Libya Crisis Response Plan 2023

Last updated: October 13 2023
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People Targeted

IOM Vision

IOM’s strategic vision for Libya is to work towards ensuring that migrants, internally displaced persons (IDPs) and all other mobile populations, including those affected by conflict in Libya, peacefully coexist with local communities in an environment where human rights, dignity and well-being are respected and promoted by a migration governance system that fosters resilience and development. IOM plans to continue delivering life-saving assistance and improving the resilience of migrant populations and local communities, engaging in targeted interventions to support Libya’s residual IDP caseload to access durable solutions, and contributing to the establishment of a comprehensive, evidence-based, and people-centred migration governance system that envisages longer-term approaches to managing migration in Libya.

Objective 1 - Saving lives and protecting people on the move
Saving lives and protecting people on the move

Funding required
People Targeted
Entities Targeted
Internally displaced person, International migrant, Local population / community, Refugee
Primary target groups
Description of People and Entities Targeted

According to the OCHA Humanitarian Overview 2023 Libya, there are 329,000 thousand people in need: migrants (150,000), IDPs (49,000), returnees (87,000), and refugees (43,000).[1] Moreover, based on the 2022 Multi-Sectoral Needs Assessment (MSNA), conducted by REACH, and IOM DTM analysis, humanitarian agencies calculate that 522,806 people in Libya remain affected, of whom, 328,560 are in need of some form of humanitarian assistance, including 120,245 women; 67,965 girls; 245,719 men; and 88,877 boys; while 117,855 people are estimated as having acute needs (25,000 internally displaced people; 3,000 returnees; 47,000 migrants; and 43,000 refugees). Even though the overall number of people in need decreased compared to the 1,3 million identified in the 2021 Humanitarian Needs Overview (HNO), the number of migrants, IDPs and returnees in need remains considerable, which demonstrates that the protracted crisis in Libya disproportionately affects vulnerable populations.

IOM Libya will support the following groups through humanitarian assistance interventions:

  • Migrants in urban settings as well as in detention centres and returned to Libyan shores;
  • IDPs who remain in displacement, including IDPs prevented from returning or unwilling to return, IDPs at high risk of protracted displacement, and unsuccessful returnees;
  • IDPs in or at risk of secondary displacement;
  • IDPs who have returned, but are facing severe living conditions;
  • Vulnerable host communities in areas of displacement and communities of return where services are inadequate or overstretched.

IOM Libya will also provide capacity-building support for NGOs, local and national authorities, for instance on vaccinations and support for humanitarian operations, as well as consular entities for online consular assistance among others.  Recognizing the urgency of addressing humanitarian needs for more than 42,000 people affected and displaced by Storm Daniel including immediate needs of all vulnerable migrants, IOM is supporting local authorities and working closely with its partners, complementing and upscaling the relief and response efforts to alleviate the suffering of the affected population. 

[1] Humanitarian needs for the non-displaced Libyan population were not considered permanent during the transition to development.

Funding confirmed 22%
78% Funding gap

Basic needs, including food and multi-purpose cash assistance

IOM Libya will provide multi-sectorial assistance to meet migrants' basic needs along the Central Mediterranean Route.

IOM’s MRRM programme brings together under one mechanism a wide range of services and needs-based assistance for vulnerable migrants living in urban settings, especially in hard-to-reach locations where they have less access to services. To this end, IOM will:

  • Conduct regular mobile outreach to migrant communities along the migratory routes in Libya to identify needs;
  • Provide non-food items, hygiene kits and emergency food assistance, as well as medical services and mental health and psychosocial support sessions;
  • Refer migrants to specialized protection services and to IOM’s Voluntary Humanitarian Return (VHR) programme which offers migrants the opportunity to return to their country of origin, following a rights-based approach;
  • Conduct individual and group outreach sessions on the dangers and risks of irregular migration, as well as provide information on alternatives, disease control and prevention, and other available humanitarian services in Libya and their countries of origin.

IOM’s Search and Rescue Programme consists of a tailored mechanism to provide humanitarian assistance to migrants and support authorities to provide protection-oriented and human rights-based assistance to migrants upon rescue/interception at sea and disembarkation on the Libyan shores and to those rescued in the desert as well as those impacted by Storm Daniel To this end, IOM will:

  • Provide life-saving equipment (life jackets, emergency blankets, first aid kits, buoys, body bags, operation suits, gloves and masks);
  • Enhance the infrastructure of reception areas at disembarkation points through the establishment of clinics, water and sanitation infrastructure and to ensure safe reception areas;
  • Provide fumigation, disinfection and cleaning services to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic and other communicable diseases;
  • Provide humanitarian assistance to migrants upon arrival at disembarkation points including medical first aid and psychological support, food and non-food items, vulnerability screening, and referral for protection assistance for men, women and children;
  • Enhance the capacity of government authorities, through delivering training on topics such as migration management, human rights, language training, information technology and data protection, and first aid. 
  • To enhance the effectiveness of search and rescue operations in the areas affected by Storm Daniel, provide specialized equipment and deploy prefabricated emergency units to provide vital assistance to those in need.
  • Following the onset of armed clashes in Sudan in mid-April, IOM stands ready to support with direct assistance measures related to cross-border movements. 


