IOM Vision
In Chad, IOM responds to and supports immediate needs, providing lifesaving assistance to the internally displaced, returnees, third-country nationals and migrants, while facilitating the transition towards stabilization and durable solutions across the humanitarian-development-peace nexus (HDPN). IOM will continue to provide vital humanitarian assistance to those in need, whilst scaling up longer-term development efforts, contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals; and support to the Government of Chad and local communities, including through advocacy and capacity development, use of migration and displacement data, and policy support to improve resilience and capacities to absorb future shocks, including through anticipatory action and disaster-risk reduction.

Saving lives and protecting people on the move
- Newly displaced IDPs by armed conflict, in particular 215,928 IDPs currently displaced in 250 localities in the Lake Province;
- Returnees displaced due to armed conflict, including 22,893 returnees from abroad and 20,947 former IDP returnees in the Lake Province;
- 77,320 returnees from Sudan in the East of Chad and about 77,000 returnees from CAR in the South of Chad;
- IDPs in protracted displaced situations;
- Newly displaced IDPs affected by the impact of hazards or risks posed by climate or environmental changes;
- Stranded and expelled migrants;
- Government and civil society organizations (CSOs) – to reinforce national and local capacities to respond;
- People at risk of/or displaced by natural hazards including returnee, IDP, migrant and host community populations;
- IDPs, returnees and vulnerable host communities affected by climate change;
- Local authorities.
Humanitarian and nexus/development actors active in the wider response in Lake Province, including:
- Agro-pastoral organizations, local authorities, transhumant and farmer communities;
- The Rapid Response Mechanism and other immediate responders;
- Actors involved in transition and recovery;
- Specific humanitarian actors;
- Government and CSOs – to reinforce national and local capacities to respond.
IOM's shelter interventions will include:
- Provision of S/NFI that are aligned with technical design developed by the S/NFI cluster to newly displaced persons and persons in protracted displacement situations and returnees in the Chad, according to needs and context assessments;
- Distribution of tree seedlings to beneficiaries to green IOM’s shelter interventions;
- Housing, land and property (HLP) activities that support upholding, improving, or restoring security of tenure, in coordination with local authorities;
- Provision of NFI kits to newly displaced persons and persons in protracted displacement situations and returnees in Chad, according to needs and contextualized assessment;
- Market-based interventions (including cash or voucher assistance) for IDPs, returnees and/or migrants, to access NFIs and/or shelter, based on context, needs, and areas of intervention.
In line with the mission's commitment to accountability to and empowerment of affected people, Shelter and Settlements activities will mainstream AAP implementation. This will focus on continuous engagement with affected people in sites to adapt methodologies and activities that encourage participation to the local context in partnership and collaboration with communities that IOM seeks to serve, including information provision and CFMs.
IOM's mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) interventions will include:
- Training of community leaders and first responders on the provision of psychological first aid (PFA);
- Creation of “safe spaces” for community members and the provision of sociorelational activities through e.g. support groups;
- Co-lead the MHPSS Technical Working Group jointly with the Ministry of Public Health and Prevention in Chad.
- Capacity building of local actors, including representatives of the municipality at province level on a community-based MHPSS approach and basic MHPSS skills and development of a network of MHPSS focal points at the community level;
- Provision of psychosocial support including recreational activities such as creative and arts-based, sports and play activities, rituals and celebrations and psychoeducation at displacement and returnees’ sites with a focus on strengthen positive coping strategies and resources when dealing with distress;
- Establishment of a MHPSS referral system with other actors at the field level and provision of referrals to specialized mental health care.
All MHPSS activities will be in line with the IOM Manual on Community-Based Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergencies and Displacement, as well as the IASC Guidelines on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergency Settings.
IOM will provide humanitarian assistance to stranded migrants and stranded returnees in the north of Chad through:
- Construction of emergency transit centre for stranded returnees and migrants and, if required, safe houses for women and girls;
- Provision of basic NFI such as blankets, buckets, mosquito nets, clothes, as well as dignity kits for women and girls by the emergency team;
- Cash based interventions for onward transportation wherever deemed appropriate based on the context such as cash in hand or e-cash;
- Coordination with health authorities on health screening and monitoring during quarantine periods;
- Accommodation and catering arrangements for migrants in transit and health assessments and escorts as required.
- Onward movement assistance to their locality of origin, based on informed consent principles. Migrants have access to information about assistance options and transport is provided through public transport, given the geographic location of the migrant referral points in northern Chad and the absence of sufficient infrastructure. IOM will engage closely with local health providers for pre-departure visual medical checks and local authorities for possible referral of specific protection cases; and
- Recording of biographical data and biometrics of beneficiaries in IOM’s proprietary tools;
- Ensuring travel documentation is secured and accurate prior to travel;
- Point of travel observation (PTO) by non-clinical officers aiming to recognize travellers who are visibly unwell and potentially require a more comprehensive assessment or health intervention by a medical officer;
- Assessment of surface conditions and security for surface and air movements to assign appropriate movement type whether through rented buses, public land transportation or airplane; protection cases will be required to be accompanied by specialized protection assistance/assigned case worker (especially in cases of unaccompanied and separated children) in addition to an operational escort.
