Burkina Faso Crisis Response Plan 2024

CRP last updated: November 25 2023
Funding last updated: December 12 2024
Funding required
People in need
People Targeted

IOM Vision

Through an evidence-based and conflict-sensitive approach, IOM Burkina Faso provides assistance to meet the multi-sectoral needs of internally displaced persons (IDPs), host communities and other crisis-affected communities. IOM applies a comprehensive humanitarian-development-peace nexus (HDPN) approach, focusing on saving lives, while contributing to stabilization, transition, and recovery efforts by supporting inclusive and participatory governance processes, boosting economic recovery, and strengthening social cohesion.

Key Operating Modalities
Participation and empowerment Conflict sensitivity Integrated Programming Collaboration and partnership Localization Cash-based interventions
Cross-cutting priorities
Data and evidence Protection Mainstreaming Gender Equality Prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse Disaster Risk Climate Change

Objective 1 - Saving lives and protecting people on the move
Saving lives and protecting people on the move

Funding required
People Targeted
Entities Targeted
Internal migrant, Internally displaced person, International migrant, Local population / community, Refugee
Primary target groups
Description of People and Entities Targeted

IOM Burkina Faso will continue to provide humanitarian assistance and protection to:

  • IDPs who remain in displacement; 
  • IDPs at high risk of protracted displacement; 
  • Vulnerable host communities in areas of displacement where services are inadequate or overstretched; 
  • Survivors of human rights violations, gender-based violence, and exploitation, including trafficking; 
  • Local actors who provide services; 
  • Vulnerable migrants in transit stranded in Burkina Faso. 

IOM Burkina Faso will help reinforce the capacity of local authorities and communities to be better prepared for increasing shocks triggered by natural hazards by targeting: 

  • IDPs; 
  • Returnees and communities in areas of return to access basic services, livelihoods, safety and security; 
  • Survivors of human rights violations, gender-based violence;
  • Government authorities, civil society organizations and NGOs to contribute to capacity building and facilitate community stabilization and resume services.

IOM Burkina Faso will also continue to provide data on displacement and migration patterns to partners, in order to inform programming and policy. Beneficiaries will include:

  • Partners: humanitarian and development partners and governmental entities; 
  • Benefiting populations: IDPs, returnees, herders and farmers, and other impacted communities; 
  • Entities: civil society organizations
Funding confirmed 4%
96% Funding gap

Shelter and settlements

IOM’s Shelter and Settlements response aims to support the displaced, host, and other affected populations access safe and dignified shelter options in functioning settlements through interventions that adapt to meet immediate and evolving needs. IOM plans to: 

  • Distribute shelter materials and NFIs as per cluster standards, to respond to crises and complement the emergency response with other actors.
  • Design, construct, and upgrade emergency shelters, transitional and other shelters, in coordination with the cluster strategy.
  • Repair and retrofit damaged homes for vulnerable households, ensuring improved conditions of safety, privacy, and dignity.
  • Conduct housing land and property activities that support upholding, improving, or restoring security of tenure.
Funding required
Funding confirmed
Last updated: 12 Dec 2024
Plan types
Funding confirmed
Funding gap

Mental health and psychosocial support in humanitarian response

IOM’s mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) programme aims to promote, protect and support the mental health and well-being of crisis-affected populations. IOM is the lead of the national MHPSS Technical Working Group under the Protection Cluster. IOM plans to:

  • Support inter-agency efforts to strengthen the national MHPSS response.
  • Strengthen the capacities of local actors and service providers in providing MHPSS.
  • Deploy community-based psychosocial mobile teams organizing sociorelational, cultural, creative and art-based, sport and play as well as informal education activities.
  • Conduct awareness-raising sessions on MHPSS needs and existing services.
  • Provide counselling and peer support groups and referral to specialized mental health care services.
Funding required
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Protection activities aim to address or prevent the recurrence of abuse, neglect, exploitation and violations; restore dignity; or establish or foster environments that are conducive to the respect of rights of migrants, displaced persons or affected populations. IOM works to reduce protection risks for migrants, displaced persons and affected populations. This includes GBV risk mitigation as well as the inclusion of persons with disabilities. IOM proposes to: 