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Direct health support

IOM’s humanitarian health interventions aim to increase access to primary health care services by promoting migrant-inclusive health systems and advocating for rights to health, to ensure that no one is left behind. To this end, IOM will:

  • Provide primary health care services in detention centres, disembarkation points and urban settings as well as referrals to specialized health care in hospitals or private clinics;
  • Conduct pre-departure medical screenings and fitness-to-travel (FTT) screenings for migrants who voluntarily chose to return to their country of origin through IOM's VHR programme;
  • Provide mobile outreach services at multiple locations across Libya and expand medical outreach teams, especially in underserved areas.
  • Following the onset of armed clashes in Sudan in mid-April, IOM stands ready to support with health assistance measures related to cross-border movements. 

As part of the Storm Daniel Emergency Response, 

  • Conduct post-disaster needs assessment of most flood-affected municipalities to identify the immediate, medium-term, and long-term health needs, and prepare a plan of action to revive the health system. Provide primary healthcare services to IDPs and migrants by mobilizing multidisciplinary medical mobile teams to provide treatment, care and referral as necessary.
  • Establish a referral mechanism for timely medical management for lifesaving, disability prevention and cases posing public health risk to prequalified and specialized health facilities.
  •  Assist the Ministry of Health (MOH) and local authorities in establishing a surveillance network to conduct public health surveillance and risk assessment to control and prevent any possible disease outbreak. Integrate health and hygiene awareness activities to help in disease prevention and sensitize the high-risk displaced population to seek medical care for early detection.
  • Support at least eleven health facilities in flood- affected locations, including the provision of human resources for health (HRH), including specialized and general practitioners, procurement and distribution of medicines, medical supplies and equipment, and refurbishment of health facility infrastructure including WASH refurbishments. IOM will also support four field temporarily established hospitals with medical supplies and equipment to enhance their capacity to continue service provision.
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Last updated: 12 Jan 2024
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Mental health and psychosocial support in humanitarian response

The MHPSS programme aims to empower communities and increase resilience, reduce suffering and promote psychosocial well-being, improve mental health and treat or prevent mental disorders, and enhance accessibility to MHPSS services to affected populations, migrants and Libyans alike. To this end, IOM will:

  • Implement direct and remote MHPSS services through IOM psychosocial mobile teams (PMTs) to migrants and crisis-affected populations in Libya, facilitate referrals to specialized mental health care if needed and referrals of vulnerable migrants to basic needs and protection services. Direct MHPSS services include psychosocial awareness-raising sessions, basic counselling, support groups, art-based psychosocial activities, recreational activities, psychosocial assessments, psychoeducation, awareness raising on the psychosocial impact of COVID-19 and remote counselling through a helpline. MHPSS services will be provided in urban locations, migrants’ schools, disembarkation points following search and rescue operations, and detention centers;
  • Organize MHPSS capacity-building activities targeting frontline actors, health staff and government officials (training on MHPSS in emergency and displacement, MHPSS response to COVID-19/pandemic settings, psychological first aid (PFA) and supportive communication); Trainings and workshops on integrating MHPSS into peacebuilding and integrating MHPSS into livelihoods.
  • Provide comprehensive MHPSS to victims of trafficking (VoTs) and people suffering from psychological distress and mental health problems, due to their unique vulnerabilities experienced during displacement.
  • Following the onset of armed clashes in Sudan in mid-April, IOM stands ready to support with MHPSS assistance related to cross-border movements. 

As part of the Storm Daniel Emergency Response,

  • Provide MHPSS services to flood-affected populations at hosting sites, makeshift locations, and communities in northeastern areas, including through remote MHPSS assistance and remote counselling through the MHPSS helpline operating in the east.