- Working with partners to ensure security arrangements are in place for safe passage (convoys, armed escorts).
IOM's protection initiatives will include:
- Use of counter-trafficking indicators in DTM flow monitoring activities in the north to understand trends and movement influxes with proxy indicators to be able to optimize humanitarian assistance action;
- Provision of training and capacity building to staff members, partners, and the beneficiaries on AAP, including the feedback and complaint mechanism cycle;
- Provision of training for staff members, vendors and partners , including data collection actors, on protection, GBV core concepts, principles, risk identification and mitigation measures, PSEA, safe and ethical link of survivors of protection incidents (including GBV) to available services (including specialized protection services on GBV and/or child protection) or referral pathways in case of disclosure, and code of conduct;
- Conduct of protection risk assessments and development of mitigation measures for each intervention to address the protection risks for each intervention;
- Conduct of participatory community assessments such gender analysis and GBV assessment on the perception of the needs of women and girls within the community to sustainably address questions of GBV within the community;
- Address trafficking in persons by supporting good governance of migration including the advocacy efforts for the creation of a dedicated national Commission to fight trafficking;
- Awareness raising through workshops and trainings to sensitize government officials, including border personnel, law enforcement and judicial police, civil society members and humanitarian agencies on counter-trafficking and protection measures for migrants;
- Provision of individual protection assistance to migrants vulnerable to trafficking and other forms of violence, exploitation, and abuse through internal and external referral to emergency health assistance, food and non-food item distribution, lodging in transit centre, land transportation facilities for domestic migrants and other specialized services as per the national and local referral mechanisms. The referrals and the assistants are based on the context and the availability of service provider, and the presence of local actors and authorities. In many far locations such as the north part of the country, the services are scarce and limited;
- Provision of inclusive assistance sensitive to the needs of all population groups, such as the distribution of dignity kits, menstrual hygiene management (MHM) for girls and women, other specific items for children, people with disabilities, elderly etc; as well as awareness-raising on PSEA;
- Cash distribution to cover protection needs for IDP, returnees and migrants based on the context, needs and the areas of interventions.
IOM's Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) activities will focus on:
- Conduct of site assessments and site planning in coordination with other actors such as local NGO and UN agencies and local authorities and displaced community to identify gaps and duplications on basic service provision;
- Ensuring robust, integrated disaster risk reduction measures in site development and maintenance;
- Conduct of and participation in multi-sectoral assessments and conduct vulnerability assessment at the household level;
- Conduct of mapping for services in collaboration with different actors;
- Ensuring that age, gender, and disability is integrated in the site planning and mainstreamed in all assessments and activities in collaboration with all actors at field level such as local NGO and UN agencies and local authorities and displaced community to identify gaps and duplications on basic service provision;
- Ensuring of regular safety audits and protection mainstreaming in coordination with relevant sectors and IDPs and implementation of actions to reduce security concern in displacement sites through the provision of solar lighting to common and central areas in displacement sites such as water points, shops, and latrines;
- Conduct of registration and biometric registration for displaced population and returnees;
- Ensuring the AAP and CFM strategy is set in place in the sites and accessible to all groups through awareness sessions on AAP and hotline and suggestion boxes.
IOM's water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) support will include:
- Provision of WASH infrastructures and services, including safe and sufficient water and sanitation services in communal transit centres for stranded migrants and returnees;
- Provision of WASH services (latrines, boreholes, hand washing stations) for the returnees in the east, south and lake province;
- Provision of WASH services (latrines, boreholes, hand washing stations) for the displaced in the lake;
- Distribution of demand-driven hygiene kits for returnees in eastern Chad;
- Ensuring the water quality is monitored in accordance with World Health Organization, WASH Cluster, or National Guidelines;
- Provision of hygiene promotion and sensitization sessions in the returnees and displaced sites and transit centres, including information on how to use and maintain the boreholes, latrines, etc;
- Ensuring age, gender and disability are mainstreamed across WASH interventions in the sites and transit centres;
- Ensuring the AAP and CFM strategy is set in place in the sites and accessible to all groups through awareness sessions on AAP and hotline and suggestion boxes.
