IOM Vision
IOM’s vision, in line with the humanitarian-development-peace nexus, is to work through a whole-of-society and a whole-of-government approach to contribute to a safe, prosperous, and resilient Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) by addressing the humanitarian needs of transiting migrants while supporting longer-term solutions, peace and social cohesion. IOM will continue to support the Government of BiH to effectively manage functioning migrant reception, protection, and other assistance to meet the challenges of an increasing number of migrants transiting the country and contribute to ensuring their dignity, safety, and security. Furthermore, IOM will work with communities and the government to build social cohesion, preparedness for disasters, and resilience to drivers of instability in order to address negative drivers of emigration and prevent displacement.
Saving lives and protecting people on the move
IOM will continue working with the UN, civil society, and state partners to provide support and assistance to migrants, asylum seekers and refugees in host communities and those residing in temporary reception centres (TRCs). IOM will additionally be supporting and reinforcing the migration-related response capacities of key state, cantonal and local level institutions engaged in the migration response, namely the BiH Ministry of Security (including the Service for Foreigners’ Affairs), Ministries of Health, and local governments hosting migrants to address health and social vulnerabilities of migrants.
As the lead agency for Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) in BiH, IOM provides technical support to state partners in the provision of assistance to migrants in irregular situations, both inside and outside of Temporary Reception Centers (TRCs), in close partnership with UNHCR, UNICEF, UNFPA, and other partners. IOM will:
In agreement with the government and in line with the upcoming Migration and Asylum Strategy and Action Plan, the medium-term aim of IOM is the full transfer of shelter assistance to the government, while IOM would maintain a technical role in line with its mandate and expertise. With this aim, IOM will:
Considering the high level of vulnerability of migrants transiting the country, IOM seeks support to enhance protection mechanisms in BiH. To do this, IOM takes a dual approach. First, IOM aims to enhance cooperation with and strengthened capacity of the SFA and Border Police in identifying protection-sensitive services for migrants. Second, IOM aims to expand the scope of protection mechanisms, service availability, and coordination with key partners in the field. In order to do so, IOM will:
IOM will strive to improve MHPSS services provided inside and outside of TRCs, increasing its availability to migrants, especially those in vulnerabilities categories. As such, IOM will:
IOM will provide medical support, including referrals to medical centres, to migrants both inside the reception facilities and outside, for the duration of the transition to a model of health care supported by the state. Following the transition, IOM will ensure the availability of emergency services in the reception centres, first aid and basic health provision, and transportation services to healthcare centres. With this aim IOM will:
Driving solutions to displacement
IOM will support local communities with low or deteriorating social cohesion and increasing susceptibility to violent extremism, institutions dedicated to strengthening communities – including educational and social institutions, and civil society organizations (CSOs), in a comprehensive approach to improve community resilience to violent extremism and radicalization. IOM will directly support and work with youth, families, marginalized community members, religious, cultural, and education leaders, and individuals facing socioeconomic stressors through peacebuilding initiatives. IOM will build upon its existing social cohesion infrastructure to defuse tensions and combat xenophobia, notably through programming to strengthen the health and social services for the benefit of both migrants and host communities.
IOM will assist the communities of return and the government of BiH to prepare for and have systems in place for the reintegration of BiH citizens returning from conflict zones in line with international standards. Given the complexities and political sensitivity related to the return and reintegration of returnees from conflict zones, a flexible and process-oriented approach, tailored to the specific needs, and in close cooperation with the responsible government authorities, is required. Through its Community Engagement and Policing (CEP) programming. IOM will contribute to enhanced social cohesion in communities hosting migrants and enable a response to the migration situation that benefits people on the move and BiH citizens alike. By focusing on communities where facilities for migrants are either located or planned to be established, the intervention aims to be targeted and needs-based. IOM interventions in border areas will target complementary Humanitarian Development Peace Nexus pillars to facilitate cross-border movements through improving border governance and engaging with border communities, civil society and the security sector. Such engagement with border communities and law enforcement agencies is expected to contribute to conflict reduction, facilitate community inclusion, and stimulate the socio-economic development of border areas. Specifically, IOM aims to:
Furthermore, it is necessary to work on developing mechanisms that give migrants access to services that provide them with tools and capacities to integrate, in line with the opportunities that exist for regular pathways such as asylum seekers or victims of trafficking. IOM will:
Currently, health care for migrants is mainly provided by BiH medical institutions, with funding passing through partner organizations. In order to increase the sustainability of the migration response, in the long run, IOM aims to increase state ownership in health provision to migrants. The guiding principle in this area will be to align the health service provision system for migrants to country standards and norms and to secure greater ownership of the model by the health authorities. The funded public health facilities will be the primary health providers in TRCs and referrals will be provided to secondary healthcare for those in need of a higher level of clinical care. IOM medical teams will act as a liaison point between camp administration, healthcare practitioners engaged in TRCs and IOM management to ensure that health provision is fully integrated into the overall management of TRCs. IOM will:
IOM will contribute to multi-stakeholders efforts to increase community resilience to destabilizing phenomena, including extremism and climate change as medium-term threats to peace and stability. This initiative will aim to increase resilience to extremism, improve social cohesion in local communities, organize community-building activities, and promote active and critical thinking in youth and adults to build stronger communities. IOM will also work with youth to increase adaptiveness to climate change, which is increasingly being seen as a key topic for the future of the country with implications for peacebuilding efforts. IOM will bolster youth activism and leadership for enhanced civic and political engagement, strengthen voices and actors that promote inclusive narratives and expand youth participation in decision-making processes for issues that impact them and their communities. With these aims, IOM will:
By working with partners and key stakeholders, IOM will aim to improve community resilience by ensuring the strengthened provision of mental health and psychosocial services to vulnerable groups in these communities. In close coordination with governments, international organizations and civil society, IOM will improve the availability and quality of psychosocial support at the community level by supporting service providers through capacity building and strategic partnerships. IOM will seek to:
Strengthen preparedness and reduce disaster risk
IOM aims to make local communities more resilient to disasters, with a whole-of-society approach. With this aim, IOM will work in close coordination with the Ministry of Security (MoS) at the national level, with district-level civil protection authorities and responders. Additionally, at the local level, IOM will seek out the participation of local community leaders, both men and women, as key to the successful engagement of local communities. First responders will be the main beneficiaries of IOM’s efforts, including official responders such as the Civil Protection Administrations, Public Safety Departments, Red Cross chapters and societies, and also professional and volunteer civil protection organizations. |
IOM aims to strengthen the preparedness and response to disasters among local communities and key stakeholders. In this regard, IOM will use a people-centred approach to improve the safety, security and well-being of people in disaster-prone areas, and advance preparedness and risk reduction efforts of stakeholders in the context of addressing the health dimensions of disasters. IOM will advance a comprehensive risk management approach, which takes a climate change-sensitive approach to all preparedness initiatives, in line with the Sendai Framework on Disaster Risk Reduction. This effort will be closely coordinated at all levels of government, including at the local level, and seek out the participation of local community leaders, both men and women, to successfully engage with local communities. Specifically, IOM will:
Contribute to an evidence-based and efficient crisis response system
IOM's Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) teams will collect data in reception centres and other locations where migrants gather or live, to provide relevant authorities and other key humanitarian stakeholders with timely information on migration flows, trends, needs and intentions to ensure an effective, coherent, and evidenced migration response. The data from these surveys inform protection and MHPSS assistance, shelter, food, and CCCM assistance, as it provides a statistical overview of the changing vulnerabilities, demographics and other variables quickly and reliably.
The Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) aims to improve the access of national institutions, civil society, and humanitarian responders to accurate, up-to-date data and knowledge on migrants arriving to, and present, in BiH. IOM will collect information on the migrants’ demographics, including countries of origin as well as transit areas, detailed information on specific vulnerabilities, socioeconomic circumstances, routes and further movement intentions, among other topics. Following data analysis, reports will be disseminated to stakeholders and used as guidance for knowledge-based policy, and technical and capacity-building support. Part of the data will also be made publicly available on the DTM website, when in line with IOM data policies. Specifically, IOM will:
- Enumerators collect data in the filed through anonymous questionnaires on demographics, circumstances of their journey, intended country of destination, abuse and exploitation risk factors, and return intentions.
- Provide regular and systematic data on migrants inside and outside of formal reception centres in BiH to the State, partners and other stakeholders.
- Issue analytical reports on statistical trends and projections.
- Maintain databases with collected data and dashboards presenting the data to the wider public.
- Set up an early information system on likely changes in the number of arrivals to be expected, by integrating data from Turkey to the Western Balkans to enable a planned and orderly response, resource mobilization and pre-positioning.
- Demographic and vulnerability information collected will be used to inform the migration response to adapt to changes in trends and needs of the beneficiaries.
Bosnia and Herzegovina
The map used here is for illustration purposes only. Names and boundaries do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by IOM.
Figures are as of 31 December 2023. For more details of IOM's operational capacity in country, please see the IOM Capacity section.