Funding required
Funding confirmed
Last updated: 12 Jan 2024
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Movement assistance

Voluntary Humanitarian Return (VHR) supports stranded migrants to voluntarily return to their countries of origin and provides suitable socioeconomic reintegration when needed. Assistance under the VHR programme is designed to provide tailored support to vulnerable migrants. To this end, IOM will:

  • Conduct field visits and outreach sessions in detention centres and urban areas to inform migrants of IOM’s free-of-charge voluntary return assistance programme as well as identify and register those expressing interest in voluntarily returning to their countries of origin;
  • Organize outreach seminars and trainings to migrant community leaders and other relevant stakeholders to enhance two-way communication and direct access to the programme;
  • Facilitate exit visa requests on behalf of migrants once their travel documents have been received from their embassy;
  • Organize migrants’ voluntary return to their countries of origin through charter or commercial flights, ensuring that special protection and/or medical assistance is provided in Libya or upon departure to the most vulnerable migrants;
  • Provide reintegration assistance in countries of return for particularly vulnerable cases following case-by-case assessments. This includes support to address psychosocial needs as well as the socioeconomic needs of migrants who voluntarily return to their country of origin. Migrants are supported to develop Individual Reintegration Plans (IRP) that assist them to access education, medical, housing and/or income-generating activities;
  • Conduct medical fit-to-travel checkups as well as pre-departure distribution of clothing and footwear to migrants in detention to assure the most dignified and comfortable return conditions possible;
  • Provide emergency humanitarian assistance prior to departure and ensure coordination with IOM-receiving missions to provide a continuum of care.
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Protection of the most vulnerable migrants is crucial in a context such as Libya. IOM works to ensure that migrants requiring specialized assistance are identified and appropriately supported with protection interventions to alleviate their suffering and to maintain human dignity. To this end, IOM will:

  • Undertake rapid and in-depth vulnerability assessments conducted by protection case workers utilizing IOM Assistance to Vulnerable (AVM) standardized tools to ensure informed case management or referrals to services to IOM or other protection actors (NGOs, INGOs etc,);
  • Evaluate barriers and facilitate access to services and strengthen the assistance to vulnerable migrants such as victims of trafficking and other groups through improved protection monitoring, specialized outreach, referrals, and case management;
  • Build the capacity of Libyan authorities (through trainings and development of guidance documents), local and international non-governmental organizations, IOM staff and other partners on the protection of migrants, including case management and referrals of vulnerable migrants such as VoTs, survivors of GBV, persons with disabilities, unaccompanied migrant children (UMCs), women and girls, elderly;
  • Continue to provide advocacy to end arbitrary detention and work towards ending immigration detention, especially for children, and advocate for alternatives to detention for particularly vulnerable migrants, including women and children;
  • Promote the integrated delivery of protection services to migrants and IDPs through mainstreaming of protection and Accountability to Affected Populations within IOM humanitarian interventions. IOM will also ensure that all staff are trained on the Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) and on how to respond to a disclosure of GBV in a safe manner;
  • Provide specialized assistance to unaccompanied and separated children, including best interest assessments and determination to provide safe long-term solutions assistance;
  • Provide technical support and assistance to the government to promote the establishment of legal and policy frameworks to counter trafficking  in persons;
  • Conduct research, data collection, and analysis on trafficking in persons and/or protection concerns in Libya;
  • Raise awareness of migrants and host families on available services as well as access to Complain and Feedback Mechanisms (CFM), and conduct focus group discussions with community members to ensure programming decisions consider the voices of all including women and girls, children, persons with disabilities, elderly;
  • Integrate community-based protection programming to improve access to communities, promote community ownership and strengthen existing capacities within vulnerable groups;
  • In line with its Protection Mainstreaming guidance and Framework for Addressing GBV in Crises (GBViC Framework), integrate measures to ensure that the principles of Do No Harm, safety, equal access and non-discrimination guide any activity and are adhered to throughout all interventions.
  • Following the onset of armed clashes in Sudan in mid-April, IOM stands ready to support with Protection measures related to cross-border movements. 

As part of the Storm Daniel Emergency Response,

  • In coordination with humanitarian partners, conduct rapid protection assessments to better understand the contextualized risks faced by flood-affected populations, which will be used to tailor the protection response. Provide referral as well as case management services to vulnerable or at-risk individuals by supporting family tracing, reunification, and services for unaccompanied and separated children.
Funding required
Funding confirmed
Last updated: 12 Jan 2024
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Provision of water, sanitation and hygiene in emergencies

IOM will provide urgently needed water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) assistance to populations affected by violence, conflict and disaster displacement alongside other vulnerable populations in Libya including detained or stranded migrants and refugees in detention centres and urban areas. Interventions will be conducted in a gender-sensitive manner in line with IOM's Gender Policy as well as the Accountability to Affected Populations Framework (AAP) and the UN Principles Framework on interventions in detention centres. Specifically, IOM will:

  • Provide essential WASH items, and hygiene kits inclusive of Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) items to Libyans who have been affected by clashes and displacement and to non-Libyans, including migrants and refugees in detention centres;
  • Implement hygiene promotion sessions on improved hygiene practices, inclusive of awareness-raising activities on COVID-19;
  • Facilitate basic WASH rehabilitation to ensure life-saving assistance can be provided, such as access to drinking water, sanitation, washing area and ventilation;
  • Conduct fumigations, disinfections and thorough cleaning interventions in detention centres, to prevent and mitigate the outbreak of COVID-19 and other contagious diseases.

