • Multipurpose cash assistance to cover immediate protection needs of repatriated migrants;  
  • Providing specialized case management services at the individual and household levels, including management and referral of special cases such as survivors of GBV, trafficking, and people in need of MHPSS;  
  • Raising awareness on trafficking in persons in the humanitarian context among at-risk communities and frontline service providers;  
  • Enhancing the coordination among stakeholders to promote and ensure the respect and fulfilment of human rights and mainstream protection, for example via the Migrants’ Protection Working Group, the Protection Cluster, participation in the CCCM Cluster, and the Counter-trafficking cell, which was created jointly with the Government;  
  • Ensuring that protection is mainstreamed in all of IOM’s interventions through training of staff on protection principles and raise awareness on IOM’s Institutional Framework for Addressing Gender-Based Violence in Crises (GBViC) (risk identification and mitigation), adapting interventions’ designs to better include the needs of vulnerable groups and mitigate the barriers and risks they face in accessing services;  
  • Building institutional and community capacity for the establishment of complaint mechanisms and ensuring the implementation of activities that contribute to AAP mainstreaming;   
  • Co-leading the Migrant Protection Working Group, within the Protection Sector; 
  • Providing specialized case management assistance to the victims of sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA) and children born of SEA, in coordination with the UN Integrated Office in Haiti (BINUH); 
  • Providing training on the detection of cases of SEA to affected populations; conducting awareness-raising activities on SEA and reporting mechanisms with the affected populations; 
  • Ensuring a robust approach to prevent and respond to SEA, including the implementation of an IOM action plan on PSEA, the reinforcement of the capacity of relevant actors to address and manage such cases and the provision of the IOM hotline 8840.  
Funding required
Funding confirmed
Last updated: 12 Sep 2024
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Funding confirmed
Funding gap

Provision of water, sanitation and hygiene in emergencies

Activities will include:  

  • Working on the rehabilitation or enhancement of water points and or distribution pipelines approved by the National Directorate of Drinking Water and Sanitation (DINEPA);  
  • Establishing WASH committees in IDP sites to ensure the ongoing operation and management of the infrastructure and to support community ownership and sustainability;
  • Providing training to WASH committees and ensuring regular monitoring and provision of technical guidance;  
  • Monitoring the water quality using bacteriological kits to test for Escherichia coli (E.coli), as well as measure turbidity, Ph, chemical parameters (if required), free residual chlorine trin case of chlorination, and more, as recommended by the WHO Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality;   
  • Conducting hygiene promotion activities in IDP sites and host communities, distributing menstrual hygiene management (MHM) kits, and hygiene kits containing soap, shampoo, toothpaste, water purifying tablets, and hydroalcoholic gel among others, for families most in need;  
  • Rehabilitating sanitation facilities in IDP sites (latrines, showers, desludging), as well as waste management and vector control;  
  • Implementing cash for work activities for drainage cleaning and cleaning campaign in host communities around IDPs sites;  
  • Installing and operating solar powered water supply systems  
  • Water trucking as a measure of last resort to ensure the continuous availability of water for newly displaced populations.  
  • Cholera: Improving cholera treatment centres, and support for WASH material.  
Funding required
Funding confirmed
Last updated: 12 Sep 2024
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Funding confirmed
Funding gap

Camp coordination and camp management

As co-lead of the CCCM working group along with the DGPC and UCLBP, IOM aims to provide efficient and timely support to the Government of Haiti in the coordination and management of IDPs sites resulting from the ongoing gang clashes in the MAPAP and in the greater south due to the 2021 earthquake. The number of sites accessible to IOM varies according to the deterioration in the security situation, resulting in security and movement restrictions that can last for days, weeks or months. As of October 2023, there are 96 informal sites and collective centers, in the MAPAP. As the situation is still dynamic and fluid, these figures may increase or decrease due to secondary movements of displaced people settled in certain sites close to the battle lines.  
 Activities will include:  

  • Managing IDP sites either directly by IOM through mobile site management teams or through implementing partners;   
  • Ensuring the meaningful participation and representation of displaced communities through the support and set up of committees and groups, ensuring the representation of women, persons with disabilities, youth, etc.;  
  • Building capacity for CCCM implementing partners, including on PSEA, and provision of training for site committees on site management;  
  • Providing access to information and feedback mechanism channels in camps and camp-like settings;  
  • Ensuring a safe and dignified physical environment through site maintenance and improvement activities including nature-based solutions (such as using building materials made from recycled plastic) and site upgrading activities that consider environmental impact and the consequences of elevated hazard risk and exposure;   
  • Supporting IDPs in host communities, including via a Community Resource and Information Center (CRC), which provides information and assistance to displaced persons living in host communities;  
  • Supporting vulnerable people in targeted sites to access protection services, depending on their specific needs, such as access to basic services, psychosocial support and orientation and referral services to support reintegration into their neighbourhood of origin, including an update of service mapping and sign posting to be able to provide information on services available in the area; and capacity-building of CCCM stakeholders on relevant thematics;  
  • Leading coordination of the working group and provide updated site information to partners via the working group on a regular basis.  
Funding required
Funding confirmed
Last updated: 12 Sep 2024
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Funding confirmed
Funding gap