IOM's data collection and analysis initiatives will include:
- Displacement tracking in Lake Province, through implementation of rounds of DTM’s Mobility Tracking methodology, which gathers information on estimates of the number of displaced persons, on the profiles of displaced populations, on access to services and living conditions, and on priority needs and assistance;
- Implementation of the Emergency Tracking Tool country wide, to collect and report immediate data on, but not limited to, sudden displacements, collective expulsion, forced returns, climatic emergencies, to inform life-saving assistance;
- Conduct of Return Intention Surveys in Lake Province to collect information on displaced persons’ intentions, as well as the conditions necessary for a sustainable return or local integration;
- Conduct of biometric registration of IDPs the Lake Province and returnees in eastern Chad, in coordination with WFP, INSEED and CNARR, to make humanitarian aid more effective;
- Conduct of flow monitoring of people on the move in key transit points in the north of the country, especially along routes encompassing high rates of irregular migration and movements of vulnerable migrants (including expelled migrants), to gather the amplitude of migration along these routes, migrants’ profiles and vulnerabilities;
- Implementation of the Solutions and Mobility Index, as key to operationalizing the humanitarian-development-peace nexus (HDPN) and the Secretary-General’s Action Agenda on Internal Displacement, and in line with the Data for Solutions on Internal Displacement, with the purpose of assessing the level of stability of areas hosting displaced populations in the Lake Province and the east of Chad and to highlight factors the most influencing this level of stability. The ultimate objective is to allow targeted programming in localities according to their perceived stability and, thus, to allow coherent interventions that link humanitarian, transition and development approaches according to the situation of localities;
- Carrying out the Transhumance Tracking Tool (TTT) in Eastern Chad, to collect data on transhumance flows and emergency situations surrounding transhumance aims at informing IOM's, local authorities' and other partners' programmes of prevention and management of conflicts related to transhumance and pastoralism, as well as supporting the development and reinforcement of key resources for herders and farmers;
- Conduct of thematic studies on the socio-economic situation, market assessments and return intentions in the East of Chad.
In line with the S.G. Action Agenda on Internal Displacement, a series of structural reforms are required in the 15 pilot countries. As the mandate enters its final year in 2024, IOM will work closely with partners to:
- Support the production of a solutions strategy for the UNCT and the Government of Chad, along with an accompanying action roadmap that is equipped with a coordination structure on durable solutions. This will allow both the UNCT and the Government of Chad to pilot new approaches to Chad's longstanding issue of protracted displacement in an organized, coordinated manner. Funds will be used to help finalize the solutions strategy, establish and maintain coordination arrangements, and support the establishment of an action roadmap and financing framework for solutions in Chad.
To support emergency preparedness, IOM plans include:
- Support to the establishment of community contingency planning through community-based workshops, ensuring equal participation of women, youth, persons with disability and older persons;
- Reinforcement of the capacity of local authorities to respond to emergencies;
- Contribution to inter-agency efforts for preparedness and early/anticipatory actions, to increase a comprehensive humanitarian response to displacements, including Humanitarian Border Management efforts for border authorities;
- Awareness sessions and capacity building of local authorities to increase comprehension and knowledge on migrants in line with IOM’s guidelines on Migrants in Countries and Crisis (MICIC);
- Capacity-building and awareness sessions for the host community on returnees and migrants to enhance the knowledge and to mitigate potential risks of violence and others within the community;
- Development of a preparedness and response plan with the local communities and authorities on the steps and ways to respond to potential displacements or emergencies;
- Support to capacity building of local authorities on protection risks and ways to mitigate these during an emergency, including GBV;
- Awareness-raising sessions for local communities and authorities on age, gender and disabilities to increase knowledge and enhance the inclusion of marginalized group in emergency preparedness and response initiatives.
IOM's multi-purpose cash assistance (MPCA) activities will include:
- Implementation of cash-based interventions including multi-purpose cash distribution for IDPs, returnees, and/or migrants, to assist with basic needs, based on context and areas of intervention. The distribution of MPCA will enable beneficiaries to meet their various needs, in a dignified way, and will prevent them from adopting negative coping strategies.
- Ensuring AAP mechanisms are well known and accessible to all groups to promote community engagement and ensure continued relevancy of the modality based on the feedback collected at field level through suggestion boxes, hotline, and visits.
IOM's health activities will include:
- Implementation of activities related to health, border and mobility management to improve access to health services and reinforcement of referral pathways for returnees and host communities to specialized care as needed.
- Rehabilitation of health facilities to strengthen and reinforce health infrastructure.
- Support with disease surveillance, and outbreak preparedness and response through developing tailored information, education, and communication materials.
- Ensuring AAP mechanisms are in place in supported health facilities and are accessible to all groups.
Driving solutions to displacement
- IDPs in protracted displaced in Lake Province and South of Chad as well as local communities in which they reside;
- Irregular migrants;
- Returnees in the Lake province and in the east of Chad;
- Host communities in the east of Chad;
- Government and CSOs – to reinforce national and local capacities to respond;
- People at risk of/or displaced by natural hazards including returnee, IDP, migrant and host community populations;
- IDPs, returnees and vulnerable host communities affected by climate change;
- Local authorities.