As part of the Storm Daniel Emergency Response,

  •  Provide emergency water supply to cover the temporary interruption of WASH services due to the floods. 
  •  Conduct rapid needs assessments in targeted locations to identify WASH infrastructure gaps and risks, as well as knowledge, attitudes and practices of communities.
  •  Based on the needs assessment, deliver sustainable, safe water and sanitation services to the affected population through emergency water and sanitation infrastructure rehabilitation in coordination with the local authorities. In consultation with the WASH sector and partners, distribute hygiene kits, including menstrual hygiene management items (MHM) and household water purification items, and deliver hygiene promotion and awareness campaigns with a focus on flood-related public health risks.
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Shelter and settlements

IOM will provide lifesaving core relief items to affected populations with a particular focus on the most vulnerable individuals and families in the aftermath of disasters and displacements as well as to vulnerable migrants in detention centres and urban settings. In 2023, IOM will:

  • Consult community representatives and local partners to identify the critical needs and needs of vulnerable groups in addition to carrying out targetted needs assessments to verify priorities;
  • Distribute NFIs and hygiene kits to migrants and new IDPs. The kits will be gender-sensitive to ensure the needs of vulnerable groups are accounted for;
  • Support returnees and migrants with the rehabilitation of damaged houses through the provision of in-kind assistance; female- children- and elderly- headed households will be prioritized in the response to ensure increased protection;
  • Consult with communities and local authorities to collectively agree on places and times of distributions to ensure safety, security and accessibility;
  • Ensure safe and confidential complaints and response mechanisms are in place to respond to any reported incidents of intimidation, violence and sexual exploitation;
  • Conduct post-distribution monitoring to gauge beneficiary satisfaction, appropriateness and usefulness of supplies provided.
  • Following the onset of armed clashes in Sudan in mid-April, IOM stands ready to support with the provision of NFIs in relation to the cross-border movements. 

 As part of the Storm Daniel Emergency Response,

  • Provide flood-affected populations with access to safe and dignified shelter and settlements assistance in host communities and displacement settings. This includes shelter materials and comprehensive packages of essential household items and items to meet specific needs such as dignity kits. For those with seriously damaged or destroyed homes who have been forced to relocate, IOM will also provide emergency and transitional shelter solutions. 
  • Work to ensure that crisis-affected households are protected and live in dignity in secure settlements that facilitate access to community/public services, infrastructure, and facilities, and support social cohesion, economic, and environmental quality of life as a community. Interventions at settlement level will be coordinated with other IOM technical sectors and relevant partners and stakeholders.
Funding required
Funding confirmed
Last updated: 12 Jan 2024
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Humanitarian border management and services for citizens abroad

Under Humanitarian Border Management, IOM will carry out the following activities:

  • Work with government and border agencies in identifying challenges in managing migration at borders, providing technical advice as needed and more tailored review of immigration policies and obligations when requested by authorities.
  • At the request of the government, conduct HBM assessments of border crossing points to determine readiness to handle high-volume movements and/or migrant populations with varied or complex immigration status’.
  • Support government counterparts and border agencies in developing training programmes on human rights, migration management, protection, data management, and best practices in alternatives to detention (ATDs).
  • Support law enforcement agencies in developing their counter-smuggling practices in line with international human rights standards and good practices
  • Support authorities in developing protection-oriented border management Training of Trainers (ToT) modules to be used in their in-house training programs, enhancing the sustainability of future actions.
  • Work with immigration authorities to explore options and criteria for temporary protection status, reflection periods, temporary or longer-term stay, and/or options for regularization.

Libya’s unstable political and security situation and a general lack of the rule of law in most border areas, particularly those along the southern borders, pose significant threats to migrants entering and transiting the country along the Central Mediterranean migration route. In response, IOM will:

  • Strengthen the capacity of all concerned authorities to further strengthen identity management through the rollout of improved border management information systems and other biometric solutions;
  • Promote regional cooperation by supporting policies development and enhanced information sharing mechanisms with neighboring countries and beyond.

Moreover, in order to support migrants’ access to consular services including facilitation of issuance of travel documents and other official documentation, and provision of enhanced consular assistance for those wishing to voluntarily return to their countries of origin IOM plans to:

  • Enhance the capacity of consular officials in providing timely and effectively consular services to their nationals including to those in detention centres, urban locations or virtually through online consular sessions;
  • Provide support to the delivery of consular services by governments without diplomatic missions in Libya through addressing identified bottlenecks to the issuance of travel documents and tailored support to their nationals.
  • Provide support to migrants on issuance and verification of documentation.
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Multi-sectoral support

Includes funding which supports multi-sectoral interventions or cannot be attributed to a specific activity area.
Funding confirmed
Last updated: 12 Jan 2024
Vaccinations and medical check ups © IOM 2022
Vaccinations and medical check ups © IOM 2022

Objective 2 - Driving solutions to displacement
Driving solutions to displacement

Funding required
People Targeted
Entities Targeted
Internally displaced person, International migrant, Local population / community
Primary target groups
Description of People and Entities Targeted

The displacement of Libyans and the presence of migrants has compounded political, social and economic challenges facing local communities. Competition over resources and the deteriorating local economy have proven conducive to irregular migration activities, further heightening community-level discord. Under the pressure of this instability, pre-existing tensions between people divided by tribe, race and ethnicity have become increasingly challenging, making the tasks of local governance and fair allocation of government resources ever more difficult.