Movement assistance

Due to the security situation, assisted voluntary return to Haiti is currently suspended. Nevertheless, there continues to be voluntary and forced returns to Haiti. Deportations of Haitian migrants are still being carried out by neighbouring countries, mostly by the Dominican Republic through its land border crossing points. Overall, to guarantee safe and dignified movements, activities will include:    

  • Provision of cash assistance upon arrival that migrants can use for onward transportation to reach their localities of origin or other destinations within the country;
  • Provision of medical escorts and suitable transportation for individuals with medical needs as well as food assistance for the return journey;
  • Provision of family reunification support when necessary. In some cases, IOM provides movement assistance to escort unaccompanied or separated children or other vulnerable migrants to their communities of origin, new communities within the country or a new host country, through either land or air transportation, with specialized protection assistance/assigned case worker in addition to the operational escort. 
Funding required
Funding confirmed
Last updated: 12 Sep 2024
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Funding confirmed
Funding gap

Basic needs, including food and multi-purpose cash assistance

IOM will provide emergency assistance to returnees repatriated to Haiti by air, land, and sea, as well as to the most vulnerable people affected by gang violence and natural hazards. Activities will include:  

  • Providing emergency assistance to individuals affected by gang violence and natural hazards through cash-based interventions and in-kind assistance to improve their basic needs integrated into various areas of IOM programming, such as CCCM, SNFI, and protection;  
  • Providing food, water, medical and psychosocial assistance to Haitian returnees repatriated by air and land or intercepted at sea.  
Funding required
Funding confirmed
Last updated: 12 Sep 2024
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Funding confirmed
Funding gap

Emergency preparedness

IOM’s preparedness activities aim to build the capacities and improve the ability of key stakeholders (e.g. State actors, emergency response organizations, communities, and individuals) to anticipate and effectively respond to the impact of likely, imminent, or current hazards, events, or conditions in Haiti. A large part of the preparedness effort of in pre-positioning of contingency stocks across the country to ensure timely and at-scale response in case of emergencies. Other initiatives to support the most vulnerable regarding emergency preparedness will include:  

  • Building communities capacity in the maintenance of emergency alert and early warning systems, including the management of evacuation shelters (also see evacuation shelters under objective 1);  
  • Capacitating government stakeholders on mass evacuations, including trainings on Evacuation Shelter Management (GAP) and the enhancement of coordination of DGPC Technical Group on Evacuation and Shelter Management Committee (CTEGAP in French acronym).  
  • In coordination with other UN Agencies, reinforcing the capacity of the DGPC to prepare and respond to a crisis through capacity-building activities on inventory, management and distribution of NFIs and warehouses at the department level;  
  • Strengthening surveillance and reporting of infections during disease outbreaks, such as previously done during the 2022 cholera outbreak;  
  • Pre-positioning of NFI contingency stock across the eight IOM warehouses;   
  • Providing training and guidance to staff at national entities such as the UCLBP, the DGPC, and the Ministry of Public Works, Transport and Communications (MTPTC) in how to best coordinate an adequate response to disasters related to natural hazards such as through the yearly simulation exercise (SIMEX) to strengthen their life-saving capacities. 
Funding required
Funding confirmed
Last updated: 12 Sep 2024
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Funding confirmed
Funding gap

Displacement tracking

In a context of high political instability, increasing social and economic insecurity, and frequent natural hazards, IOM aims to support the Government of Haiti in monitoring the movements, numbers, profiles, needs, and trends of forcibly displaced populations, forcibly repatriated migrants, and other populations on the move, so as to inform policies and programmes that address the needs of vulnerable migrants. To do so, IOM will continue to:  

  • Installing Flow Monitoring (FM) methodology at official and unofficial points of entry (PoE) which have seen a growing number of repatriated migrants, to monitor and comprehend mobility types, flows, and trends between the two countries.  
  • Monitoring mobility trends and assess the multi-sectoral needs of displaced populations by regularly deploying the DTM’s existing network, tools, and methodologies to highlight urgent needs and priority sectors of intervention and ensure evidence-based, tailored, and adapted humanitarian response;  
  • Developing, refining and adapting post-disaster needs assessment tools, in close collaboration with government and humanitarian partners to inform disaster-related emergency response;  
  • Conducting thematic needs assessments in coordination with related clusters/sectors, especially with the protection cluster, to inform protection response to displaced population and migrations;  
  • Training and strengthening the capacities of governmental partners, such as the DGPC, ONM, and DIE in information management to support a collaborative, concerted data management process, ensuring the sustainability of DTM methodologies and activities; and  
  • Conducting in-depth research studies to garner a comprehensive understanding of migration drivers, migrant profiles, needs, and vulnerabilities, to inform strong and evidence-based migration policymaking.  
Funding required
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Multi-sectoral support