IOM's interventions will include:
- Development of a set of criteria and identification scores to support the selection of the location of intervention and the people that will be supported: vulnerability profiling and people in need (PIN);
- Support to local authorities to identify opportunities for enhancement of IDP or returnee sites into functioning communities with access to socio-economic infrastructures;
- Conduct of market assessments and analysis, labour market assessments to identify demand for skills and income generating opportunities and value chain analysis;
- Support to livelihoods activities for IDPs and returnees;
- Support to displaced communities in durable shelters and durable WASH facilities in line with global methodologies;
- MHPSS including psychoeducation sessions to the beneficiaries;
- Conduct of community projects in areas hosting IDPs to reinforce resilience and social cohesion, based on community-based planning;
- Support to and empowerment of women in displacement sites and host community initiatives and small business through business training support and innovative financing;
- Capacity building through technical and vocational trainings;
- Empowerment of local communities and government to lead on resilience, recovery and social cohesion programming;
- Improvement of community cohesion and income generating capacities with community gardens or other income-generating activities;
- Ensuring the AAP strategies are well known and accessible to all groups to ensure not only the engagement of the community but also the adaptation of the program based on the feedback collected at field level through suggestion boxes, hotline, and visits.
IOM will support communities in addressing the root causes of instability, including:
- Provision and development of sessions and spaces for discussion between displaced and host communities;
- Development of small community projects that engage and benefit both displaced populations and hosting communities, including through discussions and cash for work activities as relevant;
- Support to youth with vocational training to improve their employability or to enter self-employment;
- Provision of alternative means of livelihood and participation in decision-making processes in Chad’s border regions, building on Do No Harm principles;
- Provision of economic inclusion opportunities for marginalized populations (women, youth, persons with specific needs) through promotion of income generating activities (IGA);
- Enhancement of institutional capacities to secure and manage Chadian borders by strengthening the engagement with communities and developing more coherent approaches to border management including direct support to border authorities (training, policy development);
- Strengthening of MHPSS capacities of actors in hard-to-reach areas, to improve social cohesion and support people in need including people at risk of GBV;
- Support to communities and authorities to provide ID management access as the basis for civic engagement in the country;
- Provision of sustainable access to water and sanitation services and promoting equitable and equal access to resources through the support of improved water and sanitation infrastructure to rural population in covered areas of interventions as well as structuring community management and maintenance committees;
- Support to the formalization of representation and conflict resolution mechanisms previously established between traditional and administrative authorities;
- Use of Transhumance Tracking Tool data to identify localities for pastoral infrastructure and communities’ resilience activities. This data also assists these partners in locating and protecting the transhumance corridor to reduce conflict between communities;
- Rehabilitation or expansion of critical infrastructures based on community consultations, in order to foster better social inclusion and mitigate conflict within crisis-affected communities;
- Introduction of community-centered decision-making processes to reinforce local ownership;
- Ensuring the AAP and CFM strategy is set in place in the sites and accessible to all groups through awareness sessions on AAP and hotline and suggestion boxes.
IOM will support local authorities and the Directorate for Civil Protection to reduce the risk of disasters through:
- Implementation of small-scale infrastructural mitigation works, notably to reduce floods risk;
- Mapping of potential disaster risks and safe areas along identified hazardous zones (i.e. prone to the risk of flooding and wildfires);
- Conduct of an in-depth technical remote sensing flood risk and vulnerability mapping of target areas;
- Development of an early warning system to monitor water levels to promote early response in the case of high risk of flooding;
- Construction and rehabilitation of public infrastructure, including rainwater runoff systems, retention walls, spate irrigation, and more to mitigate the impact of climate change including unseasonal rainfall, flooding, and landslides. Special emphasis will be given to the reuse potential of flood water for agriculture purposes at the community level;
- Building capacity of knowledge management within the government response mechanisms;
- Awareness-raising and support to communities to understand risks and implement preventive practices as well as capacity building on building back safer;
- Community based early warning systems to help communities taking early actions to reduce losses and damages caused by floods;
- Capacity-building of the Chadian government to reinforce disaster risk monitoring and ensure more regular reporting on hazards to the relevant Government units;
- Implementation of the Emergency Tracking Tool (ETT) to provide information on sudden natural hazards, conflicts that may have implication on the displacement of people;
- Awareness-raising and support to communities to understand risks and implement preventive practices as well as capacity building on building back safer.
The map used here is for illustration purposes only. Names and boundaries do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by IOM.
Figures are as of November 2024. For more details of IOM's operational capacity in country, please see the IOM Capacity section.