IOM Libya’s programmes will benefit communities where there is potential for conflict, including inter-tribal conflicts between Libyans, or between migrant populations and host communities. IOM supports a whole of community approach to strengthen social cohesion and reduce points of tension.

IOM Libya will also work closely with CSOs, NGOs, local and national authorities, and training centres, among others, under this objective.

Funding confirmed 17%
83% Funding gap

Health system strengthening

IOM supports strengthening the Libyan health system through targeted and need-based assistance including required equipment, medicines and supplies to selected health facilities and building the capacity of public health professionals, which is vital to address the critical challenges in the national health system that are both structural and systemic. To this end, IOM will:

  • Improve access to life-saving and essential primary health care services through the provision of medical equipment and supplies to targeted primary and secondary health facilities that provide services to vulnerable migrants, IDPs, returnees and host communities;
  • Organize capacity-building activities for health care workers on the complete package of primary health care, including case management of communicable diseases and specialized emergency medical services through the deployment of emergency medical teams;
  • Support to the National Center for Disease Control to provide COVID-19 vaccinations to migrants in a fair and equitable manner and provide potential support such as cold-chain equipment, etc.;
  • Support COVID-19 vaccination through microplanning, the provision of data on migrants (essential to develop vaccination plans), implementation of Risk Communication and Community Engagement campaigns, and training of health care professionals on vaccination;
  • Facilitate coordination of partners' activities (e.g. capacity building, service provision, referral mechanisms) in order to avoid duplication and promote complementarity and synergies, as co-chair of the Migration Health Sub-Working Group (MH-SWG), in collaboration with the Ministry of Health (MOH).
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Community stabilization

IOM’s community stabilization programme seeks to assist in re-establishing stability and security, restoring trust among community members, addressing potential sources of tensions between host and mobile communities, vulnerable populations and local authorities, and laying the foundations for durable solutions, lasting peace and sustainable development. To this end, IOM will: 

  • Support the restoration of basic services through support to authorities' delivery of critical infrastructure and basic services prioritized through consultative community processes, including through the rehabilitation of, inter alia, schools, clinics, water wells, and playgrounds, as well as the provision of equipment.
  • Promote social cohesion through capacity building of civil society organizations on how to plan and manage community-based projects that are in support of inter and intra-community cohesion, and the consequent provision of small grants to facilitate the implementation of such projects. IOM will strive to engage specifically with women-led organizations to promote women’s and girls’ voices and participation.
  • Enhance economic recovery via livelihood opportunities for IDPs, returnees, migrants and host communities through the delivery of coaching sessions and in-kind grants to support micro-entrepreneurs in setting up or expanding small businesses and to increase employability.
  • Improve training curricula of vocational training centres to upskill youth (both migrants and host community members) as well as facilitate access to employment opportunities.
  • Carry out conflict analysis and conflict sensitivity assessments to guide programmatic interventions.
  • Capture data on needed skills and profiling qualifications among Libyan and migrant youth for better labour matching.
  • Provide skills enhancement services and livelihood grants to support socioeconomic recovery and enhance grassroot capacity building. 

As part of the Storm Daniel Emergency Response,

  • With partners, assess immediate livelihood needs and provide emergency support for economic recovery in flood-affected areas.
  • Complement local and international efforts of livelihood diversification and agricultural revival efforts to assist farmers and small businesses in resuming their activities. By prioritizing economic recovery, these measures will help individuals regain self-sufficiency and contribute to the overall resilience of flood-affected areas.

To facilitate post floods recovery and rebuilding of the social structure, IOM will also implement Community Based Planning (CBP) in areas impacted by the floods and mass displacement. Activities implemented will be organized in two main interconnected pillars:

1. Community Improvement Projects (CIPs) aimed to repair or replace damaged water infrastructure and restore access to clean water sources

and sanitation facilities. Based on consultations and assessment with local stakeholders CIPs could also undertake the repair and rehabilitation of critical infrastructure, including schools, healthcare facilities, and public utilities. Resilient design principles will be included in the rehabilitation process to reduce the risk of future damage.