  • Train IOM staff, national authorities and partners on protection, prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse (PSEA), AAP, GBV core concepts, principles, risk identification and mitigation measures as well as Code of Conduct.
  • Deploy protection mobile teams that will carry out community-based protection activities.
  • Conduct protection risk assessments and development of mitigation measures to address the protection risks for each intervention.
  • Mainstream information and sensitization on mitigating risks of sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA) throughout all activities.
  • Address GBV contributing factors by conducting participatory community assessments on the perception of the needs of women and girls within the community to sustainably address questions of GBV within the community and reduce GBV risks ensuring doing no harm. 
  • Support survivors of GBV by equipping and supporting IOM staff and partners on ethical and safe referral pathways.
  • Provide inclusive assistance sensitive to the needs of all population groups, such as the distribution of dignity kits for girls and women, and accessibility measures and reasonable accommodations for participants with disabilities. 
  • Provide individual protection assistance to migrants vulnerable to trafficking and other forms of violence, exploitation, and abuse through internal and external referral to health, psychosocial support, food and non-food item distribution, lodging in transit centres, land transportation facilities for domestic migrants, and other specialized services.
  • Awareness-raising through workshops, trainings, cultural and art events on counter-trafficking and protection measures for migrants.
Funding required
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Emergency preparedness

IOM will work with the community, local stakeholders and authorities, and humanitarian actors to support emergency preparedness. IOM will: 

  • Conduct an in-depth technical remote sensing flood risk and vulnerability mapping of target areas;    
  • Map potential risks and safe areas along identified hazardous zones (i.e. prone to the risk of flooding and wildfires) and conduct a census of people with specific needs;
  • Strengthen the existing early warning systems to better serve the communities in monitoring water levels to promote early response in the case of high risk of flooding;  
  • Implement Emergency Tracking Tool (ETT) to provide information on sudden natural hazards, and conflicts that may have implications for the displacement of people     
  • Build capacity of knowledge management within the government response mechanisms;
  • Conduct awareness-raising sessions and capacity-building of local authorities to increase comprehension and knowledge on migrants in line with IOM’s guidelines on Migrants in Countries and Crisis (MICIC);
  • Contribute to inter-agency efforts for preparedness and early/anticipatory actions, to encourage a comprehensive humanitarian response to displacements.
Funding required
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Displacement tracking

IOM’s DTM is a service tool and process to track and monitor population displacement during crises. In Burkina Faso, through the DTM, IOM will: 

  • Track mobility and the key figures and locations of IDPs and returnees through mobility tracking; 
  • Gather information on migration flows tendencies, and future intentions through Future Intention Surveys; 
  • Study structural factors driving people into displacement, including access to services, security, social cohesion and resilience to climate change through the Solution and Mobility Index, assessing stability and fragility of areas of return;
  • Assess the multi-sectorial needs of populations through a Multisectorial Needs Assessment (MSNA). The data collection will take place in three regions in the south (Hauts Bassins, Cascades, Sud-Ouest);
  • Improve coordination to reinforce access to information on the mobility, vulnerability, and needs of displaced and mobile populations, together with partners such as CONASUR and the humanitarian community;
  • Expand data collection on transhumance and agro-pastoral conflicts through IOM’s Transhumance Tracking Tool (TTT), in order to prevent and mitigate tensions linked to conflict surrounding transhumance campaigns in all relevant regions, such as the Boucle de Mouhoun, Hauts Bassins, Cascades, South-West, Center-South, Center-East, East, North, and Sahel regions.
Funding required
Funding confirmed
Last updated: 12 Dec 2024
Plan types
Funding confirmed
Funding gap

Multi-sectoral support

Includes funding which supports multi-sectoral interventions or cannot be attributed to a specific activity area.
Funding confirmed
Last updated: 12 Dec 2024
IOM provided emergency shelters and household equipment for internally displaced persons and refugees. © Vincent Kiendrebeogo / IOM Burkina Faso 2023
IOM provided emergency shelters and household equipment for internally displaced persons and refugees. © Vincent Kiendrebeogo / IOM Burkina Faso 2023

Objective 2 - Driving solutions to displacement
Driving solutions to displacement

Funding required
People Targeted
Entities Targeted
Internally displaced person, Local population / community, Refugee
Primary target groups
Description of People and Entities Targeted

IOM Burkina Faso will seek to address the drivers and impacts of crises and to mitigate future conflict, by targeting the following groups:

  • IDPs and host communities; 
  • Returnees and communities in areas of return;
  • Survivors of human rights violations, gender-based violence, exploitation including trafficking; 
  • Local authorities including traditional leaders and community representatives, government authorities, civil society organizations and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to contribute to capacity-building and facilitate community stabilization and the provision of basic services.

