IOM Vision
IOM, in coordination with humanitarian and development partners, seeks to support the people of Myanmar through the provision of essential and life-saving multi-sectoral assistance to crisis-affected populations, while building local capacities for response and recovery. Recognizing the complex mobility dynamics and cross-border implications of the crisis, IOM aims to provide data and analysis on mobility and needs to the wider humanitarian community and will continue to coordinate to ensure that preparedness actions and targeted response capacities are in place and strengthened.
Saving lives and protecting people on the move
IOM’s humanitarian assistance will target internally displaced persons (IDPs), including protracted IDPs and those newly displaced, as well as those re-displaced, in all settings (camps, camp-like settings, informal sites in host communities and other out-of-camp displacement sites). Furthermore, assistance will be provided to returnees, resettled and integrated IDPs, as well as other crisis-affected people with humanitarian needs, such as those affected by disasters, including cyclone Mocha, host communities, people living in conflict areas with limited access to basic services, people with severe protection needs, including victims of trafficking and the most vulnerable migrants. Vulnerable migrants in this context will include those who have experienced exploitation, trafficking or abuse as part of their migration; those who have been forced to return home, especially to conflict-affected locations, without prior planning, due to COVID-related restrictions, job losses, as well as conflict; as well as individuals who may adopt unsafe migration as a coping strategy to escape the many hardships resulting from the current crisis, including many displaced populations. IOM will also upscale partnerships with a range of non-governmental actors, including CSOs and community-based actors, and will provide training/technical assistance as well as material support to strengthen local response capacities. |
IOM Myanmar, in close coordination with the Food Security Cluster - to which multi-purpose cash assistance in Myanmar is reported - and the cash working group, will assist IDPs and vulnerable communities affected by conflict or disasters, including cyclone Mocha, with targeted and tailored food, emergency livelihoods and/or cash assistance based on identified needs. This will include:
IOM Myanmar will support safe living conditions for displaced populations through participatory site planning, environmentally conscious construction and site maintenance initiatives as well as camp coordination and camp management support to local actors. This will include:
IOM will work with site focal points and volunteers to ensure maintenance, as relevant, and work in coordination with the shelter/NFI/CCCM cluster to ensure complementary approaches, as well as adherence to cluster-led prioritization initiatives. |
IOM Myanmar, in close coordination with the national and sub-national health clusters, the Risk Communication and Community Engagement sub-working group, and other relevant stakeholders, will provide direct healthcare services to populations affected by crises and disruptions to regular health services, through mobile clinics and support to static facilities, including in ethnic and hard-to-reach areas. This will include:
In line with IOM’s Manual on Community-Based Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergencies and Displacement, IOM Myanmar, in close coordination with relevant clusters and working groups, will support increased access to mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS), including through enhanced local capacity. This will include:
In support of relevant clusters and working groups, IOM will support enhanced access to survivor-centred protection services at the individual and community level and improved community-based protection mechanisms and coordination among service providers to ensure effective referrals and support to survivors, in line with the Institutional Framework for Addressing Gender-Based Violence in Crises; as well as mainstreaming trafficking response and prevention and integrating mine action into broader response activities. This will include:
Protection will be mainstreamed across all sectors and activities to ensure that IOM and partner teams are providing assistance and support while upholding protection principles and promoting meaningful access, accountability and safety in their programs. IOM and partner teams will also receive guidance on how to safely refer vulnerable individuals or families to Protection teams or other support services that they engage with in the course of their distributions or activities. |
IOM Myanmar, in close coordination with the shelter/NFI/CCCM cluster, cash working group and other relevant working groups, will provide life-saving emergency shelter/non-food items support, through both in-kind and cash-based approaches, to assist households affected by conflict and disaster, including Cyclone Mocha. This will include:
IOM Myanmar, in coordination with the WASH cluster, will support improved equitable access to regular and sufficient safe water for drinking and domestic use, increased availability of appropriate and accessible sanitation facilities and improved hygiene practices. This will include:
Driving solutions to displacement
Activities under this objective will target conflict-affected communities as well as internal and international migrants returning to communities of origin in crisis-affected areas, aspiring migrants and returnees with plans to re-migrate, migrant-sending/receiving households, migrants in vulnerable situations and IDPs. IOM will implement activities in close collaboration with community-based actors, CSOs and private sector partners to encourage local ownership and sustainability. |
IOM Myanmar aims to strengthen the cohesion, stability and resilience of conflict-affected communities by facilitating access to services, supporting basic community infrastructure, expanding livelihoods opportunities for migrants and migrant-sending communities in crisis-affected areas, and promoting safe migration practices. Activities will include:
In line with IOM’s Progressive Resolution to Displacement Situations Framework, IOM Myanmar plans to support displaced populations returning to their place of origin, settling elsewhere, or locally integrating in their place of displacement to re-establish their livelihoods and access services as well as to promote social cohesions in communities of return, resettlement or local integration. Activities will include:
Strengthen preparedness and reduce disaster risk
IOM will target a range of non-governmental actors, including CSOs, community-based actors, local volunteer groups, ethnic health organizations and other local organizations in border communities and migrant-dense areas, vulnerable mobility corridors and displacement sites. Migrants and mobile populations will be directly and indirectly supported through preparedness measures developed and strengthened under this objective. In addition to people and entities targeted directly, IOM expects to reach an additional 56,000 individuals and 30 entities indirectly.
To contribute to preparedness measures related to public health threats in communities, at borders and along vulnerable mobility corridors, IOM will assess ad hoc and local level arrangements implemented by CSO staff, volunteers and other actors to prepare for, identify and respond to public health risks, and to identify good practices and areas for further capacity building and support. Activities will include:
Contribute to an evidence-based and efficient crisis response system
IOM’s activities under this objective will target humanitarian, development and peace partner organizations, as well as other relevant actors, who will be provided with information on human mobility, living conditions, and related multi-sectoral needs, enabling them to have a better understanding of the displacement and mobility situation in the country and contributing to improved, evidence based response planning and implementation. Data will be shared taking into account risks associated with data collection and dissemination in the country
IOM will provide access to humanitarian services to crisis-affected individuals, including IDPs, host community members and returnees, through the disbursement of funding and capacity strengthening of local NGOs and CBOs, targeting 150,000 individuals directly and 100,000 indirectly.
IOM will support the wider humanitarian system by providing regular data on displacement, population mobility, and multi-sectoral needs at the community, regional and national levels. Community-level information on movements and intentions of IDPs, returnees and host communities, as well as internal and international migrants, including the drivers and triggers of mobility, will be made available to all humanitarian, development and peace partners, and other relevant actors, in line with data protection principles, to inform evidence-based planning and response. Activities will include:
IOM plans to support localization and improve access of humanitarian actors to populations in need by providing capacity building and financial support to local actors in Myanmar. Activities will include:
The map used here is for illustration purposes only. Names and boundaries do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by IOM.
Figures are as of November 2024. For more details of IOM's operational capacity in country, please see the IOM Capacity section.