 2. Early recovery initiatives at the community level aimed to enhance capacity of affected communities to cope with the crisis and targeting vulnerable groups such as women, migrants, IDPs, and persons with disabilities with the support strengthen capacities of local actors such as association and civil society organizations.


Funding required
Funding confirmed
Last updated: 12 Jan 2024
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Durable solutions

The trend of return of IDPs to their places of origin and the resulting decrease in the number of people displaced observed since the mid-2020 ceasefire continues - 705,098 returnees have been identified in Libya as of October 2022, while 131,247 IDPs were also identified as still displaced by the end of October 2022. This accounts for a 69 per cent reduction in the number of people internally displaced in Libya since the peak displacement observed in June 2020 (when 425,714  IDPs were reported). Since mid-2020 IDPs have spontaneously returned to their places of origin because of the cessation of hostilities and improved security situation, indicating that a majority of those previously displaced have made progress along solutions pathways while those facing challenges related to damaged houses and infrastructure amongst other reasons preventing their return remain displaced, while several IDPs are also understood to have locally integrated.   

IOM works across the humanitarian-development-peace nexus to meet immediate needs while considering longer-term stabilization and socio-economic integration outcomes. In line with the SG Action Agenda on Internal Displacement, IOM will carry out the following activities, aiming to support sustainable solutions to displacement in Libya:

  • DATA FOR SOLUTIONS TO INTERNAL DISPLACEMENT (DSID): IOM as co-chairs of Data Analysis and Assessment Working Group and convenor of a Libya level DSID taskforce will continue to provide data, analysis and reporting on internal displacement and solutions to displacement. Beyond IOM's provision of data, analysis and reporting, IOM will also implement activities aimed at building the capacity of national actors (such as the Libyan Bureau of Statistics and Census and Ministry of Displacement and Human Rights) on displacement and durable solutions data.
  • SKILLS DEVELOPMENT AND LIVELIHOOD SUPPORT: contribute to grassroots capacity development, supporting locally led livelihood initiatives and social cohesion activities, which in turn have a positive impact on migrant community engagement and integration in communities. To do so IOM partners with Libyan civil society organizations (CSOs) to provide training in livelihood-generating activities.
  • FACILITATION OF BILATERAL LABOUR AGREEMENTS: work closely with the Ministry of Labour and Rehabilitation (MoL) through strategic policy engagement to strengthen channels for regular migration and create an enabling environment where migrants can contribute to the development of the Libyan economy and society. 
  • MAINSTREAMING LABOUR MIGRATION MANAGEMENT INTO GOVERNANCE: To raise awareness on the rights of migrant workers and to ensure labour migration management is mainstreamed in governance at all levels, IOM supports the capacity enhancement of national and local authorities and municipalities and CSOs in Libya on migration management and workers’ rights. To streamline these efforts and to ensure they collectively contribute toward effective labour migration management, IOM also supports the Libyan government in developing a coherent policy on labour migration

At the same time, protection activities will place the rights and well-being of migrants, including IDPs, and affected communities at the center of its operations to ensure the protection of migrants across the full spectrum of migration management and governance.

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Last updated: 12 Jan 2024
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Provision of water, sanitation and hygiene in transitional and post-crisis situations

With regard to the provision of water, sanitation and hygiene in transitional and post-crisis situations, IOM Libya will provide the following activities:

  • Drilling of new water wells, rehabilitation of existing wells, and the provision of water pumps and generators;
  • Improve the situation of WASH facilities in schools by constructing new sanitary blocks or rehabilitating existing ones;
  • Support the General Wastewater company (government entity) through the provision of submersible wastewater pumps and equipment to improve their services to all communities;
  • Organize awareness events on water conservation, especially on international Water Days.
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Strengthen preparedness and reduce disaster risk

Funding required
People Targeted
Entities Targeted
Internally displaced person, International migrant, Local population / community
Primary target groups
Description of People and Entities Targeted

Target beneficiaries are internally displaced populations in resettlement and relocation sites, areas at risk and host communities affected by crises. The interventions strongly focus on communities at risk of displacement due to disasters or insecurity and will strongly involve community engagement to ensure people that may face particular risks of experiencing harm following a disaster, such as persons with disabilities, the elderly, and women and girls are reached and included in the response.

IOM will also support Libyan national entities and municipalities in enhancing their capacity to prevent, prepare for and manage crises, pandemics and natural hazards and plan emergency response in such events. 