IOM Burkina Faso will also help reinforce the capacity of local authorities and communities to be better equipped to respond to increasing shocks triggered by natural hazards by targeting: 

  • IDPs; 
  • Returnees and communities in areas of return to access basic services, livelihoods, safety and security; 
  • Survivors of human rights violations, gender-based violence;
  • Government authorities, civil society organizations and NGOs to contribute to capacity building and facilitate community stabilization and resume services.
Funding confirmed 77%
23% Funding gap

Community stabilization

Community stabilization activities aim to provide a necessary incremental step towards sustainably resolving displacement by creating the conditions for the restoration of basic rights and security; and by promoting social cohesion and empowerment; functioning state governance; livelihoods and service delivery, etc. IOM will continue working on community recovery by strengthening local capacities, fostering self-reliance, and creating environments conducive to resolving displacement including through:

  • Supporting community-led planning processes to rehabilitate infrastructure and support the delivery of basic services.
  • Implementing income-generating activities to support displaced and host communities to enhance social cohesion and economic recovery. Livelihoods opportunities will be explored with affected communities to ensure sustainability building on their aspirations and existing capacities, ensuring accountability.
  • Empowering women and youth to diversify and increase their livelihoods through direct support such as the provision of agricultural inputs, vocational training or other grants.

Activities will be linked to a wider and more comprehensive process to create sustainability as well as avoid causing harm to women.

Funding required
Funding confirmed
Last updated: 12 Dec 2024
Plan types
Funding confirmed
Funding gap

Peacebuilding and peace preservation

IOM Burkina Faso supports the operationalization of the humanitarian-development peace nexus. IOM views working closely with local authorities and empowering community-based organizations and local networks to strengthen social cohesion and resilience as one critical way to do so. IOM will work to: 

  • Contribute to social cohesion, prevention and sustainable resolution of community conflicts. This will be done through strengthening the capacity of civil authorities throughout the regions to remove the feeling of abandonment.  
  • Contribute to resilience-building of the populations in cross-border areas (Benin, Burkina Faso and Togo) against exploitation by violent extremist groups and conflict resolution through strengthening dialogue between communities and law enforcement as per IOM's Community Engagement and Policing (CEP) approach. 
  • Contribute to peacebuilding efforts to support community transition out of conflict, notably through community-based conflict management, providing support to community reconciliation, reintegration processes and economic transformation intended to mitigate the drivers of conflict.
  • Better support conflict prevention and mitigation strategies by providing regular and transparent data on pastoral mobility through the Transhumance Tracking Tool, as an early warning mechanism. 
Funding required
Funding confirmed
Last updated: 12 Dec 2024
Plan types
Funding confirmed
Funding gap

Adaptation and disaster risk reduction

IOM will support local authorities and the Directorate for Civil Protection to reduce the risk of disasters and increase readiness to respond. IOM will work to: 

  • Build the capacity of local and national authorities for the establishment of a response framework and reinforcing their capacities to respond to emergencies; 
  • Support to capacity-building for local communities and authorities on protection risks, upholding PSEA protocols, taking into account age, gender and disabilities to increase knowledge and enhance the inclusion of marginalized groups in emergencies;
  • Support the establishment of community contingency planning through community-based workshops, ensuring equal participation of women, youth, persons with disability and older persons;  
  • Pre-position shelter and NFI kits, as well as dignity kits or other articles that address the needs of vulnerable groups such as women and girls.
  • Implement small-scale infrastructural mitigation works to mitigate the impact of climate change, including unseasonal rainfall, flooding, and landslides. Special emphasis will be given to the reuse potential of flood water for agricultural purposes at the community level;
  • Address forced migration situations in the medium- and long-term by bridging humanitarian responses with adaptation and disaster risk reduction such as taking risks of natural hazards into account in location and building of shelters.
Funding required
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Operational presence in

Burkina Faso

International staff and affiliated work force
National staff and affiliated work force
IOM field office


The map used here is for illustration purposes only. Names and boundaries do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by IOM.

Figures are as of 31 December 2023. For more details of IOM's operational capacity in country, please see the IOM Capacity section.

With thanks to our current donors