Includes funding which supports multi-sectoral interventions or cannot be attributed to a specific activity area.
Funding confirmed
Last updated: 12 Sep 2024
Medical assistance is provided to a displaced man in Port-au-Prince © IOM Haiti 2023
Medical assistance is provided to a displaced man in Port-au-Prince © IOM Haiti 2023

Objective 2 - Driving solutions to displacement
Driving solutions to displacement

Funding required
People Targeted
Entities Targeted
Internal migrant, Internally displaced person, International migrant, Local population / community
Primary target groups
Description of People and Entities Targeted

IOM will support (1) Repatriated migrants and communities in areas of return in need of basic services, livelihoods, safety and security; and (2) government authorities, civil society organizations and NGOs requiring capacity building and greater stability for the resumption of services.

IOM will also support (3) the Government of Haiti, including national and local authorities; and (4) community leaders to better equip them to deal with disaster management to reduce risks facing Haiti. In addition, IOM will support (5) the government and (6) non-governmental actors in their efforts to include and mainstream risk reduction and (7) communities living in disaster prone areas. 

Funding confirmed 20%
80% Funding gap

Community stabilization

IOM seeks to support the Government of Haiti and communities undergoing significant socioeconomic and political changes to reestablish the social contract and create the conditions for stability through fostering social cohesion. IOM also supports the return of state actors and basic social services by reinforcing local leadership, particularly in areas that host IDPs or to which IDPs or migrants return to. In 2024, the activities will include the following:  

  • Supporting relevant public institutions through interventions that improve the community’s resilience to absorb shocks and capacitate state and local governance;   
  • Strengthening of inclusive dialogue and decision-making mechanisms at the local level.  
  • Promoting inclusive access to and the provision of essential services to Haitians living in conflict-affected areas;   
  • Rehabilitating public infrastructure in coordination with the authorities, including the rehabilitation of water points, cleaning of public spaces. 
Funding required
Funding confirmed
Last updated: 12 Sep 2024
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Funding confirmed
Funding gap

Livelihoods and economic recovery

IOM will support livelihood and economic recovery solutions for migrants and IDPs in line with IOM’s Progressive Resolution of Displacement Situations (PRDS) Framework, IOM's programming will include:  

  • Identifying key economic sectors (e.g. agriculture, textile, fisheries) in    migration-prone areas for the development and implementation of short-term training programs and income-generating activities that prevent vulnerable groups to resort to migration as a coping strategy, while promoting the preservation of the environment (for example plastic recycling to make eco-friendly building materials);  
  • Promoting the local economic development, and the livelihood of communities, particularly women, through the provision of vocational training , tools, and financial management training.  
  • Strengthening the partnership with local CSOs to promote the inclusion of vulnerable Haitians in the economic market;  
  • Supporting sustainable returns of migrants to their communities of origin through the creation of livelihood opportunities that promote the preservation of the environment (“green reintegration”);  
  • Ensuring that communities, especially women, access local economic opportunities, enabling self-reliance and reducing dependency on aid; 
  • Improving equal access to economic opportunities at the community level and provision of training on livelihoods, e.g. sustainable agriculture.  
Funding required
Funding confirmed
Last updated: 12 Sep 2024
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Funding gap

Adaptation and disaster risk reduction

IOM’s initiatives to support the most vulnerable to avoid existing and new disaster risks will include:  

  • Developing early warning mechanisms and risk information systems with the authorities in consultation with affected populations and considering the needs of the most vulnerable;  
  • Conducting technically informed “Build Back Safer” (BBS) communications campaigns to increase awareness of and encourage safer construction techniques, through highly visual, engaging, and culturally relevant messaging;  
  • Providing trainings on improved local techniques (TCLA as per the French acronym) and construction of resilient housing;  
  • Strengthening the capacity of Local Emergency Operation Cells (COULs, as per the French acronym) in the Sud, Grand'Anse and Nord-Est departments, especially communal sections, by organizing trainings on DRR and PSEA, and SIMEX;  
  • Creating a network of disaster risk reduction (DRR) promoters and organizing training in DRR, first aid and PSEA. These DRR agents will be able to carry out an awareness campaign throughout the cyclone season;  
  • Organizing awareness campaigns in public places, especially in at-risk departments such as: Sud, Grand'Anse and Nord-Est, to draw the population's attention to the protective measures to be taken in the event of disasters;  
  • Contributing to an improved understanding and awareness among local communities and authorities on climate risks, including their interrelations with conflict and other causes that influence their vulnerabilities.  
Funding required
Funding confirmed
Last updated: 12 Sep 2024
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Funding confirmed
Funding gap
Operational presence in


International staff and affiliated work force
National staff and affiliated work force
IOM field office

The map used here is for illustration purposes only. Names and boundaries do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by IOM.

Figures are as of 31 December 2023. For more details of IOM's operational capacity in country, please see the IOM Capacity section.

With thanks to our current donors