Funding confirmed 44%
56% Funding gap

Health components of preparedness and risk reduction

The unsafe and complex journeys undertaken by migrants reaching Libya and beyond, expose them, as well as host communities, to multiple health risks and vulnerabilities which are augmented when migrants are detained, while intercepted/rescued at sea or captured from communities. To enhance health preparedness and infection prevention, IOM will:

  • Continue to contribute to the government of Libya and national health partners’ preparedness and response efforts for COVID-19, including at Points of Entry, to reduce associated morbidity and mortality. The contribution will include support to the implementation of Standard Operating Procedures for POEs to continue monitoring disease transmission and prevent possible pandemics;
  • Continue to support risk communication and community engagement targeting COVID-19 and other infectious diseases;
  • Strengthen disease surveillance and event-based surveillance to improve early detection, and strengthen the COVID-19 contact tracing mechanism for migrants, returnees, IDPs and the host population;
  • Continue to support the District Health Information System  (DHIS 2) and extend support to other primary health care centres (PHCs) and hospitals.
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System strengthening for mental health and psychosocial support

In Libya, MHPSS needs are chronically neglected due to longstanding challenges that include the shortage of qualified specialists, weak community-based and specialized services, lack of mental health facilities and psychosocial support centres, lack of support to existing facilities, and social stigma towards people with mental health disorders. IOM has reactivated the MHPSS Technical Working Group (TWG) in close coordination with the Ministry of Health since August 2020, co-chaired the MHPSS TWG from August 2020 till December 2022 and plans to continue supporting the national MHPSS coordination efforts under the leadership of the Ministry of Health. In 2023, IOM will:

  • Build the capacity of Libyan practitioners and MHPSS actors on MHPSS interventions in migration, emergency, displacement and pandemic settings, as well as on the provision of basic and advanced counselling skills, the use of Psychological First Aid (PFA) and IASC MHPSS resources on COVID-19 Pandemic response;
  • Continue to support and enhance national coordination mechanisms including through supporting national efforts for service mapping, referrals, data collection, joint studies and assessments;
  • Provide technical support and guidance to national counterparts and strengthen referral pathways and advocacy on MHPSS issues.
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Disaster prevention

IOM Libya's work on disaster risk reduction (DRR) will contribute towards the implementation of the Sendai Framework for DRR 2015-2030. IOM’s DRR programmes will integrate mobility-based strategies in efforts to reduce disaster risk and strengthen resilience. Paying particular attention to at-risk communities, migrants, including returnees, displaced populations, and other vulnerable mobile groups, this programming aims to prevent or reduce displacement through support for prevention and mitigation, risk governance and information. Activities will include:

  • Conducting multi-hazard risk assessments in locations prone to be affected by disaster, map potential evacuation sites, access to services and physical access constraints.
  • Investing in data collection to identify risks in all of its dimensions in communities at risk, vulnerability of the communities, and the environment, in close coordination with DTM Programme team.
  • Providing trainings on DRR in line with Migrant in Countries in Crisis (MICIC) Guidelines and other internationally recognized standards, including on Guidelines to Protect Migrants in Countries Experiencing Conflict or Natural Disaster, to crisis-affected communities as part of CCCM and evacuation, shelter response and recovery programmes, mainstreaming protection principles and durable solutions.
  • Conducting advocacy work for policies and research related to climate change adaptation in Libya.
  • Conducting consultations with communities vulnerable to climate risk to develop community action plans that identify localized climate adaptation strategies, and providing technical assistance to implement these plans. Supporting the draft, review and update of local policies on disaster risk reduction/management and local climate change adaptation planning and strengthening the implementation capacity of local actors through the provision of training, equipment and tools.
  • Conducting research and actions related to Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) and contributing to the generation of relevant science-based evidence and utilization of local knowledge to inform the government’s policies and programmes, and multi-sectoral programmes (i.e. food security-WASH-climate change, DTM-community stabilization) with other development partners including UN agencies and CSO partners.
  • Supporting at-risk communities and individuals to mainstream climate-smart, sustainable green livelihood strategies, including through the set-up of community-based climate risk monitoring and early warning systems.
  • Facilitate community-based disaster risk management processes and the development of community-based disaster management plans to enable communities to be better prepared to deal and cope with disasters. Communities will be trained on the development of community action plans to determine community resilience-building needs. 

 As part of the Storm Daniel Emergency Response,

  • IOM will continue its ongoing efforts, improve the knowledge and build the skills of authorities and national stakeholders on climate-related disaster risk management, through capacity building activities on disaster risk management.
  • In coordination with the national meteorological center, IOM will seek to establish Community Early Warning Systems in Derna, Al Bayda and Al Amkhaily. These systems will be inclusive, engaging migrants, and tailored to communities' needs, ensuring end-to-end early warning, connecting with the National Meteorology Centre and local hubs, and accounting for different linguistic groups to ensure timely access to understandable and actionable early warning messages.


Funding required
Plan types

Emergency preparedness - rename

In Libya the trend of return of IDPs to their places of origin and the resulting decrease in the number of people displaced observed since the mid-2020 ceasefire continues. However, due to Libya’s unstable political and security situation and the volume of migrants present and transiting through the country, IOM will invest in knowledge and capacities to effectively anticipate, respond to, and recover from the impacts of likely, imminent, or current disasters. This will be done through:

Pre-positioning of NFI and food kits; continuous monitoring of migration flows and migrants/IDP’s needs, as well as training and equipment for local responders.

Funding required
Funding confirmed
Last updated: 12 Jan 2024
Plan types
Funding confirmed
Funding gap

Contribute to an evidence-based and efficient crisis response system

Funding required
At risk communities
People Targeted
Entities Targeted
Internally displaced person, International migrant, Local population / community
Primary target groups
Description of People and Entities Targeted

IOM programmes as well as humanitarian, development and peacebuilding actors in Libya will benefit from an enhanced evidence base for their response. Indirect targets will be the individuals IOM supports through activities and programmes that are better tailored to the needs of affected populations.





Funding confirmed 24%
76% Funding gap

Displacement tracking - rename

Through DTM, IOM has been providing to all humanitarian, development and peace actors a common operating picture concerning the movement of IDPs, returnees and migrants in Libya since 2016, allowing crisis response actors to provide timely assistance to those in need and guiding strategic planning and response as the primary source of data for Humanitarian Needs Overview (HNO). IOM works in coordination with Libyan counterparts including the Bureau of Statistics, the Ministry of Displacement, and the National Centre for Disease Control (NCDC). To this end, IOM plans to conduct:

  • Flow Monitoring: collect information on the volume of migrants and their basic characteristics across key transit points during observation hours to understand migration flows;
  • Migrant Surveys: Conduct in person face to face interviews with migrants to better understand their migration aspirations, intentions, and histories, their humanitarian needs and vulnerabilities to inform humanitarian action and migration management programming;
  • Mobility Tracking: Capture sex and age disaggregated data and identify vulnerable groups in all 100 Libyan municipalities on an eight-week cycle on all IDPs, returnees and migrants to identify their current locations and identify priority humanitarian needs via Key Informant Interviews conducted at regional (admin 2: mantika), and municipality (admin 3: baladiya) levels;
  • Detention Center Profiling: Provide snapshots of detention centres under the management of Libya’s DCIM;
  • Emergency Event Tracking: Conduct rapid displacement assessments to provide baseline information within 72 hours of an incident;
  • Conduct thematic assessments and multi-sectoral needs assessments focusing on priority needs amongst migrants and IDPs;
  • Conduct intention surveys and returnee assessments to determine pathways to durable solutions for displaced populations;
  • Implement the Solutions and Mobility Index (SMI) to generate evidence on access to durable solutions, quality of returns and drivers of fragility at the community level, as well as to cover aspects of mobility and migration related to climate change and disaster-related drivers; 
  • Build the information management capacity of Libyan line ministries;
  • Conduct in-depth thematic assessments and research studies on various topics of interest such as remittances, labour migration and circular migration, amongst other thematic areas.
  • Support and strengthen IOM Libya's Accountability to Affected Populations (AAP) by leveraging information exchange with communities and people affected.
  • Following the onset of armed clashes in Sudan in mid-April, IOM Libya activated its emergency tracking and flow monitoring activities and stands ready to support with relevant assistance. 

    IOM programmes as well as humanitarian, development and peacebuilding actors in Libya will benefit from an enhanced evidence base for their response. Indirect targets will be the individuals IOM supports through activities and programmes that are better tailored to the needs of affected populations.

As part of the Storm Daniel Emergency Response,

  • Following the floods, IOM is undertaking damage assessment mapping, in collaboration with partners, including the private sector.
  • Rapid Needs Assessments are also being conducted in flood-affected areas through key informant interviews and household sampled surveys to identify affected populations and their immediate needs.
  • IOM will also be processing and analyzing flood-related data to draft reports tailored for responders and broader dissemination.


Funding required
Funding confirmed
Last updated: 12 Jan 2024
Plan types
Funding confirmed
Funding gap

Support services for response actors - rename


As part of the Storm Daniel Emergency Response, and in support of the proposed interventions, to enhance the logistics capacity of IOM and partners, IOM is working in coordination with other actors to: Scale up its logistics hubs in Benghazi and Derna, for transportation of goods and warehousing. The Benghazi hub will allow for transport of goods from Tripoli or abroad, by sea, air or road. Trucks will be available for transfer to Derna and other affected areas. Transportation and warehousing services will be provided to other humanitarian partners as well, and is particularly essential for the proposed SAR, WASH, Shelter and Settlements, and Health interventions responding to the floods.

Funding required
Plan types
Operational presence in


National staff and affiliated work force
IOM field office

The map used here is for illustration purposes only. Names and boundaries do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by IOM.

Figures are as of 31 December 2023. For more details of IOM's operational capacity in country, please see the IOM Capacity section.

With thanks to our current donors